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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Ouch... Sounds painful.
  2. Cory Wolfe


    So.. I'm odd. What's new?
  3. Does it really matter? Looks like ass either way.
  4. Honda bikes are about as good as they come.
  5. Cory Wolfe


    I *heart* longhorn cheese. It, along with wheat bread, makes a nice snack.
  6. Agreed. It looks accurate, though. Sort of sad considering it doesnt look all that great.
  7. Speaking of... Some kid is interesting in my Grand Am. Turns out he has one like it with a good engine, but an R-title body. His good engine with my good body would become one. I'm just wondering what to ask for it... $300 is probably the lowest I would go, but $500 was obviously too much when I tried to sell it previously. $400 might work.
  8. Happy birthday, manly dudes.
  9. Did you even click on the link? There is no camo. It's a test mule... It's a stretched S2000 body over the "NSX" platform and mechanicals. I swear... Some of you guys... *shakes head*
  10. Holy gawd.. it's a test mule... it's not supposed to be attractive.
  11. That's a Bangled ass if I ever saw one. I beginning to not like this new Vectra/Aura. It looks like its not going to be bad... but... it's just nowhere near great. It's like a Korean Altima with a Bangled ass.
  12. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and millions of people disagree. Personally, I think the new Silverado downgraded in the styling department.
  13. At the need of more entries... Here's my take at a possible HHR dressed up for a business.
  14. Cory Wolfe


    BV *hearts* Queen. I do... It's what I've been listening to for the past two weeks.
  15. Welcome. I am curious though... What does your screen name refer to? My first thought was Honda's Nighthawk motorcycle.
  16. The pictures. You can see how it really f@#ked my foglight up... It even cracked my bumper. Stupid raccoon. You can see hair and a bit of blood, though. Oddly enough, the light still works...
  17. Does Alfa Romeo count? Otherwise, they certainly have some intriguing vehicles. I always like Peugoets, as well, but I generally like vehicles from the brands that we do get, like BMW, Saab, VW, etc... as well european vehicles offered by non-european brands.
  18. I have to say.. I never saw what was so appealing about the Firepower. Its just... blah.
  19. "Devoured" did not mean to literally have eaten it. Anywho, yes, I hit a Raccoon and it definitely killed my foglight. I'll get a picture sometime.
  20. Why, you ask? Because one totally ran out in front of my Millenia tonight and totally devoured my right-side fog light, fog light bracket, and fog light surround. Totally not cool. The bastard.
  21. If I weren't so lazy, my sketch would have shading, too.
  22. Agreed. The Malibu's are cheap.
  23. I wouldn't exactly call it gorgeous, but it does look rather nice in white. I'm still not much of a fan of its styling. It should do well, though. Hey... Those "Celica-like" steering wheels were the only decent ones GM had until a few of the new 2008 models. I liked them, too.
  24. Eh... It looks alright, I suppose. Without camo it should look better.
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