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Cory Wolfe

In Hibernation
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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Well... The condoms I have are rated first, second, and third. Now... I wonder if they would still be that good after sitting in my car all through the summer and all through the winter.
  2. Generally, I say "I'm just looking" and they leave me alone. Sometimes, they'll talk to me... It's not the end of the world though.
  3. Us gay guys have special attractions to VWs... We can't help it.
  4. Har Har.
  5. Dealer hopping is fun... First, I found a car I rarely see, but are somewhat popular on C&G thanks in part to a certain Admin. Second, I came across a car that I absolutely fell in love with. Course... That happens every week or so, but regardless, I did. Yes, a first gen Aurora. I always see second gen Auroras, but rarely a first. Sadly, this one was the first I was able to actually sit in. I must say... It's not as roomy and comfortable as Fly made me believe. It has slighty more room inside than my Millenia. The big advantage being width. As well, the seats seemed small and I'm a small guy. This is the first time I've ever felt the need to actually adjust the headrest so it wasn't protruding into my back. Otherwise, as I've mentioned before, I love these Auroras. This particular one was sort of falling apart... has 190k miles and must have been abused. T'is a 1995 VW Golf GTI VR6 with a 5spd. BV likes. Its such a small, cute car... That's has a sinister side to it.
  6. If you have to rely on a deal to sell a car.......Anyways, no, the Sebring certainly does look as bad as the Camry, Sonata, or Optima. In fact, it looks much worse. I'm sorry, but Chrysler completely blew it on the styling of this vehicle. It looks pathetic no matter how you slice it. Add in its horribly cheap interior and you have quite a gem. As far as what I'd pick... Any number of slightly used midsizers will be a much better car without the retina damaging styling.
  7. Yes... They're so ugly, they have to price a $20k car at $14k to sell it. Congrats, but I'm still shaking my head. I guess at $14k, it's admittedly not too bad of a car, though.
  8. That's awesome.
  9. Yes, actually. I watch the show, but come on... Who cares what you think about how the show should have went. Blake lost, it doesn't matter whether he was 2nd or 4th.
  10. Happy birthday, Sir. I was going to get you something for your 5er, but I couldn't afford anything... Damn BMW.
  11. Scary, but intriguing.
  12. Congrats... but... *shakes head*
  13. No, no, my dog is gay. He doesnt like female dogs. But male dogs...
  14. If I were to win... I'd just sell it, anyways.
  15. I don't have to worry about that... My dog Harley is undeniably gay. He is. Odd, isn't it? When he gets loose, he does like to run about, though. One night, it took forever for me to find him and catch him... and he got sprayed by a skunk. Oh, what a pleasant time. That was months ago and he still smells. Luckilly, the house only smelled for a few weeks. Rascal, on the other hand, seems to be a good dog. Doesn't seem to be as mischievous as Harley, atleast outside of the house. He does have a habit of biting you when you try to correct him for going to bathroom in the house.
  16. One word: Tucker.
  17. You two are joking, right? The Sebring's interior... Nice? Anyways, sounds like wild day. Hopefully you're dad will get that Eldorado instead of an Avenger.
  18. You could always go used...?
  19. My unattainable dream cars are mostly concept vehicles... which are literally unattainable.
  20. Cory Wolfe


    Oh my... Haha... Definitely said breathing. Breeding... that could work as well, though.
  21. I would have to say other, as none of those choices really fits me. I will probably still be buying used, since I find new cars to be highly overrated.
  22. Cory Wolfe


    BV has had chest hair for years. Well... These pics are deceiving because I recently went wild with the clippers... I needed better summer breathing.
  23. Sorry to hear that... Fly and Delta have good advice.
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