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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Agree with some things... Disagree with others... As far as depth of sound and such, What do you listen to this music with? 5 watt cell-phone speakers? Putting 80's hard rock/metal versus 00's hard rock/metal... is generally no comparison (granted, much of the stuff like Nickelback, Emo bands, "Punk" bands, etc. is pathetic). Listening to Metallica's Black Album right after SOAD's Toxicity/STA! is like taking the equalizer and flipping it to the opposite.
  2. The ugliness and cheapness ruin it for me.
  3. Yes... Hard rock is awesome.
  4. Irregular colors... like pastels, "mists", odd shades, etc. I also can't stand beige cars. As for my likes.. I like bold, darker colors. Black, blue, yellow, red, green, etc. White, I can stand in some cases, same with silver.
  5. Cory Wolfe


    Well... That could be... if that wasn't my driveway and the chances of one walking by that isn't my brother... very, very slim.
  6. Cory Wolfe


    Oh joy... more pics from the pic whore! And yes... those are slightly out of focus. Damn auto-focus camera is a pain in my ass.
  7. I thought the review was humorously harsh, but hey... The Aura is a half assed hybrid in the first place.
  8. It's a mule... Nothing about it is indicative of production, so for you to say it will look slab sided is completely retarded.
  9. Congrats... I suppose.
  10. There's atleast a third... This one isn't available in stores, I think GM sends it out. That's the one I always read. Have almost every issue back through 2001. The last issue I got, it was called "Pontiac Performance".
  11. Interestingly odd, but this certainly does not belong in the Chevy section.
  12. I would argue that Mear's win is different than any of Gordon's or Johnson's. He has struggled all year and is 29th in points. For him to win, I don't think you could say it's "just" another Hendrick win. The team overcame so much with that win. Know what I mean?
  13. It's cheap, all of it, that's the problem. Most of the interior is decked in hard plastics. It does have soft plastics on "oval" that covers the upper dash. While soft plastics are better than hard plastics, but that doesn't mean they can't be cheap, hard to the touch, and poorly grained. Case in point... My Grand Am has soft plastics on the dash, but its the definition of cheap. The Sebring is no exception. Plus, its a Chrysler. It shouldn't cheap at all. When bottom of the barrel compacts have nicer interiors than a Chrysler... Something isn't right. Sad, but true.
  14. Again... The past is the past. GM and Opel don't exactly have a clean past either.
  15. That matters because...? What's in the past is in the past.
  16. *shrugs* My theory is that guys are like VWs. Sensibly packaged, efficient, stylish exterior, great interior... yet rarely reliable.
  17. No, but I do read another Pontiac only magazine that is sent out seasonally. Forget what it's called. I haven't gotten an issue in a while.
  18. I didn't say a thing about how it was built. The quality of materials... Yes. They're cheap, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
  19. Probably... I bought more than I could possibly use, not to mention the ones my Mom got me.
  20. Hmm... Heh... CSpec... Will you be taking beach pictures? Seriously, though. Have a great time. Sounds like a fun vacation.
  21. Raven said it was a new BMW. That means a Bangled BMW. Not exactly the most attractive BMWs there ever was, you know...
  22. I don't care... I would still drive one.
  23. I'm gay, therefore I have an excuse for liking certain vehicles. As for the Sebring, it's not a styling failure inside, just a quality failure. My comments reside on the exterior. And no, its not a matter of different taste. If that were the case, you are no longer able to diss any ricer to ever exist, since, you know... They just have "different" tastes.
  24. Reminds me of vintage '90s Pontiacs that lost their coloring. I can't help but like it.
  25. Don't give me any attitude... Smallchevy asked me a question and I answered. Simple. I can't help it that it happened to be in your thread and happened to seriously diss the car your mom just got. As for the comment about my Millenia, well, that explain why you like the Sebring, then. People with poor taste in cars... such a pity.
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