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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. War in Iraq = Unjustified. Don't start with that BS. As for gay rights. Look at Europe, look at Canada, look at Massachussetts. It'll happen, it's just a matter of time. What you said could be said about the rights of other races... or the rights of women. Society changes and things people thought would never happen, happened. If you don't believe it does, you're living in a bubble and need to get out and open your eyes. I repeat... Europe is not run by Hitler anymore. Japan isn't still fighting WWII. America abolished slavery, gave rights to other races and women. I could go on and on. Again, I say, the past is the past. If you're going to continue to stay stagnant on the past... Your views and opinions will soon enough become irrelevant and just some idiotic conspiracy theories that no one is going to pay attention to, like it or not.
  2. No one is saying we should forget anything. I'm simply saying its hypocritical to berate other companies/countries when our own "home team" isn't innocent in the least. If you are going to let these things effect your buying decisions, You might as well move to some small, powerless, inconsequential nation and only buy things made there. The US is not innocent. GM is not innocent. Ford is not innocent. If you're going to let VW's, Mitsubishi's, Nissan's, etc pasts prevent you from buying their vehicles, let's see you prevent yourself from buying Fords for Henry Fords racism, antisemitism... GMs for Opel's part in WWII for Germany and Hitler... Or anything American for past slavery, anti-feminism, the war in Iraq, many acts of harassment to homosexuals, etc. If anything is propaganda, its what you and PCS are spewing. The past is the past. Let's not forget it, but let's not run our lives by it. Germany isn't run by Hitler anymore, Japan ISN'T still fighting WWII, America abolished slavery, gave women rights, will soon enough pull out of Iraq once Bush is finally out of office and eventually will give us homosexuals the rights we deserve. THE PAST IS THE PAST. The longer you stay stagnant over the past, the more irrelevant your views become and border on conspiracy theories.
  3. I must say... The sedan is looking really good to me. *jots it down onto his "most wanted" list*
  4. Buy a van. It'll solve all your problems.
  5. Agreed. Agreed. And yet another "Agreed". It's retarded, hypocritical, and so many other things to berate a few companies because of their past, but completely ignore the past of the company you work for. Sad... Pathetic. Things that make me shake my head? That right there.
  6. She's simply pathetic... Doesn't matter.
  7. 1995 Mazda Millenia... 2.5L V6 with 170 hp. Not very powerful in the least. Considering it has to lug around 3200lbs and is still able to hit atleast 125 mph... That's not bad.
  8. I didn't get it at first because someone had to censor a non-dirty word. Dumbass.
  9. BLS - Not bad, but too odd. CTS - Love it. DTS - It's decent, I like it. Escalade triplets - Interior = Good, everything else = Not so good. SRX - It's not bad, but has odd lines. SLS - It's what the STS should be. STS - Blah... It's watered down. The G8 is more exciting. XLR - Are you guys nuts? It's beautiful!
  10. I hope they don't listen to you then... I love the current Murano. Best looking midsize crossover out there.
  11. Actually, it's not all that ugly. Two, I wanted one because I found one. I like the coupe alot more but could never find one. Yeah... No. Not at all. You're blind.
  12. Never even noticed this... Hmm... Wow, thanks for the votes. I didn't think I was going to win.
  13. On youre way back, feel free to stop into Brookville. As well, a reminder, the Laurel Festival starts on the 19th with the car show being on the 24th. Come, I demand you all.
  14. About 125 in my Millenia. Could have pushed it a little further, but I wanted to be safe. Otherwise, I've hit the governed speed of 105 in the Sunfire, about 95 in my Grand Am, and 90 in the POS Blazer.
  15. Being different just for the sake of being different is senseless and well... Look at it. It's ugly. It's okay... You like ugly cars... I understand.
  16. Don't roll your eyes at me, bitch.
  17. Its a sad day when a Chevy looks classier than a Chrysler.
  18. Cory Wolfe


    If you can actually find my house... Feel free. Bitch please... He can flirt wherever he wants to.
  19. Saw a Chrysler TC the other day. First time I've noticed one.
  20. Cory Wolfe


    The one in my yard.
  21. I simply disagree with this law. Any supporters should be spayed/neutered to see how they like it. It is not our right to impose something like this on another species. It's inhumane.
  22. It depends... When it comes to drawing, I'm completely right handed. Writing, I'm right hand biased. Most other tasks, I'm either ambidextrous or left handed... Like masturbation, as others mentioned.
  23. Deer, raccoons, squirrels, chipmunks, bunnies, birds... Hit them all. Damn bastards need to stay off the road!
  24. Congrats. Looks like a nice one.
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