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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Regardless, it still is. One designer penned the original one, and another copied his design. Plagiarism.
  2. From a design standpoint, it's a almost a near copy. It's completely unoriginal. Say what you want about BMW, but their designs have evolved over the years. None of them are direct copies nearly to the degree that the Challenger is. I don't care if it's a great design, it is, but it's a copy, it's plagiarism. If a Foreign manufacturer came out with a great design, but was a direct copy of something else, would you guys remark on how it's a great design? No, you would berate the fact that it's a copy. Why is this any different? Oh, because it's... Retro? American? Iconic? Either way, it's a double standard.
  3. Yes, it actually looks semi decent in that picture... But in person, I think it looks worse than it does in pictures.
  4. You lied to her! Now she's going to keep thinking those are Jaguars. She'll find one at a used car dealership for $2995 and think to herself "That's really cheap for a Jaguar.. Wait, these ignoramuses think it's a homely Buick!?" Out would come a salesman where she starts yelling at him, telling him its a Jaguar. He'll insist that it's a Buick and shows her the owner's manual where it clearly says Buick on it. This will outrage her and she will call Buick and bitch out their service department proclaiming how they are selling Jaguars as Buicks. She will even sue Buick for it for $6,789,820. In court she gets Pwned! and goes looking for the bastard that didn't correct her. Once she finds you, she'll spray paint Jaguar across the side of your Riviera... You shouldn't mess with bitches...
  5. No. I give Chrysler credit where I think they deserve it, but I call it as I see it. It's my opinion, everyone has one, don't belittle it.
  6. Agreed. Modern proportions? Other than it not being low like the original, it's nearly identical. Modern, my ass. They look like crap regardless.As far as how well they're doing... Dodge Avenger - 79% fleet Dodge Caliber - 45% fleet Chrysler Sebring - 63% fleet Jeep Compass - 14% fleet And for fun Chrysler PT Cruiser - 62% fleet Chrysler 300 - 44% fleet Dodge Charger - 56% fleet Dodge Magnum - 61% fleet I'll concede that the Compass is doing far better than I thought it would, but otherwise... Pretty pathetic.
  7. ^ The only thing I agree with, so far.
  8. Interesting.. It's... just interesting.
  9. Ouch. Sorry to hear that. As PCS said, you'll want pictures of the cement... Proof is always a good thing.
  10. "After everything is posted... I'll probably block my own photobucket account so I can read any replies without having to wait an hour for the pictures to load."And technically, my connection is more like 26k, sadly. If you do, I'll have to show you around. I know of some great secluded spots if you ever need to dispose of a body... or whatnot.
  11. Thanks... See what you all missed out on?
  12. Once... Just in the corner by the wheel. Not across the windshield, around the rear, initialed under the front, my sexuality shown above the hood, nor a self portrait on the door as well.
  13. Dee De Drew?
  14. Happy Birthday, Sir.
  15. I just prefer a clean look and badges are senseless clutter. I hate those shirts, too. My Millenia kept it simple with just "Millenia" and "Mazda on the trunk. I removed the "Mazda" so people can look at the eternal flame and try to figure out who the hell makes my car. What? It can be pretty entertaining. My Grand Am was the complete opposite. "Pontiac Grand Am" was spelled across the trunk, "Grand Am" was on the doors, "Pontiac" was on the grill, "Pontiac was spelled out on each wheel, "16 Valve" was on the fenders, "ABS" was on the trunk, and "GT" was on the b-pillar. Talk about excess.
  16. Not since I've bought it. I did find it... It's hidden way up under there. Couldn't pull any codes, though, my check engine light decided to go off when I started tinkering around.
  17. Obviously.. I was being sarcastic. I made sure to check all the vital fluids and other things before driving it, but I found nothing out of the ordinary and it seemed to be running fine. Either way, I didn't have much of a choice but to limp it home since I was literally in the middle of nowhere with no nearby houses and I had no service on my cell phone. Not to mention it was storming and I was bring food home. I certainly need to find out about the OBD setup. I'm going to do another lengthy search under the hood and beneath the dashboard for any plug ins.
  18. Where? The only ports/plug ins I know of are under the hood and they're certainly not OBDII. If I could find this supposed OBDII port, I could end this wild goose chase as we have an OBDII diagnostic reader. I can't find anything of the sort under the dash.
  19. Continued: The End. Enjoy... Those of you without dial up.
  20. Finally, the car show. There were about 60 cars total. Not alot compared to Carlisle, I'm sure. Only took pictures of the more interesting ones, which is still too many. My top 10:
  21. This will be an overload of pictures, I must warn you. After everything is posted... I'll probably block my own photobucket account so I can read any replies without having to wait an hour for the pictures to load. I even maxed out my Photobucket account uploading these pictures. Took an extra half hour deleting enough pictures. They say I can upload unlimited amounts of pictures, yet I'm limited to only 1000 files? Bitch, please... Deceiving bastards. First up, events that took place throughout the week. Only took pictures of what I could, I wasn't there every day. Includes the laurel pageant, performers, karaoke, rides, etc. The Food Court, where I definitely wasted about $30 throughout the week.
  22. Haha... My mom used to be in it. My aunt was for years. That's how she wrecked her Grand Am... She was coming home from a Quixtar party and was a bit tipsy, to say the least. It didn't seem like that bad of a program, honestly. You just had to really work at it to find success in it. My aunt did for a while. The products you could buy were of high quality, as well... My dad still says they had the best coffee you could buy.
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