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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. I, too, like asymmetrical dashes. All dashes are asymmetrical anyways... You know.. Both sides don't have steering wheels and gauge clusters, do they?
  2. Shouldn't it look like $2 million bucks if it's going to cost $2 million bucks?
  3. Ouch... The sales chart is horrendous.
  4. Cory Wolfe


  5. Happy 25th to !!!TED!!! and CadillacKing3, 44th to Camino LS6, and 35th to drew770. Happy birthday, guys.
  6. It's the only Chrysler badged car I like.
  7. Those are some huge driving lights.
  8. Cory Wolfe


    I decided to pose in front of my Milly. I'm intentionally not posting two since Chris thinks they're too.. provocative, I guess you could say. I had NOS's hood hump in mind.
  9. I decided some Queen was in order...
  10. Just because I'm not a biased tool....
  11. Nudity is our savior, not Jesus.
  12. Oh yeah... They love it so much that it's 64% fleeted.
  13. Yeah... T'was a lapse of thought, fixed it already.
  14. Your Equinox should easier tow one... As far as suggestions, I don't own one myself or know much about jet skis, but Sea-Doo is probably a maker to look at, as with Honda and Yamaha.
  15. Hence the "schizophrenic" part.
  16. On that note, I'll have to agree.
  17. Wait... I thought I read "performance sedan"... Opps. Um... Eclipse?
  18. An undercover one went through Brookville a week ago.
  19. There is only one car that is more of an exact copy, and that is the Ford GT, Axel mentioned. It's pretty damn close. And it's unoriginal, which was the main point. Or you're delusional. *nods*
  20. Haven't heard too many songs of theirs... but I'll stick to System of a Down.
  21. Hmmph.. It looks very good, but if I have to buy a new system to play it, forget it. I'm in no hurry to replace my PS2.
  22. Looks like I'm never traveling through Virginia.
  23. Haha... it's random, tiny, multicolored, schizophrenic squares.
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