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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. They don't have a menu for the G8, hence just the default picture. Not really a mistake, per se.
  2. I read the press release, I'm quite aware of all that's new. My point is that it looks dated. It would have been nice to have some cosmetic upgrades. What tells you that there is something new and exciting underneath the sheetmetal? Nothing. It's just another boring Cobalt upon looking at it.
  3. Well, that's decidedly boring. I was hoping for more than just a new engine, wheels, and wing.
  4. Would anyone believe me if I said the Cutlass hasn't seen speeds higher than 70 mph? I did finally the break the rear wheels lose without the help of water or gravel, though. I didn't think it was possible with all the more power it has.
  5. Happy birthday, Sir.
  6. Still rocking out to Serj's new album.
  7. It's probably the most well rounded w-body... but that's not saying alot.
  8. Could care less about what they drive... it's how they drive.
  9. I saw my old Grand Am. *sheds single tear*
  10. The Sebring would still look like $h!, though. It needs a complete make-over above all else.
  11. Picked up Serj's album the day it came out and I have been thoroughly enjoying it, since. It's a much more mellow sound that covers more musical styles, like piano. "Feed Us", "Sky Is Over", "Lie Lie Lie", "Honking Antelope", "Beethoven's ####", and "Praise The Lord And Pass The Ammunition" are my favorites.
  12. I would... If you supplied the money I'll need for gas. The beast is very, very thirsty. Plus I work, anyways.
  13. That should be illegal.
  14. You people are insane. Snow is the work of the devil!
  15. Happy birthday to the lovable Ven.
  16. I don't get it... Conservatives being lambasted.. What's the problem here?
  17. Besides the two tone scheme and the huge grill, it's awesomely cute.
  18. Yes, that GTO concept was the definition of ugly.
  19. Reread what I said. You're pulling words from where the sun doesn't shine, not me. Did I say he said it looked identical? No. I "merely" disagree with the notion and pointed out my opinion of it being hideous, once more. In fact, my original statement was "I never liked that concept.. It's hideous". BrewSwillis is the one who couldn't take my opinion without resorting to his usual petty arguments. Then again, you never could, either. Must hark back to that insecurity about Chrysler. *nods*
  20. I'm quite pleased that it hasn't gone below 50 during the day thus far. I'm still mostly wearing just short sleeved shirts. Haven't needed my jacket much.
  21. Not incredibly original, but cool.
  22. That grill only improves the looks immensely. I also agree with CMG. They need to fix the rear door and greenhouse. It might actually be a decent looking car then.
  23. I still have to disagree and I'm far from blind. I see absolutely nothing that resembles any F-body, besides the wraparound rear window, which doesn't constitute two vehicles "looking alike". I don't see what the big deal is in the first place. So I thought it was hideous? Are you Chrysler fans that insecure about Chrysler vehicles that you have to attack opinions and bring up other vehicles in completely baseless arguments? I mean, Chrysler has put out some real duds, so I can sort of understand... :wink:
  24. What?! You should have told me! I would have gladly taken those off your hands for you as long as they were pure... and not contaminated. Myself, I'm not a complete pack rat nor a total clean freak. I have a hard time getting rid of certain things, but others I'll gladly get rid of. My problem is that I'm cheap and want money for anything I get rid of. Throwing it away is just insanity to me when I can possibly get something back for it.
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