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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. In the words of Siegen, as opposed to what? Besides styling and the GXP/RL versions, the Kappas certainly don't have anything over it. The Miata is still the better performer and easier to live with... and light, like a small roadster is supposed to be. Why? It's the best subcompact... The Aveo is $h! is most ways thinkable. As is the Yaris. The Versa isn't bad, but not as good.. and in the wrong size class. The Accent and Rio are also-rans. That leaves us with... the Fit. It's deserved.
  2. I'm not the one holding a grudge.
  3. I love how something old to someone is always automatically better and makes anyone saying otherwise young and stupid. Something new can't possibly be better. Doesn't matter if it's something silly like a trunk release located inside the glove box... or something unbeknown like filling the transmission via the dipstick tube. Thus, we must make a case against anyone who simply posts in favor of something else because we can't move on and everyone else is just young, naive, immature, and out to ruin our automotive morals. No wonder none of the supposedly better forms return after being replaced with an inferior form... They're out to get us! Run! Let's get those dumbasses who took away glovebox located trunk releases!!! Yeah!!!Bitch, please.
  4. That sucks. Good luck in getting it fixed. My luck with the curse differs... It's never damage, it's mechanical problems.
  5. Can I celebrate yet? You keep going away... but you always come back. Can I hope for a day when you go and never come back?
  6. $7.25 before deductions. Sure, sending PMs is always fun. Thanks.
  7. I guess my Grand Am was Japanese. My Millenia has the trunk and filler door releases on the door panel as buttons. It works. I also agree... having the trunk release in the glovebox is pretty backwards.
  8. That's a familiar experience.
  9. Easy. The road... you know... those paved things... it goes through the woods frequently around here. The chances of a road not going through the woods is low. In short, I was driving along, on the road, when I felt like I had a flat tire. I pulled over, coincidentally in the middle of a patch of woods, and confirmed the flat. I had no spare tire since it was already in use, and I had to leave the Cutlass along side the road, in the woods. I already explained this in a previous post, hence my reaction. I must apologize for going off on you like I did, though. I can only take so much of the seemingly constant false accusations, putting of words in my mouth, and the overall bad attitude directed towards myself. I honestly don't understand what I've done or said to justify any of that. Some of you guys seem to have these odd ideals of what and who I am and base your posts on that, blindly, without actually giving me a chance. It gets tiring and is the one thing that I cannot handle with reason. I've learned to laugh alot of things off and put up many walls... but that one thing still gets to me. True, and that was my plan for a long time, but, I'd like to try something new. I'd like to have a car that I needn't worry about. My Millenia was pretty good at that, and probably will be once more, but there will always be that slight chance something could go wrong. It's been a great car to me, and yet, it's still not perfect. It does have 175k miles after all. Plus, we do need to keep some sort of back up vehicle. As you know, our luck with vehicles has been anything but good lately. The Sunfire is still on the verge of blowing up, the Millenia is need of a repair, the Ranger is still in pieces, and the F-250 isn't even ours. The Cutlass, while also far from perfect, serves as something to drive when there's no other vehicle that can be used. Aaaaaand we'd lose money on it, having put nearly $900 into it and counting. I doubt we could sell it for much more than we bought it for unless one of the C&Ger's bought it who stated how good of a deal it was.
  10. Of course. Everyone has to start somewhere. Besides taxes, the only thing that isn't expendable is what goes towards gas, which is quite a bit when getting the gas mileage of a Hummer. That could be solved by getting a vehicle that gets triple the mileage, an easy task.
  11. Myself, I could use a nice Miata.
  12. The above is my biggest problem. I couldn't save money if my life depended on it. I spend, spend, and spend. Mostly on things that are useful, but they're not always direly needed.
  13. Sorry to hear all that... Hope things improve for you.
  14. I'll have to look into it. I'd like to. I have about 30 1:18 scale diecast cars I'm trying to sell. Posted a thread here, told my friends, and put a listing in a local Craigslist like place... No hits, yet. I'd try Ebay if I had a credit/debit card, which I found is required when I tried to join earlier. That, too. As I said in the other thread, I'd like to fix my Millenia up just enough to sell it at a reasonable price.
  15. Thanks. The idea I did have was to fix up the Millenia enough to sell it at a reasonable price. A distributor and tires ought to do it, the rest the next buyer can take care of. With that money and perhaps a loan, I'd get something else. The Cutlass, well, it's technically not mine to get rid of even if I wanted to. I never claimed it as mine and certainly didn't pay for it. It'll probably stay in the family as an extra car regardless of what I do in the future. My dad and I talked about fixing it up into a semi-show car... but not as long as it's being driven daily. Nope. It's been gone since May or June. Thanks, as well.
  16. I like that answer.
  17. If he would just lay off with the baseless bashing of myself, I wouldn't have a problem with him. Did I deserve the post I received from him? Honestly, I'm asking.
  18. Do you think working an average of 28 hours a week at minimum wage would be enough to be able to pay off a $3-$5k loan with a clean, blank slate of credit? I'm curious about it since I'm serious about wanting to buy another car, a nice(er) one. Having never dealt with loans or such, I'm not sure what to expect.
  19. Happy birthday, Sir. I'll get you something if you get me something.
  20. Did you miss the part about I had to be at work? The flat tire was on the right front... I didn't have time to switch all the tires around. I did today. Haha... Sixty8, get a life... You have no idea what you're even talking about. Where am I blaming the car for the flat tire? Where? Where did I say I was driving through the woods? Where? READ YOU f@#kING IDIOTIC HYPOCRITE!!!! READ!!!!! I'm not the one coming off as the idiot and I have no problems with taking responsibility for my actions. Was I f@#king off? No... I don't think so. You're the one who told me you whip a car around at WOP going 30 mph to do burnouts. I'm the one who's beating up on my cars? No... I don't think so. From what you've posted, you treat your vehicles with much less care than I do. That is for sure. And people wonder why I find C&G less enjoyable day after day. Well, Sir, it's retards like you.
  21. True that.
  22. The 3er didn't exactly buy it's reputation as a great driver's car. It earned it. One could argue it's lost a bit of that by growing larger, which, still isn't large enough according to you. Want a superbly driving car? Buy a 3er. Want a superbly styled car? Buy a CTS. And before you say it, that's not saying the CTS isn't a great driver's car in its own respect. However, what you harp against is what makes the 3er better in that regard. The CTS is really in larger size-class and is more middle of the road of sport-luxury sedans. Sort of... best of both worlds. Now, Drew, stop dissing the 3er. There's not a thing wrong with it besides not satisfying the size-queen in you.
  23. Course... Anyone would be out of their mind to pay that much for a Camry.
  24. I would have agree as well. I think most of the tweaks need to go towards refining the design. It's not entirely cohesive. Cheap in some areas, gaudy in others... bulbous in places, sexy in others. It needs to be a more literal expression of the concept, focusing on being sleek, taut, and flowing. The details were lost in transition. Design wise, the SSR was executed much better. Then again, I seem to be the only person to have ever complained that it wasn't close enough to the concept.
  25. The G& is great. Naysayers are just blind.
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