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Cory Wolfe

In Hibernation
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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. I finished my shopping 5 minutes before the last known store closed.
  2. Ouch. Sorry to hear that. Hope you get better.
  3. I love how people resort to saying that. If one thinks its perfect, someone else can't possibly have relevant complaints without being biased against GM.
  4. The above is the sole reason why I don't really want an Ipod. I'll just get something thats compatible with WMP.
  5. Just when you thought Toyota design couldn't possibly get any worse....
  6. So is the hood on my friend's Honda Civic... I don't think a window showing a plastic-looking engine would help it any.
  7. Who needs fuel injection when you can have a carburettor? If my camera had sound, I could show you more, but alas, it doesn't. Here is some pics to accompany the video. The first one anyways. The second is just a random pic of the road-salt covered Beast. That is what you call a pollution machine. Typed words are nothing when you can see it for yourself. Isn't the black smoke lovely? Leaves the snow looking lovely, as well. In other news, when I started it after to work to let it warm up something odd happened. After 10 minutes when I came back out to check if it was still running (has a habit of randomly stalling), I couldn't tell if it was running, but I heard this vehicle in the background revving. I figured that maybe I couldn't hear it. Getting closer, I realize that the vehicle revving was it. In the past, it generally had a high idle, but this was far higher. It was akin to giving it 30% throttle. I tapped the gas pedal when I got in it and it then slowed down. I'm thinking since the choke is already f@#ked up, that it may been the cause. Hell if I know, though. It was idling as usual when I went inside. Odd.
  8. Doesn't guarantee ugliness, either. It's not an unattractive vehicle by any means, and the styling cues mix nicely.
  9. NAV > Map. Giving the option > Not giving the option. Anything else regarding the subject is useless banter deserving of my trash can.
  10. Considering it's a mix of Opel Astra and Mazda3 (besides the rear) I'd say you'd have to be crazy to think so. Unoriginal, yes. Ugly, no.
  11. Camino, I don't have an ATV anymore, but it's still an idea. Anyways, thanks. I'm starting to feel a bit better as I've been really trying to not let it get to me. Maybe if it snows soon, I'll take it out on an empty parking lot with the Cultass.
  12. The i30, a euro-only hatchback.
  13. If I seem overly asshole-ish, it's because I'm what you would call struck in an emotional rut right now. I feel like I'm on the verge of a mental breakdown and it's killing me. I'm overly stressed and lacking anything to lift my spirit. Not to sound like a broken record, but my Bday is what really brought me down. Ever since, I feel like I've slipped back into depression. Last night, I was nearly in tears. I don't know why I can't shake this off like usual. I keep holding things in and no matter how hard I try, I can't release it, I can't move on. So much so that it aggravates me and I continue to be able to release it. I feel as if I'm just going to explode in a blast of emotions. If that happens to be at the expense of anyone here, I want to apologize in advance. I know I've done it in the past.
  14. And that makes it okay? I don't personally like any race trimmed sports car because I don't like the tacky elements of the design. Per the Corvette, it didn't even have that great of a design in the first place in my eyes, but that could be fixed with minor changes.
  15. Feel free to berate me... I think it's bordering on cheesy. This is the best they could do? The looks are supposed to match the performance. It's like Corvette rice. Almost as bad as the 80's C3. I like the wheels, the new twin side vent and the gunmetal paint. The rest can be pitched. Maybe it'll grow on me... but as of now, I don't like it, besides the on paper specifications, which are amazing.
  16. You're not much help... Between these two, which would you think is best suited for me? http://www.casio.com/products/Musical_Inst...tation/WK-3300/ http://www.casio.com/products/Musical_Inst...rtable/CTK-900/
  17. No it wasn't. The F150 was. The Titan just won comparisons, never MT's big award.
  18. To dissenters: Is not having a cancel button a novel idea? Is not having one more convenient? If your answer is anything other than yes, stfu, tools.
  19. Or... stop making excuses. It's a viable idea.
  20. It doesn't have a cancel button? Hell, even my 13 year old Millenia has one.
  21. Was anyone really surprised? It had no competition.
  22. When I look at a Buell, I am visually entertained. I personally don't like the "decked in plastic" looks of most sport bikes. The Firebolt in particular is like a cross-breed of a naked bike and a full bodied bike. It's the best of both worlds. As well, it's innovative. It doesn't follow the mold. The disk brakes and the exhaust are particularly cool. Buell's are like the muscle cars of sport bikes. Full of personality, simplistic, yet muscular. It's by far my favorite. As much of a Honda bike lover I am, I'd much rather have a Buell.
  23. Thanks.
  24. You had no problem buying the ugliest vehicle on the market....
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