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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Grand Prix... Dream car... I'm sorry, but those two do not go together in regards to the current gen.
  2. Whenever it is, it's time to party.
  3. Congrats to those who made the list... or in some cases, pity.
  4. Simply enough, to do something with my life and stop succumbing to loneliness... Oh, and to get a car that isn't a pile.
  5. Happy "2007 will never haunt us again". Only 17 hours into 2008 and its better already. *sniffs the scent of a another guy's cologne from my sweater* Mmmm... Definitely.
  6. The day Lutz is replaced will be a sad, sad day in GM history.
  7. Thinking the demand justifies the option of having these features? Not exactly overestimating. Far from it.
  8. I always liked those coupes... although the original Stratus design appeals most to me.
  9. For sure.
  10. I didn't know wizard was another word for tick... I learn something new everyday!
  11. Cory Wolfe

    2 movies

    Hairspray... again. It's good.
  12. Cory Wolfe


    So... I'm like... not the only one?!
  13. I thought you were gone. C&G was such a joy without you around... Darn...
  14. Yes. Let us continue to use our brains... Soon enough this debate will be over.
  15. Technologies don't come and go... They are refined and improved when they are replaced with a better technology. 8-tracks -> Cassettes -> CDs -> MP3s, for example. Since it first became available in the early 90s, popularity of navigation has only been rapidly increasing. The demand for such hasn't weened. There is a reason it went from being offered in $100k luxury sedans to being available in $20k compacts. On a side note, off-topic, you're no better than the ones you're speaking out against. I love how the young are always wrong and are always cited for thinking they know everything... but, look at yourself. You're not giving opposing opinions the light of day. You know you're right no matter how flawed your argument is. That's called thinking you know everything while hiding behind your age because it you believe it justifies it. Grow up. You're more immature than some of those twenty-somethings. I'm sick of the hypocrisy that spews from "elders" like you. Finally.. Someone else who can use their brain and does so. As I've said before... Offering it > Not offering it, regardless of your opinion on it. There is a market for these things whether you personally approve of it, or not.
  16. Picked up Led Zeppelin's Mothership. Not something I'd typically listen to, but it has a hand full of good ones... and who doesn't love Stairway To Heaven, especially backwards?
  17. You know you want a Millenia instead.. Don't deny it. Of those mentioned, the Regal is the only one I'd consider. After riding in my friend's mother's Century, while feeling like a race car compared to the Cutlass, the 3100 isn't completely adequate for it and doesn't get much better gas mileage than the 3800, if at all. Plus, the Regal would have more desirable features over the basic Century. As for the LeSabre... The styling alone would keep me out of one. Only a true geriatric could love it. The Park Avenue is a much more attractively designed full-sizer if you wanted a large boat.
  18. Just slap some bitches.. That'll teach 'em for their lack of respect.
  19. Nothing noteworthy in terms of anniversaries, but 2007 was a year of ups and downs... mostly downs, and while being quite boring. It's one I'm likely to forget, in portions anyways.
  20. Hmm... When I hear "emergency overhaul" I imagine a drastic update. However, the text that accompanies that doesn't convince me. I'd have to agree with the post above mine.
  21. Toyota... Following Lindsay Lohan and Brittany Spears en route to total destruction.
  22. Map: Takes up space, can be ruined easily, impossible to use while driving, difficult use without another person, and gives you a limited geographical range, without zoom, without worldwide coverage... to get that would be impossible and just as expensive. Map what?
  23. Since I didn't put up an Xmas sig... I guess I might as well say it... Merry Atheistic Xmas!
  24. Happy birthday, Sir.
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