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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Well now that I can view threads like this without killing my PC... well... yeah... Funny.
  2. Well, this gives a whole new meaning to South Park, Bigger, Longer, And Uncut.
  3. It's not too bad here... about 40 F... err... ~ 3 C for all the politically canadian people.
  4. After seeing it in person, my opinion of the center stack hasn't changed any. It's still pitifully cheap.
  5. Not exactly. I don't see every vehicle from that view having a stubby upright face...
  6. Toyota, the new Chrysler.
  7. Cory Wolfe


    Well, the big crash was only two and half years ago. I know Moltar was here when I originally joined in 03.
  8. While I mostly agree.. the one aspect I cannot stand about the Accord coupe is the front clip. Specifically, from the side. It's completely upright and it doesn't fit with the sleek body. It's hidden better on the sedan. I like the actual styling of it, it looks wonderful in detail shots, but the proportions from afar are a holy terror. It just bothers me, especially in person. Yet, take away the rest of the body it looks fine. I wish it looked as good as it does here. From other angles, as well. This one is particularly flattering. And the rear is absolutely fine. http://automobiles.honda.com/images/2008/a...ery/gal_lg2.jpg The G6, on the other hand, looks like its been stretched and contorted. It has short ends with an extremely long midsection. However, everything plays along with it. The headlights stretched back, the taillights are stretched forward, and the fastback greenhouse seems to be seamless with the decklid. It's also quite plain, ironically enough.
  9. Cory Wolfe


    Old thread. It's a little over 4 years for me. My official join date anniversary was on December 28th. T'is the first year I didn't make a thread about it.
  10. Well, we still have an old yellow GM Frigidaire fridge that is in use for a beer keg... Just say the word, you can have it.
  11. Well... Anything before production units arrived, which was just a few days ago according to this thread, would technically qualify as pre-production, not that it'll make much of a difference. As for the interiors, the Grand Prix's problem was never materials. Same with the G6 for that matter. They always had soft-touch dash plastics, but the center stack and trim plastic were horrid, as was the fit and finish.... and the design.
  12. Seem pricey, but what do I know? I'd pass.
  13. I also have a gay friend with a white, purple badged Breeze. Let's see... of those I know, 3 have Civics and 2 have Sunfires. The rest are random.
  14. When the time comes closer... tell me what days all who are going decide on. I'll try to make it for once.
  15. Sorry to hear... Certainly no fun. If you need some Vicodin... Damn that curse.
  16. I'm sure a loan like that could get me a nice 850Ci.
  17. No, no, no.. you guys have got it all wrong. After I enter, we're supposed to hide it so no one else can.
  18. You're complaining with third? The differences between the Accord and Malibu are so minimal that picking between one or the other comes down to personal taste. They're mostly equal with either being better in certain areas. The Altima... well... It's sporty. Car And Driver likes sporty.
  19. Drive over here and hand me the money...
  20. *dances* I'd love to win #888, too.
  21. Mmmm... I may have to consider coming up, as well. When is it? I totally don't keep track.
  22. I don't like wasting money...? Of which me and my dad have done enough with this car. And as I said, these days are nearing an end. If I'm still driving it come March, you should be surprised. No more driving of a beater.
  23. That wouldn't be very fair... I'm an equal opportunity lover. Everyone gets to feel my love through poking and prodding.
  24. You'll probably win.
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