Every once in a while, you'll come across a situation that just brings out a special part of you.
That f@#king Cutlass.
So, this morning for work, I went out to start it like usual. Opened the door, sat in, set the worthless choke, start the engine, and get out. When I close the door, I hear a clunk as it bounces back open. "What the f@#k?!" Try it again, same thing. I inspect the latch and jiggle it a bit, figuring it might not have released completely. Try again. *clunk* Well, isn't that that special. Play with it some more and try again. *clunk* Mind you, it's about 15 degrees out and I have to be at work in 10 minutes. My patience is being tested. I grab a screw driver and try to mess with the latch some more. I try locking and unlocking it. Pulling the inner and outer door handles. *clunk* Something apparently broke, so I said to hell with it, got in, and held the door shut for 8 miles while the door swung open and close in the parking lot from the excessive winds. During my break, I bought a roll of duct tape and took to it. Up, down, across, up, across, down... piece after piece, taping the door shut. Works for me.
I do believe, as soon as my Dad finishes getting my brother's Ranger road-worthy, I'll be parking the Cutlass for good and driving it to work.