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Cory Wolfe

In Hibernation
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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Cory Wolfe


    Boredom + Webcam + Photoshop =
  2. FTW. Eh... it's all semantics, the point remains.
  3. Beaters need not apply. Sounds enjoyable. There are only touchless around here. It's not worth the money. The Cutlass can deal with a little salt. What's the worst that can happen?
  4. I have a sensitive face... Sometimes its a breeze, other times my face feels like it wants to fall off, and that's with an electric razor... Don't even get me started on my Mach III.
  5. Last I checked, the Camry was still the best selling vehicle... That warped theory does not say crap will not sell, because crap will, in fact, sell.
  6. Wait... You're supposed to wash the salt off?!
  7. Now if only all the mindless GM humpers that contribute nothing would leave...
  8. Perhaps this years buyers already got their Accord fix. Sales were up greatly for 4 months or so.
  9. I wouldn't really call it much of a storm besides the half inch of ice that covered the Cutlass. I have found that de-icer and my ice scraper are wholly ineffective. I did end up breaking a little hole so I could see. Otherwise, mostly sleet and slush.
  10. If there were any SUV I'd buy, it would be the VehiCross.
  11. The whole thing is a disaster.
  12. If you can take it like man...
  13. Pretty damn good for MS Paint.
  14. Might want to send some prayers in the form of dollars my way to keep that statement true...
  15. Don't pick on purple!
  16. Half the cars C&Gers own. :wink:
  17. I meant a G-body Cutlass like mine, not just any Cutlass.
  18. Probably something like that. As I said, it wasn't flipped, it was in the open position and it still wouldn't close.
  19. It wasn't.
  20. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1984-OLDSMO...1QQcmdZViewItem
  21. Every once in a while, you'll come across a situation that just brings out a special part of you. That f@#king Cutlass. So, this morning for work, I went out to start it like usual. Opened the door, sat in, set the worthless choke, start the engine, and get out. When I close the door, I hear a clunk as it bounces back open. "What the f@#k?!" Try it again, same thing. I inspect the latch and jiggle it a bit, figuring it might not have released completely. Try again. *clunk* Well, isn't that that special. Play with it some more and try again. *clunk* Mind you, it's about 15 degrees out and I have to be at work in 10 minutes. My patience is being tested. I grab a screw driver and try to mess with the latch some more. I try locking and unlocking it. Pulling the inner and outer door handles. *clunk* Something apparently broke, so I said to hell with it, got in, and held the door shut for 8 miles while the door swung open and close in the parking lot from the excessive winds. During my break, I bought a roll of duct tape and took to it. Up, down, across, up, across, down... piece after piece, taping the door shut. Works for me. I do believe, as soon as my Dad finishes getting my brother's Ranger road-worthy, I'll be parking the Cutlass for good and driving it to work.
  22. Uh... Accord sales have been up by quite a bit since it's introduction. Just because you don't see them, doesn't mean they're not selling. I've never seen a new Focus or Edge on the road. I can't even remember the last time I saw a Fusion. I guess no one is buying them, either. Accord Aug '07: Sales up 37.3% Accord Sept '07: Sales up 31.2% Accord Oct '07: Sales up 25.8% Accord Nov '07: Sales up 25.2& Accord Dec '07: Sales up 4.6% Accord YTD '07: Sales up 10.3% Yeah... It's just selling so poorly.
  23. If it's engine related, they put similar KLDE into Millenias, MX6s, and 626s (intake manifolds being among the few differences)... I'm pretty sure those combined are easier to find than some ghetto Eclipse. Plus, an imported KLZE (higher compression, hp up to 200 from 160-170) will only run you about $800 on ebay if you toast the engine. The KLDE/KLZE is a gem of an engine. Smooth, throaty, and with a consistent, flat torque curve. You have no reason not to consider one if you're considering half the vehicles you've posted about in this thread.
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