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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Star Trek who? You're all a bunch of freaks!
  2. The taillights are sexy.
  3. I really want one. It's my style almost to a tee.
  4. That's why you don't buy used cars that were fleeted. Duh.
  5. It's a Big Mo... Of course it's good.
  6. Heh.. Wow. I wonder if Jr. realizes what he named his candy bar.
  7. Who? I don't recognize such person. Has he been a member long? ...Weird.
  8. I told you it was '03.
  9. You should trade your big, heavy Olds Aurora for a light, nimble Honda Fit. It'll be a perfect fit then.
  10. Take everything I said and flush it.
  11. Spring? What? Where?! I see a foot of snow! Um... Nothing notable, unless of course, you call a Plymouth Neon Expresso sitting for sale a spotting.
  12. Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen... Complete with me singing along.
  13. 350Z > Anything to come out of GME and this certain purple Pontiac we like make fun of.
  14. I'm good. Congrats. Cool car.
  15. Well, when I say nearly, I mean just over half.
  16. I couldnt go forward, I couldnt go backwards. In the purest sense, I was stuck... in my own driveway.
  17. I won't have one to bring down, I'm out.
  18. Well.. after nearly a foot of snow, I've found that the Cutlass is pretty much useless. I couldn't even make it in my own driveway.. and its level!
  19. My contribution of such requires the removal of a certain car.
  20. Little bit, yes.
  21. Happy birthday, Sirs.
  22. That looks very much like the concept. Definitely good.
  23. Completely intentional. I don't know about Carlisle, but there's a nifty little airport not far from Brookville. Just think, you could meet little ol' me. I'm sure you'd never be happier.
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