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Cory Wolfe

In Hibernation
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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. I could never understand how anyone could stick to one brand/manufacturer and honestly call themselves an automotive enthusiast. No, you might be a GM, Ford, etc. enthusiast, but you're no automotive enthusiast. You're basically saying you're only open to buying 5% or so of the available vehicles out there. And besides, variety is the spice of life. My parent's have only had GM lately. It hasn't worked out too well, to say the least. Outside of them, its mostly GM, but there's some Mopar, Ford, Toyota, Nissan, Mazda, Subaru, and even Hyundai.
  2. The Vibe has had AWD since it's inception save for a few years near the end of its first production run. It returns with this update.
  3. Cory Wolfe


    In Dubois a few nights ago, at an Eat N Park, a very sexy, yellow RX8 occupied two spots. I thought it was funny, but certainly understandable considering the beaters in the spots on each side of it.
  4. I wasn't home... and I wouldn't have participated if I was.
  5. ...And I thought the Cutlass was bad. You need to trash that car. It's not worth it.
  6. I know of some dandy cliffs with 100+ foot drop offs.
  7. I couldn't hear anything past 19khz.
  8. Happy birthday, DF.
  9. That's three words opposed to one. Pfft. Let's try this one, too. Clicky.
  10. I Stand Alone - Godsmack
  11. I'm jealous. Who do I beg for one?
  12. Du Hast - Rammstein.
  13. Deranged (in a good way)...
  14. How many people can say their car shows up on the second page of a search of a that vehicle?
  15. While still in production, it seems like it's going to die having never been used outside of GMT360s... The Atlas I6.
  16. Clicky.
  17. The Beast's left turn signals stopped flashing, they just light up steadily, but the hazards and right side work fine. I tell you... Your Cavalier... My Cutlass... That cliff... *nods* Just give in. We'll have a wonderful show. We can invite people from all to watch and make money from it, too.
  18. Of course.
  19. Besides a cliff?
  20. 3 speeds are the $h!. Gracias.
  21. Cars have no sex you silly people.
  22. I don't want a Grand Am that's not like the one I had. That's pretty much the only reason why I would want one in the first place. Pretty much.
  23. Well, certainly you picked up on the sarcasm... I love all cars from all eras. Just like I can't pick a favorite car, I can't pick a favorite year.
  24. The distributor not fixing it = It's returned to the back burner. I'm not going to throw money away trying to fix something that no one can diagnose. Besides, the whole point of getting it back on the road was never to drive it, it was to sell it. That's still the plan. I might just replace a few things and sell it at a loss, whatever I can get for it. I want something different and while I love the car, it's never going to overshadow the place in my heart held by my Grand Am. This isn't about which car is better. Again, I'd get another Millenia if that where the case. The only car I'm really comparing my considerations against is the Cutlass. As long as its better than it, it'll be good enough for me. I could always get something better when Im able to actually save money, which is impossible with the Cutlass' fuel economy and the Millenia's issues. I'm not sure how much cheaper it would be, anyways. Paint jobs arent cheap. It also needs body work to repair the rust, a front bumper, a foglight, a mirror... And that's just cosmetics. It also needs tires and brakes all around, a suspension link... That's before we get to the issue of getting it to run correctly. That adds up rather quickly. I don't think I can justify it now. I drove the life out of it and let it go too long. If I had repaired issues as they came, I would be in a wholly different position right now.
  25. Not at all. I'm still really tempted by that Grand Am. They've dropped the price to $2950. If it I could get it for around $2600... I don't think I could resist. The engine alone means it's alot better than my old GA, and it looks to be in alot better condition, not that mine was in bad condition. As well, parts would be easy to find and certainly cheap. I could always get something better and more desireable down the road a bit. I just need to get out of the Cutlass, period. The more I drive it, the more that goes wrong and the gas mileage manages to get worse than it already is. Pretty soon it's going to be unsellable and I'm going to be stuck with it forever... haunting me.
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