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Cory Wolfe

In Hibernation
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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. My grandma is one of the exceptions to the rule. She'll be 65 or 66 this year, and she's been smoking since she was in her teens. She's healthier than my grandpa who hasn't smoked a day in his life.
  2. I've smoked socially for the past two years. I've avoided the grasps of addiction thus far.
  3. What he said. Have I cheated? Once... and I really don't want to do it again. I seem to have a weak resistance to temptation.
  4. It was hit and knocked off somehow.. and was never put back on correctly.
  5. Considering the topic... More of this fine automobile:
  6. Did you read the post at all, by any chance? I think you didn't.
  7. Raining Blood - Slayer.
  8. I'd stay away from the Aveo, personally. It's still just a Daewoo, whether it's owned by GM or not. A Hyundai would be more trustworthy. That's not to say it's terrible, but just about anything else would be a better choice.
  9. Nah, I would prefer the sides to not have tacky moldings.
  10. Gave the Cutlass it's first bath since October and figured some pictures were in order. The paint color looks fabulous when wet. And now, the aforementioned Brookvillian roamings. The photography isn't the best. I meant to take these in more daylight but washing it turned out to be an all day job. It was a dirty little Beast. Also, I really need to upgrade to a better camera. The annoying auto-focus and inability to take a non-blurry picture in low light is beginning to get on my nerves. Also, yes, next time I take pictures of the Cutlass with the lights on, I should probably make sure they all light up first.
  11. As I noted, there has been an addition made to our driveway. I've posted about this car in particular a while back, while my friend was trying to sell it. Long story short, he no longer has a place to keep it. We have a big yard with lots of room... What's one more? Thus, it's technically not ours. Since he was unsuccessful in selling it, he sort of wants to fix it up and get it back on the road. It runs about as well as the Cutlass, perhaps a bit better, but isn't in nearly as good of condition. If we can get it to pass inspection (it atleast needs brakes), this might help my situation, effectively giving me another car to drive around in. This is a big "IF", however. The ever lovely Ford LTD II.
  12. It will be receive a thread of its own within a few minutes.
  13. I've seen alot of S2000's lately.
  14. Thanks. I'm still largely unsure if this is what I want to do, but I'll try to round up some of my better sketches.
  15. This man speaks the truth.
  16. Cobalt or G6. The Grand Prix is too laughable to own.
  17. Beast. $800. From my experiences, the Civic, while most likely the least desirable (to us) will be reliable and economical and does have many modification options, though, maybe not the most tasteful. A truck, on the other hand, is built to take abuse, if its solid and not rusting out like so many around here are. You probably couldn't go wrong with either choice, but if it were me, I'd go for the Civic.
  18. It's nothing to get excited over. :AH-HA_wink:
  19. True story. There's one sitting out on the boulevard for $2k, but I haven't stopped to look at it yet. You'll be glad to know I came across a Trans Sport for sale today, too. Has 130k and had a price of $1600, I think. It's, well, a dustbuster van. Totally me, you know? Also, there has been an addition to our driveway tonight.
  20. My first Smart. It's tiny.
  21. I wish people would stop assuming things about my thoughts. Never have I said I expected it to have the reliability of a new car. I did, however, expect it to be much better than what it has been. You guys are such hypocrites. I bought this car and everyone tells me how it will run forever... It is the car I need. So when things start excessively going wrong, oh, it's my fault for assuming it wouldn't be such a pain in the ass. These problems were expected, I was naive to believe anything else. Give me a break. Also, I have never said I hated the Cutlass. What I've said is how much of an annoyance and pain in the ass it is, which by no means is a lie. If we're going to bring the Millenia into this, it was never as bad as the Cutlass. It had one problem that I failed to take care of when it first occurred. I didn't have a job and I didn't have the money. I continued to drive it despite all that. I neglected it. It is completely my fault that I am in the situation I am with the Millenia. The Cutlass, in contrast, has been getting nothing but attention since it was purchased. There is no neglect with it. The only issue that I've been unable to address is the carburettor issues as I simply don't have the time nor can I afford to be without a car for more than a day due to work. That's not to say we haven't done anything about it. This car continues to have problem after problem, issue after issue, however. I'm just lucky that, lately, none have been severe enough to strand me, as happened week after week in November and December. Although, I'm sure my dark humor doesn't help my case.
  22. Given Up - Linkin Park
  23. Where Did You Sleep Last Night - Nirvana
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