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Cory Wolfe

In Hibernation
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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. You apparently missed my point. Plus, you basically just contradicted yourself.
  2. Based on this photo... Studebaker.
  3. Mother - Danzig
  4. I have mixed feelings. In some ways, I'm pleasantly surprised, in others, I'm thoroughly disappointed.
  5. These shots are intriguing. I must say, I'm curious to see what's beneath the camo.
  6. Hmm.. It's... interesting. I was hoping for more, but...
  7. Would the Camaro in your signature be as appealing if it were styled like a Camry?
  8. The carburetor is but one problem, technically. Yes, the ISO is excessively low, the auto-focus is pathetic, and overall it just doesn't satisfy me. Most of the pictures I take with it could be so much better. However, I have taken some pretty good pictures with it. Everything has to be just right, though. One of my favorites from my personal photography is this picture I took last summer.
  9. War Pigs - Black Sabbath
  10. It sold the day after I saw it. I could drive it... But then, I kind of want this thing.
  11. I don't even let anyone drive the Cutlass. I'm sure you've seen my thoughts on it.
  12. The Beast isn't presentable enough.
  13. Only - Nine Inch Nails.
  14. Cliff. It could be an accident... When you're out and about, park it next to one, "forget" to put it in park, give just the slightest "accidental" nudge and Presto! It's dead. Forget these "Save the Roach!" fools, kill it! Kill it! KILL IT!!!!
  15. This may, quite possibly, be the ugliest Firebird I've laid eyes on. Clicky
  16. Yes, it was.
  17. My Grandpa's extended cab Silverado has the 5.3L and manages 18-20 mpg.
  18. 96 Ninety Eight Regency Elite for $3495.
  19. Edge. The Vue isn't that great.
  20. I can't say for sure, but there's atleast a dozen or more Tacomas of the same vintage sitting there.
  21. I like the Diesel TJ.
  22. My local Toyota dealer's back lot...
  23. Well, I presume its something mechanical for that price, but cosmetically, it looked like it had a fight with a pole or two in its lifetime.
  24. Of course.
  25. Cavalier. $100.
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