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Cory Wolfe

In Hibernation
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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. If you buy it, I hold you fill the gap for the plug in grill.
  2. Of course... The Beast wouldn't be the Beast if it weren't a pain in the ass. This past week, it suddenly became much, much, much louder. Somewhere near the catalytic converter, it's either rusted through or rusted off completely. I haven't had a chance to put it up on ramps to see for sure. Peaking under, I can't really see too much. Everything is still there, it seems, however. On a noise level, it's not as loud as it would be if you just cut off the exhaust, a la demolition derby car, but its loud enough that everthing that can rattle inside, does. As well, something that's been going on a bit longer, there's this rattling coming from the rolling gear, suspension on the left side. That's all I know of it. I've looked it over and I can't find anything loose or that would be making the noise. It's faint, however. It's fairly unnoticeable unless you're cruising along a bumpy road at slow speeds with the windows open. This was, however, before the exhaust decided to rust out. Finally, I'm going to need to replace the other two tires. The right front isn't holding air anymore. Isn't going completely flat, however. I've just gotten into the habit of inflating it on a twice-weekly basis. Not that big of a deal, but I hoping they would hold up until after I got rid of it. So, that's the latest. I'm not sure I'm going to be able to justify selling it unless someone wants to overpay for it.
  3. It'll be 5 years for myself this December. It'll also be my 20th birthday. Crazy.
  4. Cory Wolfe


    Whenever I have a car worth waxing again, I'll chime in.
  5. $1k won't be enough. Otherwise, it never hurts to ask.
  6. Forest - System of a Down
  7. Little ol' rural Brooville with a population of less than 5000 has more than one station that carries Diesel. In fact, atleast half of them do.
  8. Um... 80 in the Cutlass! W00t!
  9. $3.57 today.
  10. $3.60 for 87.
  11. I'm not sure, but I think mine is somewhere around $180.
  12. In light of the whole Toyota Tacoma massive buyback by Toyota..... Let's say you come across someone who does not know of this event and is selling their Tacoma for fairly cheap. You buy it and in turn, sell it to Toyota for more than what you paid. I wonder.... Would it be worth it? Just a thought. Nothing more.
  13. Enemy - Drowning Pool.
  14. Ouch. That really sucks. Sorry to hear.
  15. I lost about 40lbs over the course of two years starting in 2005. Depression knocked away half of it. For the other half, I stopped drinking Diet Pepsi, started taking multivitamins, tried to cut down on sugar, tried to work out somewhat, and went a on a bike riding binge with regular 20 mile rides. It worked. I need to get back into taking bike rides. I've gained 5lbs over the winter in addition to losing some strength. I'm trying to ride to work whenever the weather is cooperating. Hopefully, I can get rid of the 5lbs and get into even better shape... Not to mention, same some money.
  16. A chiropractor sounds very good to me. I've had a bad back for the past few years now. I figure it was either caused by always being hunched over as a kid or by flipping my ATV at 35 mph roughly 5 years ago. Both are most likely contributing factors.
  17. I stopped considering it the moment I realized it's true colors. So, here's a gift to you... a big, gay BITCH PLEASE!!!!!
  18. Only to supersede it's worth. More smart logic. High 20's, at the absolute least.
  19. And I'd still have a gas guzzler. Smart logic.
  20. That was quite funny.
  21. Two of my findings...
  22. Freedom - Rage Against The Machine
  23. Lots of used cars that really don't interest me.
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