Of course... The Beast wouldn't be the Beast if it weren't a pain in the ass.
This past week, it suddenly became much, much, much louder. Somewhere near the catalytic converter, it's either rusted through or rusted off completely. I haven't had a chance to put it up on ramps to see for sure. Peaking under, I can't really see too much. Everything is still there, it seems, however. On a noise level, it's not as loud as it would be if you just cut off the exhaust, a la demolition derby car, but its loud enough that everthing that can rattle inside, does.
As well, something that's been going on a bit longer, there's this rattling coming from the rolling gear, suspension on the left side. That's all I know of it. I've looked it over and I can't find anything loose or that would be making the noise. It's faint, however. It's fairly unnoticeable unless you're cruising along a bumpy road at slow speeds with the windows open. This was, however, before the exhaust decided to rust out.
Finally, I'm going to need to replace the other two tires. The right front isn't holding air anymore. Isn't going completely flat, however. I've just gotten into the habit of inflating it on a twice-weekly basis. Not that big of a deal, but I hoping they would hold up until after I got rid of it.
So, that's the latest. I'm not sure I'm going to be able to justify selling it unless someone wants to overpay for it.