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Cory Wolfe

In Hibernation
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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. I finally took my GED test. I'm still awaiting official results, however, I heard that I passed with flying colors. I must say, I was shocked at how easy the test was. I went into it, having not studied beyond taking one practice test, expecting to fail. The first section, taking both Mathematics and Writing/Grammar wasn't hard in the least. For math, it was basics. For grammar, it was common sense. For writing, it was knowing how to write, which is clearly not that hard, unless we're talking about someone who has divulged themselves in rap and instant messaging slang. The second section, consisting of Science, Social Studies, and Reading, wasn't quite as easy, but still more so than I expected. For the former two, they pretty much supplied the answers in the questions and you just had to read into everything correctly. Not much of it really required knowledge of the subject. The S.S. part threw me for a few whirls, though, in that I couldn't always find a clear answer. Reading, well, anyone with basic reading comprehension could pass. Overall, as I've said, it was much easier than expected. I still figured I would have failed atleast one part. I'm glad to get it over and done with. I'll know my official scores within a week or two, I'd say
  2. Mine: It's a Palm Centro with AT&T. I've had mixed feelings about it. First, AT&T service sucks in my area. If I have service, it's a celebration. However, my only real complaint with the phone itself is that the keyboard buttons are entirely too small. If you've ever used a Blackjack or a Blackberry... cut those buttons in half and space them just a millimeter or two apart and you have the Centro. Pain in the ass for texting.
  3. Being that I am gay and have gay friends... I have been forced to like alot of artists/bands that I never have otherwise.
  4. All I am going to add is... Vista gets on my nerves to no end. It has some cool features and graphics when it comes to the user interface, but it reminds me more of our old Windows 98 POS than anything else when you actually have to do anything outside of just browsing the desktop. For all the more I do on my computer, I would think a Mac would suit my needs without being such an annoyance. Granted, XP worked fine for me. It was much more stable than Vista and was problem free up until the virus ruined it.
  5. Well... my current playlist sucks. I'm currently trying to find something worth listening to. I suppose this happens when you put every song you have on shuffle. I'll list some of the notables as I search. "Whiskey Lullaby" - Brad Praisley "Alive" - P.O.D. "I Hate Everything About You" - Three Days Grace "Brainstew" - Green Day "In Bloom" - Nirvana "Hair of The Dog" - Nazareth "So Cold" - Breaking Benjamin "Apologize" - One Republic "I Kissed A Girl" - Katy Perry "Scars" Papa Roach "Somebody Someone" - KoRn "Closer" - Nine Inch Nails "What I've Done" - Linkin Park "Dream On" - Aerosmith "Sexyback" - Justin Timberlake "Here In Your Arms" - Hellogoodbye
  6. Cory Wolfe


    Kool-Aid was a thing of my childhood, I haven't had any in probably 5 years or so. Now, I mostly drink water after I got over my Diet Pepsi obsession of my teen years. I'm also starting to get into anything coffee related quite heavily. It's the $h!.
  7. <-- Soul patch. However, it goes in blondish so it's not terribly noticeable and doesn't match very well with the rest of my hair. I used to do the whole beard thing back when I was 16. I'm sure someone here remembers those pics from long ago. I'd like to try it again just to see what I'd look like now since my facial hair has grown in a bit more. The one style I couldn't do is a mustache. The hair on my upper lip isn't very full. Personally I agree with Camino on the hair inhibitor stuff. I hate shaving. It's too much of a hassle and I haven't be clean-shaved for work anyways.
  8. Strange... I also flattened one of the Jetta's month-old tires by a nail Friday night. I'm sure you can imagine I wasn't a happy camper. Per the lugs, I had a similar problem with the Cutlass. The difference was that the lugs were irregularly sized and all sockets were either too loose or too tight. I had a hell of a time trying to get those off, but atleast they came off. Over torqued lugs would certainly be a bitch.
  9. I've always been a coupe person. Never cared for sedans until I owned one. The added practicality is nice. That's not to say I'd pick a sedan over a coupe, given the choice. I'm still for coupes and hatchbacks.
  10. The lowest I've seen gas since it started going down is $3.43 a gallon. Hopefully it continues to go down. *remembers the days of sub $3/gal.*
  11. I'm probably in the minority but I don't like much of it... at all. I see a mass of lines that don't flow well. It's a generic design with a Chevy grill popped onto it to make it look 'American' and unique or something like that. It doesn't look good. It's a bad design in my eyes.
  12. I'm still not a fan of the new TL, but I have to agree with Siegen. The differences are a big reason why I don't like it as much as the outgoing one. The CTS is only a departure on the inside. Everything else was mostly evolutionary, and it's not a bad thing. Meanwhile, the new TL looks like something other than an Acura. Sort of looks like a Nissan that was designed to be used in the Transformers. I like certain aspects, but they dont work well together with many design issues.
  13. Eh... It's like a Korean knockoff of a Cadillac. Oh... wait. Nevermind.
  14. Now this, is a great looking wagon.
  15. My friend has an '02 Accent. It takes a beating for being an incredibly cheaply made little thing.
  16. The CTS really is about as good as it gets. It has the fewest faults of any GM vehicle.
  17. Pfft on just two. Give me the $50k and I'll pick half a dozen instead.
  18. I actually don't mind the rear view that much. I'm still fairly flabbergasted by everything else, however.
  19. So, I never did fix my computer. After 7 months, it's gotten to the point where my desktop works most of the time. However, it still has moments when it disappears. I've singled the issue down to the file rundll32.exe. I apparently have some bad .dll files that were added by the virus that my anti-virus software doesn't seem to detect. Specifically, there's one that keeps attacking my Mozilla Firefox and causing it close when it's being run. Before this, I got rid of a bad driver that was causing pop ups. I hoped it was the main cause of everything, but it wasn't. I always figured rundll32.exe was the problem itself, but it's where it should be and is obviously Windows software. Anyways, what I need to know is how I can find out what all .dll's are being run by rundll32.exe. All I really found via google was to use to msconfig command, however, it doesn't tell me what to do once I have that up and I couldn't figure it out myself. If someone could tell me what to do beyond that point or if someone has another, possibly better way, I'd appreciate it.
  20. My grandpa's 00 Silverado with the 5.3L generally gets around 18-20.
  21. I usually do Dairy Queen. The chicken strip basket is awesome, I've found.
  22. Brookville has the famed Moonlight Drive In. *nods*
  23. Cory Wolfe


    The picture thread isn't the picture thread without me excessively adding new ones every month.
  24. More with some black and white attempts.
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