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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Sorry to hear about Kim. I hope she recovers without any setbacks.
  2. Gas was $2.25 this morning as I hit 10k in the Jetter (68.4k starting, now at 78.4k). Never thought $10 in gas would ever get me nearly 5 gallons and nearly 150 miles of traveling. Those miles seem to rack up rather quickly when gas isn't so damn expensive anymore. I've probably put 3k on the Jetter this past month alone.
  3. While I've not had a "thing", per se, I've met friends and such in situations like that.
  4. It's happened a few times. I love parking next to a Jetter. There's actually a one around Dubois that is almost identical except for the taillights and spoiler. One of these days, I'll find it parked and get it. I've gotten tornado red Golfs, but no Jetters yet. Agreed.
  5. I never did like this generation IS.
  6. $2.29 here in Brookville. The decreases have been slowing.
  7. True, wearing a seat belt would have been his best choice in avoiding injuries. He just needs to overcome that typical stubbornness and start wearing it.
  8. Welcome back. I definitely agree on the news front. I stopped relying on C&G for automotive news months ago. I've found that Autoblog is much more reliable and up to date.
  9. Yes, his truck did not have an airbag. It's a 93, I believe. If it had one, he probably wouldn't have suffered as many injuries.
  10. He's 18. He has to take it to prevent blood clots since he won't be able to move around much, from what I've heard.
  11. I'm not sure what will come of Obama's term, however, I think it will be good for our country. I do not think McCain would have helped this country and he was more my deciding factor in voting than Obama himself. I think the amount of voter turnout this election speaks for how important this election was and will be in the short and long term future. I don't think I'm the only one with my opinion of McCain. All of us should wait and see what becomes of our new president before blasting him and those who voted for him. In the words of a good friend, "Get over it."
  12. Cory Wolfe


  13. Nah, I'm not a gamer, I just like my PC to work like it should. What's Ubuntu cost and what's its usability like?
  14. He's home now and doing pretty good. He's supposed to go for physical therapy daily and two nurses are supposedly coming to instruct us how to inject his $800 medication. Gotta love Lovenox. Walking isn't too big of a problem for him, though, he does have a crutch to help him around and Vicodin for any pain. The biggest issue is our two story house. He's pretty much stuck sleeping on a couch for now. Per his truck, it's going to the crusher to pay for the costs of towing and parking from it's current location.
  15. So far, so good, for mine. It's had a few electrical gremlins, however, they went away just as quickly as they showed up. They're few and far between. Otherwise, after 9k miles, it's doing good; maintaining combustion and all that fun stuff.
  16. His girlfriend from Arkansas and her parent's supposedly came up tonight to see him. I'm surprised. Anyways, he's still improving. Would have liked to driven down today, but I had to work. Perhaps tomorrow despite having to work as well.
  17. Well, thus far, my Jetta hasn't broken down on me and I'm more faggish than metro... You might be stretching a bit, Reg.
  18. Thanks, guys. Blu, we're most certainly going to kick his ass for not wearing one. He's lucky to be alive. He most likely got it from my parent's, who also fail to wear theirs. Either way, he's stubborn. Hopefully, this will teach him something (I tend to drive to my limits, but atleast I wear mine, not that it would make much of a difference in some cases.) He's doing good, though. He lost his wallet somewhere in all this chaos, as a downside. It had about $600 in it.
  19. Amish Paradise - Weird Al... I'm feeling special today.
  20. $2.43 here. It's going down cent by cent. It might eventually dip below $2/gal. here like other places. Goddamn Missouri.
  21. The culprit... The result... I'm not going to say too much, as I'm quite tired and stressed out, but as the title suggests, my brother wrecked his truck. Pretty badly, as the pictures show. Basically, Sunday morning, he was on his way to work and fell asleep at the wheel after having gotten little sleep the previous night. He whacked a steel sign that barely budged. The result of was him needing to be life-flighted to Pittsburgh. He wasn't wearing a seatbelt, either, and as you see from the one interior pic, the steering wheel and windshield took his impact. Externally, he has a broken femur, which came through the skin; broken wrist, facial lacerations, broken nose, and random other cuts and bruises. Internally, he ruptured his spleen, bruised some other gland that I can't recall, and bruised his heart. No head injuries, thankfully. As of today, he went through his fourth and final surgery and was breathing on his own, not to mention talking. It's basically just recovery from here, as far as I know. He's expected to be in the hospital for atleast a week. I'll try to update you guys on how he's doing.
  22. $2.55 here. Luckilly, Brookville has the lowest prices in the area for atleast a 50 mile radius. Dubois, 18 miles east, has prices that are consistantly about $.25 higher. I'm just waiting for sub $2/gal. gas. That will certainly be a huge relief for me.
  23. I hereby nominate the above post as the best post evar! *nods*
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