Alright guys,
I know at the old site we had a long section of someone's ride taken up with just automotive photography questions.
I've created this topic to keep from getting to that.
My guidelines (please disagree; add some)
1. Use the rule of thirds.
divide the viewfinder mentally into 9 equal sections, at the intersection of the lines dividing it, thats where the focus should go
2. Make sure the car is going into the picture.
if you are taking a pic of a car, make sure the car isnt on its way out of the picture, make it look like its coming into the picture and towards you
3. Try to use dramatic lighting,
taking pictures at dawn or dusk where there are a lot of shadows is good for dramatic picture. i prefer to take em after a storm when the sun comes out for the first time, lots of reflections=good to me
4. use interesting angles.
instead of taking a picture of the entire car, take a picture of the front half of the car from the 3/4 front view or the back half of the car from the 3/4 back view. dont be afriad to take pictures from down on the ground looking up or up high looking down
5. dont make a busy picture
try to keep from making other things in the picture take focu[QUOTE]s from the car, make it so that almost 1/2 to 2/3 of the picture is just car
6. Use a good backround.
take into account the color of your car use a paler or washed out complimentary color for the backround. make sure the backround is not busy, dont take focus away from the car itself the sides of concrete, old brick, and stucco buildings are great. complimentary colors are opposite the color of your car on the artists color wheel, red;green. blue;orange yellow; purple. landscapes and sea scapes are amazing, a good sunset can be great for autos
im not sure how i feel about open doors and trunk picks, but try em i have no suggestions on how or if it work well to do em
use photo editing programs as much as you need, it works well, using a grey scale can actually work well for some colors
the reason if your wondering that im posting this is cuz i just got a new camera
Cannon S-2
Hey guys im just using suggestions here, these are very falliable,
contradict them, add your own, its for us to help each other