45 minutes of sleep in all three nights of the weekend, friday, saturday, sunday, only slept on saturday morning from 5:45-6:30
went to a boy scout summer campground to build a chapel with my boyscout troop . . . including my neighbor the scoutmaster . . . . first night drank some beer . . . even if it was bud and like drinking water . . . met this chick becca that my friend brought up with his girlfriend on friday hooked up in my tent 10 ft away from my neighbor in his tent, she left my tent at 545 and went back to her tent that she was sharing with m friends G/F and found out that the G/F had been kept up all night with the noise, as was my friends dad and my other unattached friend, next night we started hooking up, my friend saw us at like 200 hookinh up on a bench a little ways off, we left the bench and instead of going to sleep as we should have, we got a mattress, a sleeping bag, and a flashlight and hightailed it into the woods . . .
needless to say,
"gigity gigity gigity goo . . . oh yeah!"
got back from that left the mattress in the woods, my friend was counting em and he was like 'hey were missing a mattress!?' i gave him a look and he shut up. we went out to breakfast with the boyscout troop and she ended up falling asleep soo many times it was obvious what had happened and a couple times she crashed while she was bringing eggs up to her mouth . . . . . yeah i wore her out . . . . yah so it was apparent then that we werent in our tents at 10.00 for lights out, and my older friend asked me when we got in and then said 'you know what? i dont want to know.' . . . . called my buddy up and first thing he said was 'dude i have to give you a high five and buy you a whole case of beer.' of course then i walked out of the room that my mom was sitting in towards a dif location. heh, i gave her my aim screen name and she bit . . . . its nice when ya hook up with a chick and she calls at all, its nicer when ya fuck like bunnies and she calls ya to tell ya how amazing it was and invites you to a party for another weekend session . . . .
beat that!!!!!!!