alright im starting a new thread since BV is such a post whore he hijacks all my threads lol
ive been looking aroud an of course the mercedes has been sold for 2100 and it was in perfect condition except for the low gas level and ugly beaded seat covers.....damn
ive been looking at 4 cylinder, 4 dr sedans in the midsized area and also wagons of most sizes
-- 93-96 corolla wagon, not bad looking good insurance and good prices and my dad likes it since its a jap car, downside..... none in my area right now
-- focus wagon..... nothing needs to be said its easy on insurance thats it
-- taurus wagon, good insurance, big car, ford, ugly, domestic
-- escort wagon, similair to the taurus blech
-- subaru forester, great engine, great looking, easy on insurance, would steal it and crash it, no joke
-- volvo wagon, blech its a volvo i dont want it its easy on insurance tho but blech
-- camry wagon, ugly, better than corolla, easyish on insurance but my dad doesnt like the idea cuz we already have a camry wagon
-- mazda protege, not that great on insurance, kinda cheap, nice, easy to steal, dad doesnt like em
any OPINIONS on MY situation would be appreciated and also and suggestions abuot MY situation would be appreciated
ANY thread hijacking will make me cry.....well not really but i remember who my friends are lol