id like to first off apologize to anyone who wanted me dead . . . i got close but no cigar . . . and then tell the rest of you to thank me for coming back . . .
explination of behavior goes as follows
a while back i ws subject to a sinus infection that was not of the usual type . . . my body temperature is usually at a slightly tepid 99.8 so fevers virtually do not occur in my body . . . infections are hard to start . . . but so i did not develop a fever at all instead the infection went unchecked and spread through my nasal passages causing meningitis and spreading the infection to my brain. . . again it was left unchecked and no doctors visits were in order because although i was then cranky i was not insane so that change was attributed to stress at school and the physical symptoms were attributed to a head cold . . . again no treatment . . . as the infection continued my body tried other ways to rid itself of the infection without the use of raising the body temperature and as the infection stayed in my brain my body created a chemical imbalance in the frontal lobes to try to correct the infection on the brain surface . . . this chemical imbalance is typically known as bipolar disorder . . . NO WAIT!!! it gets better . . . that was no the only problem . . . i also developed a problem called vertigo where a complete loss of balance was in order very often and in very inoppurtune monents . . . NO WAIT thats not bad enough the bipolar disorder continued and paranoid psychosis developed because of the extended damage done to my brain . . . whew
im on 4 different kinds of antibiotics for the next month and a half and 2 herbal remedies that will get rid of the psychiological effects after a hearty 6 months and in the meantime control the symptoms
yes i was insane and the flow of $h!ty behavior was not excusable but i can use this as a pretty good excuse
sorry to anyone i disturbed, insulted, disrespected, etc mostly confused im sure
thank you to those who understand and still think im a fine piece of ass
and just fyi/ ps
i did get to the point where i was a danger to the people around me and i ended up hitting my girlfriend in the face and having a mental breakdown . . . so this isnt fake and online it was real