Forget being winless, they had pole like twice and podiums like less than 10 times. They are yet to set a fastest lap of the race. And they have been in the sports for six years. I.e. about 100 Races. I am sure a company with that much capability and innovation and technology (sarcasm) should at least win ONE race.
When Toy announced in 2000, I had actually welcomed the move, saying that it will create a fourth competitor to then strong Williams, Ferrari and Mclaren. But it created strong competition for Minardi and Jordan the teams which were renowned for finishing last.
The same is happening with NASCAR. Toy lacks innovation in the mechanics of a car. They may be good in logistics and marketing. But when it comes to innovation in motor vehicles Toy is just sophisticated Chinese, someone adept at reverse Engineering.
Tell me one thing what vehicle is innovative in Toy's lineup? Nothing. Don't say Prydust, because Ferdinand Porsche was first to create the idea of a hybrid, Toy just copied it, after almost 100 years.
Toy's F1 saga reminds me of a new advertisement of Saturn, regarding the Aura that I saw today. "Sometimes good guys do finish first." In this case, sometimes not so good guys do finish last.