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Everything posted by staceface
My deepest, sincere sympathy on the death of your grandfather. <hug>
Mustang, get the TransSiberian Orchestra's "The Lost Christmas Eve" - I am not kidding, if you are a fan of their music, you will LOVE this CD!
Hey Fly, off topic, but: Who's H? and why is your sig telling him to put it in?? just curious......... Stace"readbetweenthelines"Face
- static cling - pumpkin pie - slow drivers/left lane - math - uncomfortable bras - badly behaved small children in places small children don't belong - cell phones in movies/restaurants/in general - winter weather (and winter sports that make your nose run) - stereotypes - people who try to break stereotypes by being so atypical its a joke - sparkly eye shadow - people who waste words I must also point out the irony in LosAngeles post on improper use of the english language in all its forms then his unique spelling of the word "usefil"
ahhhhh Blu, my deepest sympathies on the loss of Meggie <hug>
How come some people's posts are so wide I have to scroll OVER to read them? Then some people's posts fit neatly onto my screen? Do I have some freaky setting going on or what? Could somebody with more computer brains than I care to have please help me out?
i personally don't feel the need to defend either satty or sixty8, they're both big boys. I enjoy both their posts, i love satty's sarcasm, sixty8's car collection....... they clearly weren't separated at birth or anything - they are so opposite, but that's what keeps the site fresh....... i think this xbox thing is funny. katrina's aftermath is tragic, homelessness is tragic, the aids epidemic is tragic, some loser who can't control his kid is funny. now, when that kid grows up to run the country, that'll be tragic..... :P
uhhhhh Satty? DOWN BOY!
I have a huge collection of early 80's vinyl. I gave my oldest daughter all my coolest album covers which we then stapled to her bedroom ceiling in a checkerboard pattern. She's got old VanHalen, Mettalica, Missing Persons, Blondie, Bryan Adams, Judas Priest, Sabbath, Pink Floyd.... etc etc etc. It looks really cool.
not only do I NOT check my backseat for murderers, i still pick up hitchikers on occasion, and once left my car in front of my house (probably couldn't fit it in the garage). When I came out in the morning, i had left the keys dangling in the door. Another time, who ever was supposed to bring in the groceries left the passenger door open just a smidge (not enough to have the interior light on). Another time, I couldn't find my keys anywhere - it was driving me crazy - went to check the vehicle, but they were just laying on the ground next to the car.....where I must have dropped them the night before. That's what happens in a house with three chicks who are always in a hurry!
a car, my car insurance, my license plates and stickers, free maintenance, all car washes, and most of my gas. actually, that's a lie, the free car is always a taxable benefit. (but i am INCREDIBLEY okay with that!)
absolutely! i usually start with diet coke, and have tried variations of rye, jack daniels, rum and spiced rum. and don't even get me started on what goes with southern comfort!! LOL :alcoholic: ohhhhhhhh, bluuuuuuuuuuuu, you meant non-alc...... well then, no. :P
so, i would suspect that humans, not able to find a match, have been lighting their smokes in the toaster for 99.5 years and thus the "singed eyebrow" look was also invented....
HA! Chief loves having his 29 year old arm twisted!! LOL (and don't even get me started on spankings!! LOL)
uhhhhhhhhhhh, that's right Satty, nothing breaks the ice like a good old fashioned sodomy joke!! LOL i'm not the least creeped out by your sig, i think it bothers me more than people trust you with their food on a daily basis..........
--- Five States, Three Days & one Classic Buick
staceface replied to Sixty8panther's topic in The Lounge
what a great adventure!! glad you had such a good time and chose to share it with us - but also glad to have you back! -
<<<< mental note to self>>>>> beat paulie with my cane!!!!!!!!!!!!
A lady never votes (in age polls)
wow, b&b, your response to ME - when YOU were at fault for getting fired, for stealing? That's priceless! Public relations and the decision to use the good neighbour policy usually comes from a little higher up than the counterboy at Blockbuster. Based on your explosive response, and general immature attitude, let me just give you a phrase that will certainly come in handy with your future career: "would you like fries with that?"
WOW! you got fired for STEALING!!!???? i just can't believe it! I agree that Blockbuster must suck big time for firing its employees for STEALING! what is this world coming to??????? And Wildmanjoe, you were absolutely right. I hope you also didn't tighten the oil plugs so unsuspecting customers would blow their engines once all the oil drained out. Not letting you work on Firebirds or GTO's??? WTF were they thinking? And I agree totally, most shops are "hell holes" - how can they not be, expecting their employees to do a decent day's work for a paycheque? The only closing thought i have is that i hope you do your own maintenance on YOUR car.......... :) Stupid assholes
well NOS, i might have expected this topic title from other people, but from my lil' NOS??? NEVER! do i have to point out that you've had more accidents in your short driving career than i've ever had in my life? keep that in mind........... :P
a lot of 06 G6 coupes are leaving our lot, and i'm surprised by the volume of 06 equinox's we're moving
I too think Pat Robertson is a fine example of an idiot, I'm not arguing that point at all, however I received this in my inbox, sort of along the same train of thought regarding religion/government. Just food for thought: "So if the government determines that it is against the law for the words "under God" to be on our money, then, so be it. And if that same government decides that the "Ten Commandments" are not to be used in or on a government installation, then, so be it. And since they already have prohibited any prayer in the schools, on which they deem their authority, then so be it. I say, "so be it," because I would like to be a law abiding citizen I say, "so be it," because I would like to think that smarter people than I are in positions to make good decisions. I would like to think that those people have the Public's best interests at heart. BUT, YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE I'D LIKE? Since we can't pray to God, can't Trust in God and cannot post His Commandments in Government buildings, I don't believe the Government and its employees should participate in the Easter and Christmas.... celebrations which honor the God that our government is eliminating from many facets of Canadian life. I'd like my mail delivered on Christmas, Good Friday, Thanksgiving & Easter. After all, it's just another day. I'd like our Government to be in session on Christmas, Good Friday,Thanksgiving & Easter as well as Sundays. After all, it's just another day. I'd like ALL Representatives to not have to worry about getting home for the "Christmas Break." After all ~~~ it's just another day. I'm thinking that a lot of my taxpayer dollars could be saved, if all government offices & services would work on Christmas, Good Friday & Easter. It shouldn't cost any overtime since those would be just like any other day of the week to a government that is trying to be "politically correct." In fact.... I think that our government should work on Sundays (initially set aside for worshipping God...) because, after all, our government says that it should be just another day...."
CONGRATS NOS!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're going to love college and everything about it. It's a great adventure. I know you're going to do well and make us all proud!
Sly, STOP IT RIGHT NOW! ending it all is the one choice that CAN NEVER BE FIXED! everything else that happens to us can be fixed, can be reversed, can be dealt with. If you can't think for yourself, think of the stigma and the distress it will cause Sofia as she grows up and doesn't understand. What possible thoughts will she have? "my dad wanted to be with me full time and was so upset that he chose to NEVER be with me" - will make no sense to her at all. Relationships are fragile, you're right. And we never do appreciate what we've got until it's gone, you're right about that too. And you have mentioned on the site that you and your girlfriend have been through a truck load of crap together. The only thing is that sometimes there IS too much history. Sometimes there are things that happen that you can't get past, or words spoken in anger and hurt that can't be forgotten. You can't change the way someone feels about you. You can't MAKE her love you. Even if you love her more than anything, and would do anything for her, she isn't getting what she needs out of your relationship. As harsh as it sounds, its true, right? Don't hold that last romantic night against her, she may have been trying really really hard to recapture days gone by. My only thought would be to stay adult. Be amicable. Share Sofia as two parents should, be accomodating (but not a doormat) and make your child support payments on time. There are only two possible outcomes here: behaving that way will pave the way for a future friendship that you NEED to maintain because you guys share a daughter, or your after breakup behaviour will maybe open the door to reconciliation. You guys are tied together for life with a beautiful little ribbon named Sofia. Don't lose sight of who's important here. Remember, Sly, BREATHE. This too shall pass. I wish you all the best, and I'll be keeping you in my thoughts. <hug>