Well Guys, let me tell ya....... I'm probably the only Mom whose going to answer this one. However, not only am I a Mom, but I've got one too.
My Mom used to drive me nuts, offering her opinion, asking personal questions, I honestly don't know how many times a day I answer the phone and hear "just me!" and its my Mom. Last year, my Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. The thought of never hearing her unsolicited opinions, her asking personal questions, or all the phone calls I might miss just about did me in. I suddenly realized, here I was with two daughters of my own, but I wasn't quite ready to let go of my own mother.
So I listen to all of her unsolicited opinions. If I think they're crazy, I laugh, and most times she does too. If she asks me a personal question, I more likely than not answer it. If I'm old enough for whatever behaviour, I'm old enough to own it. The phone calls? Nice little breaks in my day. There's not another "just me" that I'd rather hear from, except of course, my own daughters!
Cut your mothers some slack boys! They had you, raised you, love you and want to stay connected. They may never understand you, but they'll do their damnest to try, and if they can't they'll love you anyway.