I don't know what your dealership will do for you, but its been my experience that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Whenever we sell a car (I'm talking new here) we KNOW that you can only tint so dark, limo tint is illegal on a car. So we only will tint 17%, in order to avoid paying tickets for people that get caught. I would suggest that you go to your dealership and raise some holy hell. They should cover your ticket and retint your windows free of charge. If they'll cover your ticket, but won't retint, just wait until you bring them the next ticket. They'll have they set a precedent by paying your ticket, so if no free tinting this time, the next for sure. Be sure and stress the point that they probably sell 100+ cars a month, you buy one, what? every 3-4 years?? so you were relying on their expertise in this situation...
As for you having the car inspected or whatever, we sell our used cars safetied, emission tested, and hand you your ownership when you come in. The customer never has anything inspected, or even goes to the license bureau.
Interestingly enough, 35% is our lightest, 23% our medium tint, 17% our dark. Funny how this stuff changes from region to region. (I'm in Ontario, Canada). Even dumber observation, if I were to drive through your area with my 17% tint cars, would i be pulled over? just wondered....
Let us know what happens.