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Oracle of Delphi

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Everything posted by Oracle of Delphi

  1. I'll keep my old battle axe ...
  2. See Wilmington, I told you to keep the faith. Death sentence commuted to a life that will allow you to build at least a 100K cars per year. You are all great people in my book. Something tells me we will meet again in the not to distant future ... I look forward to that day ...
  3. I own one, of course it's at University of Notre Dame with my daughter, but rumor has it I own a house close to where they were born ...
  4. Now remember your sig says your next new car will be non-GM ... Wanna bet?
  5. I like to see happy people ...
  6. You wouldn't believe it in a million years ... HSV's V8 Maloo ute continues to lead the manufacturer's section of the 2009 Global Green Challenge. Halfway through the event, the Maloo has shown a 51 per cent improvement in fuel economy which puts it ahead of the field by a country mile. With an official fuel economy figure of 15.1 litres/100km, the go-fast utility driven by former Fairfax journalist Joshua Dowling has been returning an average 7.35 litres/100km after three days of competition. Second place is being held down by Ford's turbocharged XR6 Falcon, another heavy hitter in the normal course of events. With an official figure of 11.7 litres/100km, the Falcon has been getting 7.09 litres/100km, giving it a 39 per cent improvement. Third place is occupied by the turbo diesel Skoda Superb with 4.6 litres/100km _ and improvement of 33.3 per cent. It is only the second time that the event which stretches 3000km between Darwin and Adelaide has been open to mainstream vehicles from the major manufacturers. A total of 17 vehicles have entered in the Eco Challenge section of this year's event which is being run in parallel with the World Solar Car Challenge. The first event in 2007 was won by Hyundai's i30 turbo diesel hatch. Competition has been fierce this year, as car markers vie to show that their vehicles are a practical and economical alternative to conventional petrol-powered cars. As well as petrol and diesel powered vehicles, there's also a hybrid and a couple of electric cars competing including the glamorous Tesla electric sports car. But, rather than small ultra-efficient cars like Ford's Fiesta EcoNETIC, the rules seem to favour large cars that produce their best economy in top gear on long straight roads like those found in the event. The unlikely results could prompt a revision of the rules which have already been altered after an emergency meeting between organisers and team managers on Monday afternoon. The meeting was called after tempers flared when the Fiesta EcoNETIC was accidentally overfilled at the end of competition. Gob-smacked Ford officials watched as fuel flowed down the side of the car and on to the ground to be later washed away. As a result team managers will now refill their own vehicles under the supervision of scrutineers to avoid a repetition. With some legs of the week-long event more than nine hours in length, a 15-minute break has been introduced for teams. And, results will no longer reflect the actual distance travelled by vehicles, but rather the stated length of each leg which will in turn be used to calculate economy based on the amount of fuel consumed. Other major manufacturers that have entered vehicles in the event include Holden, Hyundai, Kia, Mini and Suzuki. Holden has entered a Commodore Sportwagon with its new 3.0-litre direct injection V6. It's been getting 6.49 litres/100km. Link: http://www.carsguide.com.au/site/news-and-...ngs_a_challenge
  7. So what if I want to bring something home from Holden and build a house in the Great White North of Québec? Then that is a problem ...
  8. Better Pic ...
  9. Holden's new 3.0l Omega Sportwagon featuring new SIDI Direction Injection engine.
  10. Order No. 2009-15 of the Minister Transports en date du 22 octobre 2009 Transport dated October 22, 2009 Code de la sécurité routière Code road safety (LRQ, c. C-24.2) (RSQ, c. C-24.2) CONCERNANT l'accès aux chemins publics des véhicules Regarding access to public roads of vehicles munis d'un poste de conduite à droite equipped with a driving position right LA MINISTRE DES TRANSPORTS, THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORT VU le premier alinéa de l'article 633.1 du Code de la Having regard to the first paragraph of section 633.1 of the Code sécurité routière (LRQ, c. C-24.2), suivant lequel le road safety (RSQ, c. C-24.2), after which the ministre des Transports peut, par arrêté, après consultation Minister of Transport may, by order, after consultation de la Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec, Society assurance automobile du Quebec, restreindre ou interdire, pour une durée maximale de restrict or prohibit, for a maximum of 180 jours, l'accès aux chemins publics à tout modèle ou 180 days, access to public roads at any model or à toute catégorie de véhicule qui constitue un risque any class of vehicle that poses a risk pour la sécurité des personnes ou des biens; for the safety of persons or property; VU le premier alinéa de cet article qui prévoit le droit Having regard to the first paragraph of this article which provides the right pour tout intéressé de transmettre des commentaires à la for any person to submit comments to the personne désignée à l'arrêté dans les 90 jours de sa person designated with the order within 90 days of publication à la Gazette officielle du Québec; publication in the Gazette officielle du Québec; VU le premier alinéa de cet article suivant lequel le Having regard to the first paragraph of this section whereby the ministre peut par arrêté, à l'expiration des 180 jours, Minister may by order, on the expiration of 180 days, rendre la restriction ou l'interdiction permanente; make the restriction or prohibition permanently; VU le premier alinéa de cet article suivant lequel une Having regard to the first paragraph of this section whereby a restriction ou une interdiction édictée en vertu de cet restriction or prohibition under this alinéa entre en vigueur à la date de la publication de paragraph comes into force on the date of publication of l'arrêté à la Gazette officielle du Québec; Order in the Gazette officielle du Québec; VU le quatrième alinéa de cet article qui prévoit que Having regard to the fourth paragraph of that article provides that l'obligation de publication prévue à l'article 8 de la Loi the publication requirement laid down in Article 8 of the Act sur les règlements (LRQ, c. R-18.1) ne s'applique pas on regulations (RSQ, c. R-18.1) does not apply à un arrêté pris en vertu de cet article; an order made under this section; VU qu'il appert, après consultation de la Société, WHEREAS it appears, after consulting the Corporation, qu'il est opportun d'interdire ou de restreindre, pour une it is appropriate to prohibit or restrict, for durée de 180 jours, l'accès aux chemins publics à certains duration of 180 days, access to public roads in some véhicules munis d'un poste de conduite à droite Vehicles with a post of RHD parce qu'ils constituent un risque pour la sécurité des because they constitute a risk to safety personnes ou des biens; persons or property; CONSIDÉRANT QU'il ya lieu d'interdire ou de restreindre, WHEREAS it is expedient to prohibit or restrict pour une durée de 180 jours, l'accès aux chemins for a period of 180 days, access to roads publics aux véhicules munis d'un poste de conduite public vehicle equipped with a driving position à droite pour les motifs invoqués par la Société; right for the reasons given by the Company; ARRÊTE CE QUI SUIT : ADOPTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. 1. L'accès aux chemins publics est interdit aux véhicules Access to public roads is closed to vehicles routiers munis d'un poste de conduite à droite à road equipped with a driving position right at l'exception : except: 1° des véhicules immatriculés au Québec avant 1 vehicle registered in Quebec before le 29 avril 2009; April 29, 2009; 2° des véhicules immatriculés à l'extérieur du Québec; 2 vehicles registered outside of Quebec; 3° des véhicules fabriqués 25 and et plus avant la 3 vehicles manufactured 25 years or more before the date de leur importation au Canada; date of importation into Canada; 4° des camions, des souffleuses à neige et des véhicules 4 trucks, snow blowers and vehicles de transport d'équipement au sens du Règlement transportation equipment as defined in Regulation sur l'immatriculation des véhicules routiers édicté par le on the road vehicle registration issued by the décret 1420-91 du 16 octobre 1991; Decree 1420-91 of October 16, 1991; 5° des véhicules appelés à faire des arrêts répétitifs le 5 vehicles required to make repeated stops the long d'un chemin dans le cadre d'un travail visant un along a path through a work aimed service public; public service; 6° des véhicules-outils; 6 tool vehicles; 7° des véhicules routiers appartenant à une école de 7 ° road vehicle belonging to a school conduite ou à un établissement qui est titulaire d'un Conduct or institution that holds a permis pour l'enseignement de la conduite de camions allowed to teach driving truck lourds délivré en vertu de l'article 10 de la Loi sur Heavy issued under section 10 of the Act l'enseignement privé (LRQ, c. E-9.1). private education (RSQ, c. E-9.1). 2. 2. Les véhicules légers immatriculés avant le 29 avril Light vehicles registered before April 29 2009, en usage sur les chemins publics, doivent : 2009, used on public roads should: 1° être immatriculés comme véhicule de promenade 1 ° be registered as passenger vehicle à circulation restreinte; circulation restricted; 2° être munis d'une plaque d'immatriculation portant 2 bear a registration plate bearing le préfixe « C » conformément à l'article 124 du the prefix "C" under Article 124 Règlement sur l'immatriculation des véhicules routiers, Regulations on registration of road vehicles, édicté par le décret numéro 1420-91 du 16 octobre 1991. enacted by Decree No. 1420-91 of October 16, 1991. Pour l'application du présent arrêté, on entend par « For the purposes of this Order, the term " véhicule léger » un véhicule routier muni d'un poste de light vehicle "means a road vehicle equipped with a position conduite à droite, autre qu'un véhicule à deux roues, qui RHD, other than a two-wheeled vehicle, which satisfait aux exigences suivantes lors de sa vente au satisfies the following requirements at its sale premier usager : first user: 1° une longueur de 3,4 mètres ou moins; 1 length of 3.4 meters or less; 2° une largeur de 1,48 mètre ou moins; 2 ° a width of 1.48 meter or less; 5100A GAZETTE OFFICIELLE DU QUÉBEC, 26 octobre 2009, 141e année, no 42A Partie 2 5100A OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF QUEBEC, October 26, 2009, 141st year, No. 42A Part 2 3° une hauteur de 2,0 mètres ou moins; 3 a height of 2.0 meters or less; 4° un moteur d'une cylindrée de 660 cm3 ou moins; 4 an engine displacement of 660 cm3 or less; 5° un moteur d'une puissance de 47,7 kW ou moins. 5 an engine power of 47.7 kW or less. 3. 3. Nul ne peut conduire un véhicule léger sur un No person shall drive a vehicle on a slight chemin public sur lequel la vitesse maximale permise est public road on which the maximum speed allowed is de plus de 70 km/h. over 70 km / h. 4. 4. Les véhicules routiers immatriculés avant le 29 Road vehicles registered before 29 avril 2009, au moyen d'un certificat d'immatriculation April 2009, through a registration certificate temporaire ou d'une plaque d'immatriculation amovible, Temporary or removable plate, ne peuvent se prévaloir de l'exception prévue au can not invoke the exception in paragraphe 1° de l'article 1. Paragraph 1 of Article 1. 5. 5. Le propriétaire d'un véhicule léger qui contrevient The owner of a light vehicle that contravenes à l'article 2 commet une infraction et est passible d'une Article 2 commits an offense and is liable to a amende de 300 $ à 360 $. fine of $ 300 to $ 360. 6. 6. Quiconque contrevient à l'article 3 commet une Anyone who contravenes section 3 commits an infraction et est passible d'une amende de 300 $ à 360 $. offense and is liable to a fine of $ 300 to $ 360. 7. 7. Tout intéressé peut transmettre ses commentaires Any interested party may submit comments portant sur le présent arrêté avant le24 janvier on this order before January le24 2010, à monsieur Mark Baril, Société de l'assurance 2010, Sir Mark Baril Insurance Corporation automobile du Québec, 333, boulevard Jean-Lesage, automobile du Québec 333, boulevard Jean-Lesage C-4-21, CP 19600, Québec (Québec) G1K 8J6, courriel C-4-21, CP 19600, Québec (Québec) G1K 8J6, email [email protected] Mark.Baril @ saaq.gouv.qc.ca 8. 8. Le présent arrêté entre en vigueur le 26 octobre This Order comes into force October 26 2009 à l'exception des articles 2, 3, 5 et 6 qui entreront 2009 with the exception of Articles 2, 3, 5 and 6 which will en vigueur le 27 décembre 2009. effective December 27, 2009. Il est abrogé le24 avril It was repealed in April le24 2010. 2010. La ministre des Transports, The Minister of Transport, JULIE BOULET JULIE BOULET 52599 52599
  11. Happy Birthday ZL-1, you are now the same age as Jesus was, when he died.
  12. Pontiac can't be dead, if its still in my head ...
  13. Better? Here is the Global Green Challenge Sportwagon
  14. Is it like the New World Order?
  15. Trust me, there is a method to my madness ...
  16. Wilmington has many powerful friends, not just me! Who's to say that GM won't buy up Fisker some day soon and create an electric automotive division, and then the plant would once again be a GM plant ...
  17. Was sagst du? Ich verstehe das nicht!
  18. U.S. Vice President Joe Biden plans on Tuesday to visit a closed General Motors plant in Wilmington, Del., for an announcement, according to the White House ... The announcement is planned for 10 a.m. EDT on Tuesday ... Link: http://bit.ly/KBWe3
  19. Yellow, Purple and Orange. Colors that scream look at me in a Narcissistic way ...
  20. Follow NSAP from GMI on Twitter, copy what he does, he's making headway with GM's Senior Staff and management, along with the Marketing people. Holden likes him a lot. I'm not on Facebook, so I wouldn't know, too busy being a Narcissists on Twitter with the rest of GM ... OK, have to go, about to lose my Internet connection because I'm on a day trip out of Hobart, Tasmania ...
  21. Fisker Automotive plans to build a plug-in hybrid car at the empty Boxwood Road plant near Newport, a decision that will give Delaware a prominent role in a government-backed reshaping of the American auto industry. A formal announcement from Fisker could come as soon as Tuesday, according to sources with knowledge of the company's plans. Fisker, a startup automaker based in Irvine, Calif., confirmed earlier this week that company representatives have met with Delaware officials and toured the Boxwood Road plant, idle since July when General Motors ended production there. The company is planning to renovate the abandoned domestic factory with proceeds from a $359 million loan from the U.S. Department of Energy. Fisker, which expects to release its first vehicle next summer, intends to build as many as 100,000 electric hybrid sedans annually at the U.S. site, beginning in 2012. The company's decision to use the Boxwood Road factory marks a quick resurrection for the 62-year-old plant, a casualty of GM's bankruptcy and restructuring earlier this year. Gov. Jack Markell had asked Motors Liquidation Co., which is disposing of GM's unwanted properties in bankruptcy court, to keep equipment in the local plant to help market it to automakers. The 3.2 million-square-foot plant was already geared toward low-volume production, and GM invested $50 million earlier this decade to convert its body shop and assembly line to produce the Pontiac Solstice, Saturn Sky and Opel GT sports cars. Renovating the Boxwood Road factory for Fisker's purposes "would probably be as easy as any existing plant I could think of," said David Cole, chairman of the Center for Automotive Research in Ann Arbor, Mich. Fisker spokesman Russell Datz would not comment on the company's plans. Tim Yost, a spokesman for Motors Liquidation Co., also had no comment. The sale of the Boxwood Road factory would require approval from the bankruptcy court in New York. Potential 'green jobs' coup Luring Fisker would be a signature economic development achievement for the administration of Markell, who could tout the twin goals of bringing "green" jobs to Delaware and rebuilding the state's manufacturing sector. Article continues: http://www.delawareonline.com/apps/pbcs.dl...D=2009310230012
  22. Yes I know, but C&G needs to get more involved in following and friending GM staff, GMI is getting many perks bye doing this and you will get new members here ...
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