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Everything posted by intrigued

  1. ^ seconded
  2. Personally I have owned 1986 Cutty Ciera international 3800. First car and loved it. Third person to get it in my family and would have kept driving it for quite a while had it not been totalled while parked in the city. 1996 accord dx - Hated this car. Couldn't afford a replacment for the cutty so my dad gave me his station car under the provision that I drop him off at the station. 2001 Alero GLS - My baby. Great car, good power great handling and looked sharp. Needed a little fixing up from hard ware, I bought it with 20k miles and drove it to 80k of hard NYC area miles. Decided to trade it in instead of putting a few grand into maitanance. 2006 Malibu SS - First New car I've bought. Not bad but things considered I think I would have like to keep the alero looking back on it. For the rest of my family, not including the cutty and the accord which were both passed around- 1966 Impala - Dad's first car, brand new for 2400 1967 Mustang GT500- Dad's second car, loaned it to little bro who totalled it. 1969 Camaro SS- Dad's third car which engine siezed on after neighbor tinkered to much with it. 1970 Bonneville 1972 Volvo sedan - don't know the model but it was a huge lemon 1975 Valiant - Another big lemon - killed my folks on mopar products. 1979 Citation - Car ran for 400k miles with 5 different people in my family 1981 Citation 1986 Olds 98 Regency - Mom's favorite car ever. Stolen and chopped 8 months after purchase. 1987 Olds Delta 88 - 395k mile car 1989 Olds Regency 98 1994 Olds Regency Elite 2 - Saved my mom's life in a 60 mph head on crash. 2000 Olds Intrigue GLS - Most solid reliable car ever owned. oil shanges included 100k of milage only had 1800 in cost. Sold to roomate who loves it still. 2002 Alero GL I4 - My big bro's first new car purchase. 2006 Ford mustang v6 - brothers new car 2006 Saturn vue FWD v6 2007 Aura XR- Mom's first car that's not an Olds since 1986. This means that my immediate family have had Chevys - 5 Fords - 2 Pontiac - 1 Foreign cars - 2 Mopars - 1 Oldsmobiles - 8 Saturns - 2 Next cars up for my family will be 2009/10 Camaro 6.2 for my brother EP2 Aura Desiel for my folks and as soon as there is some sort or decent lease, not great just decent, a new 08 3.6 DI CTS for me. Hopefully by this coming March
  3. Oldsmoboi has a good take on it. China can afford to do this but it is a shortsighted solution because virtually their entire econemy is geared twards American Imports. Yes they can cause a really bad recession but they will ultimatley be biting the hand that feeds them. Who will they sell all these goods to when they piss us off? Mean while the US econemy will stabilize, lots of manufacturing jobs will bre brought back here or sent to other countries that will actually trade with us. As horrible as this might be in the short term it may be for the best in the end.
  4. What IS with disk warp and epsilon cars? I mean honestly. My Malibu SS '06 has 26k miles on it and it has already had the rotors machined once at 18k miles. That didn't fix the pulse so they replaced them. No its less than 10k miles later and I'm getting the same thing. It seems that this is always a problem with GM midsizers. It was a problem for a lot of n-bodies too.
  5. Classic Dane Cook refrence there dodge fan
  6. I wanted to round up a few different thoughts and rumors about the new CTS under one topic. It has been disucussed in various posts but not all at once, so here it goes... Is the new CTS being realigned with the BMW 5 series? The price has gone up in the new generation but it still drastically undercuts the 5er. The size of the cars are almost identicle. I'd say with the 3.6 pfi and CTS compares very favoriably with the new 528. The 3.6 DI is only about .2 slower to 60 than the 535 so there is a good competitor for that car. What there isn't right now is a non V series v8 option to combat the 550. I've heard and read rumors that the new dohc ultra v8 is slated to make it into the 2010, slightly refreshed CTS. Is there any truth to this rumor? Personally i think that it would be great to realign the CTS to directly, though for a more resonable price, compete with the 5er. And as for the Ultra v8 which I hear will start production in '09 do we know anything about it's stats? I've hear its an evolutionary develpment of the HF v6s and would likely range in displacment from 4.8 - 5.5 liters and have VVT and DI. What do you think the power figures would be? What cars are going to get it? Also if the CTS does move up to squarley compete with the 5er and the new alpha car competes with the 3 series what becomes of the STS/DTS? That's one of the biggest mysteries. I've heard no solid rumors on that. So to sum up here are the topics to comment on. 1. Will the new CTS square off with the 5/e class cars and get a new dohc v8 to help in these regards? 2. what info or speculation do we have on the new ultra v8? 3. What will become of the STS/DTS assuming the CTS move up a class?
  7. fix the lumina. I've heard so many horrow stories of this gasket intake coolant issue, especially with the 3400. I guess I got a an especially well built Alero because I used to flog the crap out of it when I was driving it anf it was fine even after over 100k miles. Mustang, What car are you thinking of in may?
  8. My family had a 2000 GLS model. Best car we ever owned. 100,000 miles with only 13 oil changes (changed whenever the car told us to via the oil life system) And over that 100,000k the only other maitenance done was to give it a new battery, 1 new set of tires and 1 new set of pads and front rotors. WE recently sold the car to my friend and he's been loving it. IT's a bit dinged up from city use and it floats a bit because it's still using its original suspension but it has beenthe most reliable car we have ever owned. The 3.5 is still smooth and powerful as ever even though it's due for a tuneup that it hasn't had yet and it still returns 20 city 30 highway. From what I've heard with this engine is that the vast majority of them are as relaibe as the 3800 but something like 1 in 10 is a lemon and will burn oil and become a money pit. They tend to show these symptoms early in a cars life though so if you find a well taken care of intrigue with 40k or more miles on it that drives fine and isn't burning any oil I'd say go for it.
  9. NOS, Why are you saying he should wait for thr '09? Just a question of first year reliability or what?
  10. It seems like a good deal but I would ask myself if I had enough toys or not at some point. I mean yo do have two nicley restored Camaros right? The Trans Am will cost a lot more in gas and insurance. If those weren't an issue and I was in your shoes I'd do it in a heart beat. If I only had the focus I'd do it in a heart beat. Having two sick Camaros though, I'd have to weigh the cost of the new car compared to my other debts and really think if it is worth it or responsiable to do it. That being said I'll be the first to admit that I don't always do the responsible thing financially.
  11. "Big star. I blow solar flares out of my ass." -Denny Crane
  12. I like the office and scrubs too. I find them very entertaining but something about the underlieing drama and serious issues addressed in Boston legal gives it that something extra for me. The office and scrubs are both shows I watch when they're on and it's convienenient where as in BL's case I never miss an episode. The only other show I never miss is the new Battle Star Galactica. Oldsmoboi, I've been lazing around at work with nothing to do today so I've been watching some of the clips. They are the best. I can't wait for season 3 to be on DVD so I can rewatch since they never show reruns of BL for some reason. Favorite moments include: Denny blowing the Samon's head off in frusteration when fishing with Alan. Alan and Denny wrestling over the right to pursue Shirly. Denny and his sex doll. Denny shooting the guy holding Alan hostage in the office. just to name a very few.
  13. SO does anybody lhere like the show Boston Legal? It's one of my favorite shows on TV. Spader and Shatner are comedic gold and the sheer lunacy of some of the things that happen on the show, combined with provacative and dramatic trials ripped right from current day events makes this my favorite show hands down. Season 4 is coming in late september and I can't wait for it. "Denny Crane, lock and load!"
  14. intrigued

    new job

    hey all, A few weeks ago I talked asked advice wheather I should take a part time sales associate postition at a GM dealer or not. After being thoroghly discouraged from that path, and for good reason I have found emplyoment as a bartender at McFadden's bar in NYC. If anybody for Cheers and gears wnats to show up the nights that I am bartending I'll give lot's of buybacks and freebees. Right now I'm a 'reoccuring guest bartender' and am trying to become regular staff so it's really important that I bring bodies into the place. If anyone is interested I'll post w2hen I find out my schedule.
  15. I figured they wouldn't do it right out of the gates either. there are sure to be a ton of retail sales right off the bat. I had a friend who got a lease on a loaded 43k 2007 g35x. He put down only 1100 bucks and pays 630 a month for 24 months and 25k miles a year. I'm hoping for something similar though I'd be willing to stretch it to 3 years and lower the milage to keep the monthly at 600 or less. I'm going to jump all over any comparable offers. hopefully the lease offeres start sooner rather than later.
  16. Hey guys, I was just wondering if anyone could help me make an educated guess on how much per month it would cost top lease an 08 CTS that had an MSRP of about 45k. I'd be open to either 24 or 39 month leases though I would prefer the 24 month. my goal is to have the lease payment come out to around 500 a month with an absolute max of 600 a month. I would have 5000 to put down and I need 15k miles a year. Is the 500-600 a month possible. All my prior car shopping have been purchases so leasing is nwe and a little confusing to me.
  17. GXT, This may cause a period of cheaper imported goos across the board but long term it would greatly help both our domestic auto buisnesses and econemy in general. This bill doesn't say that we are going to automatically put a tariff or citation on a country if they change their intrest rate. It is here to prevent unfair market laeveraging and manipulation of money and inrest rates to allow for unfair competition. I for one wholeheartedly agree with our ellected representatives for a change. This bill could single handedly restore the domestic auto buisness as well as largley revive the middle class. If it's no longer worth it for US companies to manufacture and import things from China and Japan then they might as well bring the jobs back to the U.S. I really hope this bill goes through.
  18. Thanks guys. Im so depressed... 21 finally, there's no reason to drink anymore now that I can do it legally... NOT! I'm taking a girl who I've bene interested in, and she's made signs that she's interested in me, to the Mets game today. I'll get back home around 10:30- 11 and then I'm going to go out to the bars legally for the first time ever and hang out with a few friends. I won't blow my savings acount on the night don't worry.
  19. I am a huge fan of the series. It's a such a unique premise but it also contains and links many aspects of norish and aurthurian legend as well as other greek tales. It is witty and eterical and contains a number of themes that are directly relatable to modern day rights and morality issues and it promotes friendship, love and self sacrifice. Reasons aside I will now provide spoilers for thos who want them Scroll down then Highlight test below to read: Harry, Ron and Hermione all live. Voldemort dies. Wormtail, Bellatrix, Crabbe die. Fred Weasley, Hedwig, Dobby, Madeye, Lupin, Tonks, Colin Creavey, Snape die. Snape was good Harry and Ginny get married. Ron and Hermione get married Those are the bassic who lives who dies who gets married and was snape good or bad answered. I really like the last book though there were some details she promised left out of it. It was well written and had really developed some charcters that have been neglected in the last book or two.
  20. I vote for the alero, you can get loaded GLS model aleros with low miles for CHEAP. They are a great buy have good performance and return good fuel econemy. My alero was super reliable for 55k miles. Thats the 55k miles I had it for 18 months before I traded it in, having lost only 3500 of equity on my new car. It had a total of 75000 miles on the clock when I got rid of it. It's drive train drove like the day I picked it up. It had had 1 big round of maitenance in that time, new set of pads and rotores, tires, shocks and springs, but those are all parts that ware out and I drove half of those miles, speeding through a potwhole ridden urban area. Anyway I'd push the alero. Even the 4 banger alero has pretty good pickup and my brother reguallary returned 30 MPG in 50 50 highway city. If it was all highway crusing he would get closer to 35.
  21. NOS, if you don't care if it's nu,bers matching and really want to rebuild EVERYTHING from the ground up get a a battered but solid body and frame with a dead engine or none at all. Should be realtivley cheap. You completley strip the car and repair all interior exterior damage. Then you buy a remanufactured 427 block and build it from the ground up. Add car A to engine B and volia, you have a kickass ride.
  22. He's come to warn us about manbearpig and he's super cereal!
  23. Al Gore when he goes to bail out his kid... "Little Al, when we get home you are so grounded... I'm super cereal!" When they beat the charges in court... "Excelsior!" Anyone know what I am talking abour here? What show I am quoting? Bonus points for naming the supposed antagonist fo the episode
  24. I think there may be a big enough market for midsize BOF trucks left to allow for a redisign of the TB and Envoy, and JUST thoese two, GMT 360s IF they keep the cost down on the redisign. Here's what you do. Moderate refreshes on both exteriors, brining the new Chevy/GMC truck looks to them. Same deal with the interiors. Give them better suspension tuning like the SAAB version and the only major mechanical upgrade would be to give them the new 6 speed auto. The 4.2 with a fast shifting 6 speed would absolutley tear down the roads. Also offer the 5.3 DOD with a 6 speed on both. The only major design work that would need to be done mechanically would be for the 6 speed. The rest you just take from the other upmarket 360s that are going out of production. It they could do this economicall enough that they could get say 100k TB sales and 60k GMC sales would make the business case I say why not let them stay in the lineup?
  25. Saw it last night and it blew me away. I had mediocre expectations but it had amazing aztion sequences and special effects, great commeday and pretty damn good acting for a pg13 summer action flick. The plot was also decent. I knew that they were going to have to change it from that of the original somewhat to fit movie format but it actually managed to keep a good number of ellements of the original at the same time. One last thing... There is no way I am going to get anything but a camaro now, that thing is just too bad ass. Screw the g8, cts, whatever. I'm going to save my pennies and get me a pony car.
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