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Justin Bimmer

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Everything posted by Justin Bimmer

  1. I have to say, excellent post BV! One of the better posts I have read on here in awhile.
  2. In California, it is $85.00 and UP UP UP for safety belt violation.
  3. Wikipedia Poo Page Oh and when you are done, make sure to... Wikipida wipe your bottom!
  4. Out here in California, there is this company named Foster Farms that makes a corndog dipped in a honey cornbread batter and they sell them in HUGE boxes at Costco.
  5. mmmmmm, corndog with lots of mustard!!!
  6. We have history in California, didn't Disneyland just turn 50 years old?
  7. I have been to 40 states and all I have to say is that each and every day that goes by the "other 49" become more and more like LA and California, not less. So there must be something wrong with the whole country.
  8. Wow..... could this be a drunk posting?
  9. The GM building in NYC was for financial purposes not the headquarters. Also, I think moving the headquarters to a place like Los Angeles or somewhere in California would be a huge move to try and combat the tastes and trends of America. However, it would be much more expensive to have headquarters in LA than Detroit.
  10. I have confirmed that a high school student here drives a lotis elise to school. I wonder how much his insurance is?
  11. China
  12. That thing has been floating around for a few weeks recently. I heard it on Bubba the Love Sponge like 2 weeks ago. Total work, not real, but kinda funny, but it repeats itself.
  13. Somebody from General Motors needs to write a letter in response to CR's article. This is just not right. You are supposed to check your sources before you go to press. CR can't say that they were already going to press either when the final tally was made.
  14. Just got done reading the new car issue of Consumer Reports. In the article about "automaker scorecards" or whatever, they say in it that Toyota overtook GM as the world's largest automaker this year. I thought that it was determined that GM sold more? Besides, it was so close that tie goes to the 80 year champ right?
  15. Trick My Truck paint job How about this???
  16. In defense of Consumer Reports (I know I know) A Random Digit Dialing phone survey involving the number of people they surveyed has been researched and demonstrated by the universities of this country to be a statistically valid form of getting information from the public. That being said, there is also a margin of error that must be reported to show that the rankings would have a range that each one would fall into which would place one brand above the other. It is totally possible for some or mabe all of the brand to fall inside the margin of error in this survey.
  17. Obama for me But, Biden was second, who was the person that I WAS going to vote for in the California Primary. Now I will most likely vote for Obama. As my brother says "look at the constitutional amendments, America has gotten over race long before they got over sex."
  18. At the LA Auto Show last year, they had the Wrangler up on the "rock formation" and they had to change it because they first had a 2WD one up there because thats all they could get their hands on for the auto show at first because that was all that was available in SoCal at the time.
  19. One thing about the Wrangler Unlimited is that it becomes a viable second or third car for people with families. you can put kids or extra gear in the back. The second row folds flat and it does have an acceptable quiet ride for a Jeep. Jeep told us that the Unlimited was produced to help with its "gap" in the market since the XJ jeep was taken off the market. It is an affordable, customizable off-road jeep that people want. I drove one for a few 1,000 miles when I was part of the launch advertising program with Jeep. The best part is that they off-track WAY less now that they have the wider wheelbase. Now something that SHOULD be argued LOL is the fact that it has the 3.8 minivan engine in it and not the 4.0L.
  20. Remember with the Jet Stream, that all air travels east across the United States. So the pollution created in California affects the rest of the country. But seriously, when CA or the FED comes out with a new standard there is alway bitching and suing and eventually there is compliance.
  21. I believe that the law has to do with emissions and green-house gases. As far as I know, CO2 is an emission and a greenhouse gas. This is in addition to all the legal documentation that is in place in regards to California to regulate this type of stuff. All this is a political move by the Bush administration and it will just delay the ineviatable. Numbers that I have read on the subject place the total population affected at around 46% of the American automobile buying public. Besides, wouldn't it be in the best interest of the automakers to just build ALL of their cars to the standard that is the most strict so that they can claim that they are doing their best to help the environment?
  22. Everybody is forgetting one thing. The United States is supposed to be governered by something called rule of law. It was made a LAW when the clean air act passed back in the 70s that California had a legal right to establish its own clean air standards as they had been doing it via the California Air Resources Board when an amendment to the Clean Air Act was passed in the 70s. So for all of you crying dirty pool, open up a legal casebook about California and CARB setting standards and you will be drowing in legal decesions that favor the State of California. On another note, for all of you conservatives out there that preach states rights, this is a states rights issue and if the Supreme Court were to rule any differently, then it proves that the Supreme Court has a political agenda plain and simple.
  23. I use Chevron oil. Back when I was working around heavy duty diesel engines, Chevron Delo was always the preferred oil. Besides, Havoline and Chevron Supreme are the same thing now.
  24. I thought the G body Seville/STS had the transverse leafs in the rear of the car as well???
  25. Have you been fitted for clubs? If you haven't and don't mind knowing going in that you are not likely going to buy new clubs, you can get fitted and find out what type of club you need then look for a set with similar approach angle, length, shaft stiffness (shut up, it's not what some of you are thinking) etc. Ping I know uses a colored dot system that helps people find the right clubs, but most companies will tell you how flat or upright and how long the clubs are. Also, grip size can be important.
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