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Justin Bimmer

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Everything posted by Justin Bimmer

  1. I think of myself as the thread killer as every time i post in a thread, it tends to end.
  2. This last week has been pretty impressive. Dodge Challenger, Ferrari 308, Lotus Elise, my boss has an MG that he drives all the time. Another attorney in our office has this little car from the 50s that you have to access the trunk by folding down the back seat. I cant remember what kind of car it is. I'll ask him tomorrow if somebody can't think of it here.
  3. In California, when it snows on roads here, they either close the road (I-5 between Bakersfield and LA Basin) or you get "CHAIN CONTROL". No salt here, just sand. Also, there is this History Channel Modern Marvels out there about winter roads and I-80 over Donner Pass is featured on how well CalTrans cleans snow.
  4. right. . . oh $h!, just hit the wall
  5. How about brutally killing two people in cold blood? LOL
  7. I think with the gun sentencing guidelines in Nevada OJ will actually serve closer to NINE years before becoming eligible for parole. Also, remember OJ has serious rage issues and is going to be serving his time in a maximum security prison not some place for white collar offenders. As Dan Abrams of MSNBC said "I think prison might be hard for OJ."
  8. New Balance is the best for people that have big and wide feet. Also, at least they try and make their shoes in America and don't just say F-U like nike et al.
  9. Saw this on Fixed news today they called it the "unhappy meal" I don't think they have a legal leg to stand on either. But, stranger things have happened. By the way, I had to go back up to the top of the forum to figure out what it was all about after getting distracted by the Crystal Guns story. . . lol.
  10. "I am not Socrates" -- Law school professor explaining how his class will be taught.
  11. What do banks do anyways? Charge you fees to keep your money and make gambles on junk bonds, hedge funds and other things that are useless except to stockholders and day traders. I'm getting tired of these shenanigans!
  12. I did it. I posted the link in my thread in the lounge too.
  13. GM has set up a site so you can send letters to congress: http://www.capitolconnect.com/gmfactsandfi...ze/default.aspx
  14. I lost my dad on August 30, 2008 of a pulmonary embolism from complications from knee surgery. I feel you PCS.
  15. This is f@#ked up. I see a lawsuit if they don't make it right.
  16. I consider myself to be somebody who is pretty educated. I have a BA in Political Science and Communications. Was 2 classes away from a BA in US History and ended up with a minor in it. I am in law school right now and I cannot understand what the hell is going on in America right now. I know I haven't posted in awhile, but school and working has been very time consuming for me and I apologize to all the C&G fans for not being able to read all the posts here. But really, how is it evil or wrong to bailout an industry that provides 30 million jobs and is only a victim of the American system of the NYSE and instant gratification and rewards? I am tired of everybody thinking that the banking industry is in need of saving. One thing that is great about banks is that they are always willing to buy each other out and consolidate. The auto industry is a bit different. Why do you penalize an industry that has supported America for 50 years with living wages, retirement benefits, and medical insurance with "you made your bed, it's time to fail?" The automotive industry as a whole in America is in trouble. Suppliers, and basic auto parts manufacturers are in dire need of help too. It's time for America to realize that the world is not a pure capitalist world where the failed notion of "trickle down economics" is a successful notion. The major competitors to the "Big 3" are greatly influenced by socialist nations where the costs of health care, retirement, and research and technology are covered by the government. It's time for America to scrap the false concept of the "free market system" and realize that there is an unlevel playing field that requires assistance from the United States and from the American people. I love GM and I think Ford and Chrysler deserve to live on as well. Screw the banks. The FDIC is there to take care of that. Rant over. . . Justin
  17. Jelly belly also makes boxes of jellybeans that taste like throwup or pencil shavings and they look just like the good tasting jellybeans.
  18. What you can do is take a red sharpie, the kind with the big tip on it and just coat one side of the item in it and hope that it all doesn't sink in so when they grab the item they will have red fingers from the sharpie. Then you can tell who took it. Or just spit in the drink or liquid you bring, sweet revenge.
  19. I agree Croc. Their designs are not that bad, its just that there is Fisher Price all over the place. I drove a Dodge Ram 3500 for about 2 years for work and it was a great design, just cheap crap for the dash and face of the dashboard.
  20. I think the car in question is the last year of the Buick LeSabre before they went back to the regal. . . not sure though exactly.
  21. Yeah, there was a short time that NASCAR teams ran that car before the Regal. In the lower levels, it had a bit more longevity as car turnover is not as fast in the lower levels. Here are a few photos of the NASCAR version... More info here LeSabre GN Link
  22. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT???????????????? THAT WAS HOMOPHOBIC????????????????? Give me a break. Mr T is anything but homophobic. That was great. You know, Snickers has a new energy candy bar?
  23. When I was younger, our family was without power for 7 days. We lived in Fresno, not out in the boonies, in one of the nicest parts of town, where they had all underground power. Pacific Gas & Electric basically said that they had a major failure and there was no part available. It was really bad in the mornings, thank god we still had gas service and gas water heaters. At night, it was not so bad, because we went out to dinner every night .
  24. Or... what if it was the "Chevrolet Camry" I bet it would pile up on lots too.
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