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Justin Bimmer

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Everything posted by Justin Bimmer

  1. Been there, stopped there. Out here in the kontry when you have orange trees or almonds blocking the view, you better wait then look when your light turns green. Especially in the fog.
  2. I love how Al Gore bashing starts in a thread about California when he is from TENNESSEE!
  3. we had a powersource failure in an optiplex but at the same time we had a dell server last 5 years until the SCSI control $h!ted
  4. Satty, if it is official California grass from may until October then yes.
  5. California is known as "The Golden State" not for the metal in the ground but because the grass dies every year and turns golden brown. I hope nobody is getting pissed off over this thread. I am really enjoying it. This debate just demonstrates how politically diverse California really is.
  6. Fresno is the largest city in America not on an Interstate, we still have freeways, we have 4! LOL! Also, you can get the house being described with a 20 min commute in Fresno, the only problem is that you need to have a job. The only real good jobs in Fresno are teacher, college professor, government employee, doctor, or lawyer, or some type of self-employed professional services type. Also, on a side note, thanks to Croc, the company that does that "birds eye view" is going to be getting some business from the law firm I work at because their photos are so good.
  7. This would be the main reason why I would do it. For fun and also the ability to upgrade what I want when I want.
  8. Hill Street Blues on DVD, but Fox stopped the DVDs after the 2nd season CHiPs wasn't old enough to understand the show when it was in first run, glad the DVDs are out now. Emergency!, Magnum PI, Rockford Files, How I Met Your Mother, Sopranos, Curb Your Enthusiam, The Larry Sanders Show. . .
  9. +1 Croc FTW Charities also have "vigs" where they take their cut to run the "program" sometimes is a CRAZY percentage. I live in a conservative area of California. We have double digit unemployment, we are the most economically divided big city in America, and if it was true that Republicans give out tons of money to charity, then I don't see it here very much. Most of them only support the Childern's Hospital. Also, all our Police really care about anymore is DUI.
  10. I use google maps, it has live traffic. LOL
  11. FRESNO, CA population about 500,000 (6th largest city in CA) = "hick" area where there are MORE trucks than cars. Very pro Chevrolet and GMC too. Very conservative also. Most Democrats here are "blue dog" style.
  12. Thanks, This is all very interesting stuff! I enjoy reading about it.
  13. A couple of comments after reading the latest article in the newspaper today. 1. Somebody said "she is going to need some help" -- well none of the big corporate companies that make baby items are going to step up. P&G and Gerber both basically said no. There has been no van donated, no formula, no diapers, no big house donated like the other multiple births of the same magnitude. One radio show host, who is most likely a bit over the top, is calling this birth "freakish". 2. Somebody said she was a ho -- What kind of ho? She didn't produce ANY of her children by having sex. ALL were eggs implanted into her body with sperm that was donated. All of her children too were from sperm that was NOT from her husband who she divorced in January of 2008. I am calling SHENANIGANS of the 12th degree on this situation! The mom is F'ed up, the doctors are F'ed up, the mother's dad is F'ed up, and unfortunately in the end, all this is just going to make these poor kids' life harder.
  14. Knowing how nascar likes to paint the daytona pace cars, it will be wild. EDIT: Now that I read the whole thread before replying and see 68's visual demonstration of my textual post: LEFT!!!! :sign0200: :camarosmile:
  15. How about some "croc" pot recipes. . . I love the crock pot.
  16. I read on jayski.com that the Camaro will be the "Official Pace Car of the 2009 Daytona 500" which should be sweet.
  17. It is something that needs to be changed, but if it were to be attempted, it would be political death for anybody that did it because there are lots of crazy naturalized immigrants and illegals that would be waving the Mexican flag and rioting if that were to happen.
  18. Unfortunately, cutting off social services would realistically only increase the crime rate. With incarceration or deportation being the only options, it would only drain as much if not more money from the budget. Plus a lot of the "illegals" children are US Citizens because they were born here. When their parents get deported, then they get all kinds of social services because they basically become "orphans" if they already aren't taking those advantages.
  19. so does china have 4 for every 1 of us?
  20. I would love to see/ hear him or maybe he could have a blog called the "Blagosphere" LOL
  21. I used to drive a bus and this sounds like a worst nightmare. This reminds me of the time that the Governator came to UC Davis (where I went to school and drove buses) about his "hydrogen highway" and AC Transit, which operates in Berkeley, CA brought it's hydrogen bus. The rep from AC told me that people would stop what they were doing if they saw the bus drive by and clap and cheer and even bow down to the bus. Crazies!
  22. No troll, countless people in the 60 plus pages of the thread have confirmed the police officer is legit. The thread is in "ask law enforcement a question" There have been no accusations of troll. Also, they have found the guy's myspace, his photos and other info about him (the ricer)
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