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Justin Bimmer

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Everything posted by Justin Bimmer

  1. I didn't know you could get a Plymouth Expresso with a diesel engine!!!!!!!!!!!! Plymouth Expresso +1
  2. What is a Plymouth Expresso? Is that a drink you order at Starbucks? No, its a dodge neon, see. Plymouth, in the shadows of an American REVOLUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Still the official vehicle of Jerry Brown.
  4. I would be willing to bet that NOBODY even knows Dodge ran an ad campaign like this because nobody was paying attention!
  5. WARNING! In order to own this, your penis must not be bigger than .0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 mm
  6. MOAR REVOLUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Every mans dream machine. "Hey bro, look at my whip" -1 manhood
  8. 12 second 1/4 mile minivan? Chrysler, what were you thinking?
  9. An American Revolution? In 1986? FAIL! This just goes to show you how nobody looked at Chrysler advertisement.
  10. St. Regis, art and engineering, but poor execution. What is up with those headlight covers. St. Regis = instant police car
  11. Don't try and beat a Dodge CHP car. Lesson number 1 when entering Cali-porn-Yah
  12. Monkeys throw $h! at the zoo Monkeys can't throw toyotas +1 $h! +1 monkeys
  13. Poop has peanuts and corn as optional equipment Toyota doesn't +1 poop
  14. I'm ready to start destroying Chrysler!
  15. Mistaking washing machine for a toilet so you can take a dump = never going to happen Mistaking washing machine for toyota and try to drive it off = could happen easily +1 dump
  16. GM4Life, in fairness, we have a Toyota bashing thread going on in the Lounge and Satty is participating in that as well. Maybe our sense of humor and yours is not compatible, which is ok.
  17. I wish GM4life's posts were in the actual EXCITEMENT!!!!!!!!!! thread.
  18. GM4Life = the owner of this thread now!
  19. Kendall website Its made by Conoco/Phillips/76 so it is reputable.
  20. I think they sponsored a NASCAR team at one time
  21. We are just having a little fun that's all. I own a Grand Prix and I think you really could do what we are doing for ANY car make.
  22. Well, if I had a choice of eating a mayo and $h! sandwich or a mayo and toyota sandwich, i think the $h! sandwich would be easier to eat cause it would be smaller.
  23. If you put mayo on a $h! sandwich it still tastes like $h!. If you put mayo on a toyota it still tastes like a toyota. +1 $h!
  24. Pagemaker is the shiznit!
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