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Justin Bimmer

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Everything posted by Justin Bimmer

  1. How about. . .
  2. Ah Delaware. I remember visiting there when doing events with Minor League Baseball. Blue Crabs I believe. We got lost and wound up right upon the GM plant and I got excited like a little kid. It was the first GM plant I ever saw.
  3. Happy Birthday! HERE IS YOUR CAKE! TF2 and GTAIV is awesome!
  4. Before reading any of the stuff I thought to myself. . . SELF, we have seen a lot of Fritz Henderson on TV. It looks to me like he is posturing for the CEO position. Wow SELF, Rich W. is finally going to leave after a decade of basically not making one red cent in profits. It looks like the COO would be the ideal replacement. It would be lovely to have somebody like Iaccoca or Penske, but they would just be short-term solutions to a long term problem. GM is a lot like a school district here in my hometown. Too much oversight that is not ONSITE. People need to get back in touch with what is going on in the trenches, not whats happening on the 14th floor (or an ivory tower like the school district.) The biggest mistake this school district made was hiring outside of the "company" and GM doesn't need this right now. Too much learning curve to do that with not enough time. Your outsiders that look into the company are the Board of Directors, they should not be a rubber stamp, just like a School Board should not be a rubber stamp.
  5. If MIZZOU keeps playing like they did last night, I think they might go all the way!
  6. Couple things on Farmer's Markets. In Fresno, off the top of my head I can think of at least 5 that we have here. Population 500,000 + metro area. Right now there is this big fight going on right now about a community garden where families are able to grow things on city property and the city wants to build a police substation there. The residents were able to negotiate a new location for the garden on city property when it comes time to build the substation. As to the FDA rule. Last time I checked, the Supreme Court and the DEA and the ATF and FBI and whatever else say medical marijuana is illegal. It doesn't seem to get enforced here at all in CA.
  7. You should call the PRICELINE NEGOTIATOR!
  8. I think people just have more than one television now. Some of the newer televisions will let you watch like 4 stations at a time ALA Back to the Future Part II
  9. you can also rent penske or uhaul trucks to tow cars too.
  10. I think MIZZOU can beat Memphis
  11. I think I can say now, I really want one of these.
  12. FSU screwed me hardcore!
  13. Please remember to sign up at Pontiac.com for your chance to enter and win Final Four tickets. Pontiac, the official PERFORMANCE vehicles of the NCAA. EXCITEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Also, don't forget that the Official Performance Vehicles of the NCAA are. . . PONTIAC EXCITEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. I would love for MIZZOU to win. I think they have a legit shot too. My dad played for MIZZOU on scholarship back in the 60s. He passed away this year so if they won, that would be great, but I wish he was here to see it.
  17. Nice! Don't forget to think with your DIPSTICK!
  18. WTF is up with Memphis right now!!!! If they loose to Fullerton my bracket = FAIL!
  19. Pretty much anything that is related to gas (not the fuel) has nitrogen in it. The earth's atmosphere is full of it.
  20. The B-52 is the Stratofortress
  21. Tyra sucks balllzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
  22. I like turtles!
  23. What the HELL is this going to do? Sounds like some shenanigans! CadillacKing3 gas has carbon in it!!!! CELEBRATE!!!
  24. TMI!
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