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Justin Bimmer

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Everything posted by Justin Bimmer

  1. Some of the private hotels in SF are offering pretty good deals right now. I think you can get a room at the Fairmont Hotel on Nob Hill for under 200 a night right now. KEEP THE CAR IN LA! KEEP THE CAR IN LA! KEEP THE CAR IN LA! Do not rely on mass transit there. Safe places in LA it depends greatly on the type of hotel you are staying it.
  2. Codex Amadeaus! Conficker! Pingas! :mind-blowing: :mind-blowing: Illuminati! the Trilateral Commission! Majestic-12! Area 51! the Freemasons! the Stonecutters! the Council of 12! the New World Order! and the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy! :mind-blowing: Edit: For Moltar
  3. April 10th is my brothers birthday as well. Cheers old boy(s)!
  4. At least you get to see where it is made. I hate American Drug companies, or what is left of them. The are all crooked bastards! It's funny how I read about "health supplements" having dirt and other stuff in them because they are not regulated by the FDA, but who is to say that the FDA is even looking at stuff coming from India or God knows where else.
  5. Today, even non-luxury performance cars like the Challenger an the Camaro are not cheap. The only time I see the Challenger driving around is near my house where people can afford the GT40 and Deloreans and god knows what else. But, it is a bad ass looking car. Very popular in Fresno. In the last 3 days I have seen 8.
  6. Wouldn't it be nice is mules could reproduce?
  7. Yup, looking pretty similar. . .
  8. Front end = nascar COT Back end = Lincoln MKZ
  9. I think the SRX looks a bit like a Ford Pinto.
  10. It looks like they turned a "Hot Wheels" car into actual size.
  11. Quantum of Solace had too much "shaky camera" in it. Moonraker FTW!
  12. Both the CTS and the Jeep look good. The GC to me has always been kind of an upscale luxo ride for some reason.
  13. This is going to take time. Just like recognizing that people that were not white deserved the same benefits as being white took time.
  14. Hi, I'm Justin and I'm afraid of people. . . . Oh shoot, that's not what this forum is for.
  15. Lets just say I am aware. I am well informed and well educated and I think I am able to form my own opinions and be skeptical of things that require skepticism.
  16. So today my sister and I were walking through the downtown mall and some crazy dude was talking about the end of the world and I shouted "CODEX AMADAUS" and he looked at me all . Thanks 68.
  17. The nice thing about headlines is that if you don't want to read the whole story, you have just wasted 10 seconds of your life.
  18. This problem that the vast minority you speak of creates is not just about marriage, it is also about abortion, guns, racism, you name it. Any non-important issue they can use to rile up the rabblerousers they jump at that opportunity. If this does get moved to politics, so what? It's only TWELVE dollars guys.
  19. This Jeep unfortunately, makes the GMC look like it would be the last one picked in a playground basketball game.
  20. This reminds me of the time I heard Click and Clack say the Ford Fiesta should come with a funeral wreath standard! LOL
  21. All around the Fresno area (Near Yosemite) The GM Dealers are BPG or more usually now. Some Chevrolet stand alones but usually not. The sad thing is that GM right now is basically worse off than a bankrupt company. They are completely trapped and held hostage by their bondholders. The article where it links the bondholders to AIG was a great example of how badly damaged GM is right now.
  22. I usually either buy my gas at Chevron or Costco
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