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Justin Bimmer

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Everything posted by Justin Bimmer

  1. I agree, first think I think of when i hear blazer is this:
  2. Interesting read. "The Machine" I like it.
  3. The article says a California Highway Patrol officer was in the car. Makes me wonder if he was driving or his wife was driving. CHP officers should know what to do in that situation. Although being in a loaner car that is unfamiliar to them, it may have made it more difficult.
  4. 02ChevySS, Do you work for Gillig?
  5. How is it scary? Practically every company in the Fortune 500 gets some type of government welfare.
  6. Does anybody else get tired of the constant "buy $h! for my kid's school project" or donate to the school for a fun run or some other extra activity that the parents should be looking into financing? Well, I guess I should say that if they want to pettle stuff, try to not make it so crappy like Christmas wreaths and crappy cookie dough or wrapping paper.
  7. I'm not calling this horse-race just yet 98. The EU is not very happy with Magna. Also BMW and VW are vocal opponents as well.
  8. I live in foreginafornia as well, although in a much more red-state style area. I am seeing more new American cars too. Yesterday I saw my first new LaCrosse.
  9. Women who wear flip flops to work and make LOUD noises with them when walking down the hall.
  10. he ain't MAXIMUM BOB for nothing
  11. looks good if you want diesel
  12. All I know is, PCS tends to have a pretty good track record when it comes to his posts.
  13. Looks like it could star in Ghostbusters 3
  14. The jury are the ones who determine if it is too hot or not hot enough. The whole fallacy of the argument that people are weak and its the law's fault that people can trip and sue and other asinine things fail to realize that it is the JURY (regular people) that must determine if the facts are sufficient to apply the law. So in essence, it is normal people that are turning America into a place where it is acceptable to sue after tripping and falling.
  15. Now that we have had our science lesson. Think about this: what would be reasonable for McDonald's to do? Serve super hot coffee to people without warning to mask the fact that their coffee tastes like $h!? McDonald's was serving their coffee HOTTER than what would be considered reasonable. We didn't have a super proliferation of coffee back when this case was handled. Now, there are proper warnings about the heat in commercial coffee, problem solved.
  16. To add to what Croc said, the term "common sense" is often replaced with "what would a reasonable person in similar circumstances do." That is typically the test that is used in court in order to apply facts to a set of laws.
  17. I wonder if he has on of those strange loops on his rear bumper.
  18. I would like to remind everybody that we have a Politics and Social Issues Forum that everybody has access to if they ask for permission. This thread might end up there if it keeps going down this path.
  19. I'm sure it is a lot like other "associations" that make stuff up to benefit their clients.
  20. McDonald's admitted they were super heating their coffee to HIDE the fact that they used cheap, inferior coffee beans.
  21. In California "Rape" is penis into vagina. There are other criminal statutes that define what other forms of sexual misconduct are. "Oral Copulation" is penis into mouth. The judge read it to us right out of the California Jury Instructions.
  22. When it comes to homosexuals and "rape" usually the statutory law involves other types of crimes besides rape which is typically when "a penis penetrates a vagina" And usually the one doing the penetrating is the one that ends up being charged in homosexual sex crimes.
  23. Use of force DOES NOT have to be an element for rape in many states.
  24. My brother works at a restaurant. He gets tips. I can promise you he never thinks about anything the customer is trying to subliminally tell him with tip amounts. Now if you only leave him a religious pamphlet, then he gets pissed.
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