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Justin Bimmer

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Everything posted by Justin Bimmer

  1. Hey! don't be making fun of the curb feelers, those things are cool!
  2. So my buddy has a shirt that says "I'm Allergic to Stupid People!" on it and we were at a truck stop filling up the tour trucks and we had Fuelman.... The lady at the counter goes "Mileage Please" and my friend goes "We have fuelman, you dont need our mileage" Then she says "mileage please" again and he goes "you dont need it!" Then she looks at him and goes "Oh, I guess you can't talk to me cause you must be allergic." She sold herself out for being stupid!!! It was so funny...
  3. That just had "big pimpin" written all over it
  5. Justin Bimmer


    Stupid idots that drive Prius (i Pronouce it - Pr-aye-us)
  6. Now this is the correct Cadillac Logo and the correct dealer name sign.... and this is the correct Chevrolet sign without a correct dealer name sign
  7. The G6 Coupe does look good for sure. The Fusion is looking better than the rest. Its nice to see how some of the GM dealer signs are updated and some are not. From what I understand the current and correct way to have a GM dealer sign is to have the updated fonts for Pontiac and the new gold logo for Chevorlet, and sadly enough to update the Cadillac Logo and to have the dealer name in BLACK backround..... The dealers here where I live, one is a a Cadillac/Oldsmobile/Hummer/Chevorlet dealer.... Its funny cause they still have Oldsmobile up there and the GM logo is a darker color than their Chevrolet sign that is about 200 yards down the street. Their Chevrolet sign still has a blue outlined bowtie on it and they used a decal overlay to add the Hummer logo below the Oldsmobile logo on the Cadillac/Oldsmobile display sign.... You would think that GM would send out updated signs to these dealers so they didn't look super ghetto compared to the other car dealers in town. Oh yeah, the new honda looks like an Ion which is gross... and I think the Torrent looks nice, so the chances are that if somebody is going to buy one, they will have fallen upon a Pontiac dealer before they reached the Chevrolet dealer..... both are nice looking but they are IDENTIAL :(
  8. Justin Bimmer

    I saw...

    Lets see here.... Spent the weekend with Tony Stewart one time Have met famous race car drivers: Kasey Kane, JJ Yeley, Sammy Swindell, Gary Scelzi, Mark Martin, Jason Leffler, Brenden Gaughan Have met... meathead Vitel, Ken Norton, Sr. I have shaken hands with The Governator.. he is really short and has very soft hands btw LOL.. I have met more, I just can't think of them right now off the top of my head.
  9. I have seen Mary Kay Pontiacs before too... they were not pink though.
  10. Actually, AT&T Wireless had nothing to do with AT&T long distance. Just like AT&T Broadband had nothing to do with either one of those. The names were all licensed out by AT&T long distance to use on the other services. AT&T treated my family like crap so we switched to Verizon. Getting a new Motorola here soon.
  11. Do you have a problem with California wine? Are you just jealous cause we make it the best???
  12. and welfare.... you know the number one recipient of welfare is single white females with children.
  13. I am having the same problem, yet I use internet explorer... I updated my bookmarks this morning to reflect the new address.
  14. I dont think guys that drive hummers wear underware..... you know commando style
  15. My favorite coaster is on the California costline in Santa Cruz. It was built in 1924 by Arthur Looff. Along with the carosel and the whole boardwalk, it is a national historic landmark as it is the last seaside boardwalk on the west coast. It has had over 50 million riders in its history and is one of the top wooden rollercoasters in America. It was also in a Dirty Harry movie as part of the ficticous town of San Marcos I believe...where the guy falls off the coaster and onto a unicorn in the carosel, which is not possible as the carosel is not near the rollercoaster.
  16. this make me happy..... i hate ford :)
  17. Very simple, go into the medical business.... build GM hospitals and have GM medical groups to help regin in those health care costs.
  18. Justin Bimmer


    I saw XM mentioned in this thread and it reminded me that I wanted to post something about XM. Is it just me, or is XM starting to really slack off in getting the edge over sirius when it comes to adding content.... I know they are losing NASCAR here soon and they are losing the Playboy Station and Discovery..... I bought XM for NASCAR and cause GM was backing it, but I think I'm going to switch to Sirius.... I listen to XM 6,7,8,11, and Top Tracks usually
  19. I have a radar detector, but after driving a truck with a CB in it for the past two months, I have decided that my car needs a CB. Nothing beats the eyes on #19 because when there is a smokey out there, everybody knows about it. Only minus is that you have to have an ugly antenna on your roof or trunk...
  20. Ha! Parallell parking on a driving test, not out here in California.... unless you are taking a comercial drivers licence exam. Our test out here is, show me the hand signals for right, left, stop...... go around the block, congratulations!
  21. CadKing3 now CadillacKing3 so the name makes more sense to everybody.... on my way to Pawtucket RI..... DUMPHY!!!
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