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Justin Bimmer

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Everything posted by Justin Bimmer

  1. You know, those big GMC/Chevrolet trucks can come with a much prefered C7 Catapillar too..... I loved the 7500 GMC with the C7 that we had out on tour. It sipped the fuel and kept us nice in cool in the middle of the desert for 20 hours when the trailer broke down.
  2. Ok, I am a loyal XM subscriber and here are my top 10 presets 1- 60s on 6 2- 70s on 7 3- Nashville (11) 4 Top Tracks (46) 5 80s on 8 6 Nascar 7 The Blend 8 America (10) 9 90s on 9 10 MLB or whatever I want, maybe chrome or maybe somthing else
  3. You know, RWD is great and everything, but I think this day in age 90% of the public doesn't care where the power is going to their wheels. People are not going to the drag races and burning out their tires to go for a good ET..... people what rear seat leg room and a reasonable ride and decent power and security...... who cares what the drive wheels are........ if you want a RWD performance car go for a corvette.... my mom's 96 STS is FWD and is just fine..... it has so much power we dont know what to do with it yet the FWD doesnt bother us a bit.
  4. BA in Political Science and Communications from University of California, Davis.... going to law school here soon.
  5. My mom does this all the time in the pickup truck. The light comes on, she freaks out and I go and tighten the gas cap. Then I say to her "mom, make sure the gas cap makes the little clickity noise when you close it up"
  6. Yeah, my feeling is that the lounge is for writing and the rest is for reading! I just haven't had anything good to report recently... its not like Fresno is a hot bed for product introduction or testing LOL.
  7. Well, BV I have come to really enjoy reading your posts on this board and all I have to say is more power to you, but if you drove anything with more than 6 manual gears, you would HATE a stick in your car. Driving 10, 13, 18 speeds just KILLS the thrils that you get out of a stick.... heck....I even want my 7500 GMC to have an allison 600 in it now.
  8. The W body pontiac should be on your list too. I know it is FWD but it is definately sporty, i can beat my sis's mustang V6 and it looks good too and it has major function and it gets good gas mileage... and the reliabilty of the 3800 is awesome.
  9. i dont know, but my little brother heard the song and said "i want that song cause its pimp"
  10. Ok, I'll give myself partial credit for that brian..... i was really thinking of the NUMMI twin but i got confused with the names.... its funny but at the same time it makes sense that GM would put its first DRLs on the cheapest and the most dangerous car that it sold.
  11. Geo Metro? Which was also the Toyota Corolla?
  12. Maybe it was the EV1 since you say obsurce...h ummm
  13. I'm pretty sure it's going to be a Cadillac or a Buick.... My mom's 96 STS has DRLs on it.
  14. After reading a few books on GM, Fisher Body may have been a wholly owned subsidary of GM, but if you were to ask people that worked in the FB division, they worked for FB not GM. It was a highly territorial divison and one of my favorite quotes from the books that i read went something like this "GMAD and Fisher body were run like individual fifedoms where if plant space was shared, they would draw division lines between the two stating terrority." -- not a direct quote but something like that was said to roger smith by an anaylist. Here is some more cool facts about Fisher at the wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher_Body
  15. It looks like a sports car to me. Way more sporty than the expo right next to it. I like the sports car look. Interior is just wow!
  16. It sounds like a head gasket may be out because of the severe drop in coolant. Interested to find out what you find when you drain the oil.
  17. The photos over at Cadillac's website make the truck look way better than those first few photos. I like the 22" rims and all the wood in the interior.... would be nice to see it in white diamond.
  18. There is a chevrolet comercial out with a song that goes "all you do is use me" what song is that so we can listen to it.
  19. I had that thing go out in my Grand Prix and it wasn't that cheap to repair.... But if i do remember right, it is located next to the blower motor.
  20. Hoping that the Democrats win here in California! I voted NO on everthing, our budget didnt have room in it for a special election!
  21. That says it best, when GM copyrighted it, it becomes a proper noun and can be pronounced any way you want.... kinda like that british show where the family is "bucket" but they pronounce it bouquet.
  22. actually those are all accepted ways of pronouncing that word as well. I took a phoenetics class in college.
  23. It's either way http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/impala
  24. Well, I consider myself somewhat of a bus expert.... First of all, GM does not make the buses, GM makes the Allison Drive System that propels the bus. A standard diesel bus will low bid around 275,000 dollars and last time I heard, a hybrid bus would run around 350,000 to 400,000 per bus..... now these prices are for orders of 10s of buses, and if you want to buy just one, it would most likely be a lot more expensive.
  25. Too bad GM EMD is no more because they sold it to some private investors....
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