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Justin Bimmer

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Everything posted by Justin Bimmer

  1. Beautiful car! Beautiful color!
  2. The back end of this car is stellar. Super impressed.
  3. Good pick! Sometimes I wish I would have gone with the Buick over the Grand Prix. Soon he will be rollin and sportin this face:
  4. It is hard for there to be interest in a car which is not on the lots either because they are not being built.
  5. This reminds me of a story that my mom loves to tell about my dad. When he went and bought the 1979 Olds Delta 88 coupe without consenting with my mom, they were newlyweds at the time, she got furious with him and told him he should of bought a Cadillac instead.
  6. Bravada = air suspension = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  7. No the problem is all the rage here about this is misguided. The bottom line is: if Pagani knew NHTSA would change their mind on exemptions, they would have installed the new style airbags and raised the price of the car. The issue here isn't OMGWTFBBQ safety standards it is the inconsistent and delayed ruling by NHTSA.
  8. The problem here is that NHTSA was GRANTING waivers when Pagani applied for one years ago. It was just recently that NHTSA decided to change course and stop granting waivers. That's the problem.
  9. It's white diamond! I'm guessing the memory feature will be accessible via the center console radio unit.
  10. Something from here please. . .
  11. The front headlight goes deep into the body. Looks promising!
  12. The UAW has no reason to sell off its ownership interest of GM plus it isn't GM's choice if the UAW sells any of its ownership.
  13. In the wintertime, you can do the same thing with snowblowers!
  14. For the most part, I enjoy not following the herd as well. I am just playing devil's advocate. I would personally prefer a Camaro SS.
  15. I'm just saying if my car goes from A to B adequately, then most likely what is powering it is not relevant.
  16. Output is all that matters. Who cares if it comes from magnets and wires or 34 holes of fire burning nitro.
  17. Droidx and i wish I had a bell system touch tone forna land line. Droidx and i wish I had a bell system touch tone forna land line.
  18. Pretty cool. Looking forward to Guitar Belt 2.0
  19. My droidx fits better in my pocket than my previous "dumb phone" did. Cubes- I have a huge laptop for work that is super powerful and I love not having to take it home to surf on anymore. If I decide I ever need cell internet for it I can just get a tether plan for my phone.
  20. I just bought an ipad2 it is fantastic and I own an android phone. Apps are what sold the iPad for me. If you want a tablet now ipadftw'
  21. I'm waiting for the Photon 4g to come out to get it for my boss. He certainly doesn't need the 3D gimmick. That just seems like more stuff to break on the 3D phone.
  22. If it is the intake gasket, then they should show you oil from your car that is clouded with water. I had some dealership try to con me into an intake gasket before when I took the car in on a recall. I took it to my real mechanic and said they were full of it.
  23. Tomato mixes with curry when you make country captain.
  24. I hope all these government agencies who are buying up the volts and keeping them away from consumers are paying a reasonable price for them. . .
  25. Is it worth $3,000?
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