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Justin Bimmer

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Everything posted by Justin Bimmer

  1. i took a calculus class one time from a prof that was a bit hard to understand but he was good at what he did. He would pronounce X as exeees and it was tay-ta. But the best was one time he was so pissed everybody was leaving early that he told us a story that lasted like 5 min about how you go to the supermarket and get food and the checker goes "beep beep" and then you pay with cash, or check, or visa... then you leave some of the food there! Thats what you are doing when you leave calc early, you are leaving food at the supermarket that you paid for already!
  2. I thought dealers that put tops on cars like that also added the curb feelers as a package deal.
  3. Wow...... pumpkin spit on new york if that makes sense to you then you have too much time on your hands.
  4. It funny you mention MB about using quality interior materials..... if you look on the sticker it says "leather seating surfaces" That means NOT ALL LEATHER, just parts. They go EL CHEAPO just like cadillac and the rest of the luxo brands do unfortunately.
  5. Smokey and the Bandit Top Gun Days of Thunder Dirty Harry Back to the Future American Graffitti
  6. the SS model is not really practical with your family situation.... like you said before, you need 4 doors to get your daughter into the back seat.... besides, the cobalt looks nice and sporty and you cant go wrong with bright (what I like to call competetion) yellow.
  7. ricky bobby
  8. ricky bobby you are not on fire..... i love nascar so when they make fun of all that there is nascar i cant wait... its gonna be good.
  9. Well, we are calling around now and have contacted the Costco dealer in our area too.... we are going to get what we want eventually.... we will just have to see.
  10. So, this is going to be my first ever long post about something that I find very troubling. My mother is in the market for a new car. Me being the pro GM extremeist that I am, along with all the men in my family, we told her that she would be replacing her Cadillac with..... a Cadillac. To our shock and later many many heated discussions, she said she wanted a Mercedes. Well, we finally decided on the STS black on black fully loaded with the V6. I am telling this tale a bit out of order, but I am now going to clue you in on the worst Cadillac dealership in America...... yes I know what you are thinking, this is not possible, but oh yes it is... read my story and see if you can out do this one. We arrive at Michael Cadillac/Oldsmobile/Hummer (thats what the sign says, its way outdated and the Hummer logo is a cheap decal added onto the oldsmobile sign) and start to look at the selection of cars that are avaialable on the lot. A nice salesmen comes out and greets us and starts showing us some of the cars. I start to ask him questions and he can't answer anything. If you ask this guy how many MPGs the car gets, he isnt bright enough to look at the window sticker and tell you. We sit in the CTS, too small, the STS, which was nice, and the DTS, which was nice, but too big. We go out for a test drive in the STS and he has to drive us off the lot, understandable, but he was driving us all around and stuff and my mom goes "when do I get to drive the car"... she finally gets to drive it and likes it except for this weird whining noise that the car was making which we didn't know why or the salesmen for that matter.... at this point he mentioned to us that he had previously been selling Hummers and just transfered to Cadillac. Next stop, the DTS. Personally, if I had fifty grand to plop down on a car, this would be it. I fell in love with this land yaht of luxo goodness. The seats were wonderful and the car was not too big for a 6'4'' guy like me. So after the inital lovefest wore off, I began to notice these scuff marks and stains in a brand new car. When I moved to the front seat, my mom noticed how GM went "el cheapo" on the sides of the seats next to the console by not putting any leather, or even leather like substance there. So by looking at that, I notice a piece of carpet trim that is just dangling there with the fastners EXPOSED! I point all this out to the salesmen and say "how do you expect to sell a Cadillac to somebody when the car looks like this" his answer "the truck drivers are dirty and we will clean the car up before you get it." Hummm..... then I went on to tell him a similar experience about looking at a vandalized Impala on their lot before and that was the deal breaker for me. So we get back and want to talk price with him a bit. He is ironclad tightlip and won't say anything. So we leave to come back another day. I get online and do some inventory search and price checking. I find what I believe to be a reasonable lease price for the car that we want with the options that we want. I have plugged numbers into GMAC countless times to make sure that I was doing everthing right and to get a range of reasonable prices. So we go back to the dealer and tell them which car we want to see. They say they dont have that car and I say that its in their inventory online. All of a sudden it appears in the new arrivals section that closes at 5PM so we better hurry.... I'm thinking that they have to confirm this order in the computer for this car by 5, but the car is there and he is just trying to pressure us, but not doing a very good job. We go look at the car and say thats the one. I mention to him about the 1200 factory cash on the STS lease and he has no clue about that and goes inside again and says its really 1250. Now, we want to talk price again and he wants to see our trade in. I tell him that we want to talk price first and that we know all the trade in is going to do is improve the price of the lease cause it will bring money in the cap cost of the car. He says management wont deal unless they have all the figures available to them (so now I know they are going to be working backwards from a pre-set lease price). So we go home and get our trade-in and they appraise it, and frankly insult us on the value of the car, and the "closer" gives the price sheet to our salesmen (who now is more like a customer babysitter than an actual salemen) he walks back over with this pale look on his face, cause he knows his ass is grass, and shows it to us. It was a total joke, I tried in my most calm and collected voice to tell him what was wrong with the price and his closer came over and started getting all combative with me. I asked him how i could have a 20% price difference on the GM website than what they were giving me. He says fees and taxes and I disagreed with him and asked him to break the figure down for me, he wouldn't do it. So he walks over to the computer and pulls up the GMAC calculator and tells me to do what I do, and i punched in the EXACT numbers he had sitting on his sheet and got the 20% lower price that I told him I would get. He then says to me, buy the car from GMAC cause there is no way we can sell you the car at that price. So we walked out and I called Cadillac customer service and told them about how bad these guys were and how I sold my mom on the Cadillac, not the salesmen and how they were trying to rip us off and basically they thought they were smarter than the customer. So now we are starting a statewide search for our car, because we are buyers, we just need to find an honest Cadillac dealer out there. It really makes you not have to wonder why people won't buy a Cadillac when you have stuff like this going on out there.
  11. you know what, i think this show is great.... the guys that they pick to fix up the trucks totally deserve it... and unlike most of the POSes that they fix up on pimp my ride, the trucks are built to last for millions of miles.... my only question... do they do anything to the motors? :smilies-38096:
  12. Drove by the local Cadillac dealer yesterday and they had a new black escalade right next to the current model, and for me, the new one looks meaner and sharper than the old one. It stands out just as much, if not more then the outgoing model.
  13. Actually, Lopez in Fresno is telling no joke.... Michael and Hedreck's Chevrolet service departments are VERY arrogant and would do something like this.... have had experiences with both and were similar.
  14. If you do a cost benifit compro to Diesel vs Gas.... it really doesnt add up unless you need the Diesel to tow big trailers. The diesel engine costs thousands more than the gas engine does and diesel fuel is also more costly.... sure the economy is marginally better with a diesel engine but in the long term, you will have to drive many many miles to equal out the difference. My dad and his father bought identical Delta 88s in 1979.... dad's was gas and grandpas was diesel..... dad came out way ahead in the money savings.
  15. Ok, big trucks weigh a lot! LOL! The trailers were very light in comparasion to what they were towing and the new trucks can handle them just fine. I'm looking foward to driving th ISB Cummins..... I think thats the best light duty diesel engine out on the market right now.
  16. So, I just found out today that my beloved 5500 and 7500 GMCs were replaced with 2 3500 dodge rams with the ISB cummins in them. I'm really confused how trucks that had GCVWRs of 26,000 and 36,000 lbs can be towed now by 3500 pickup.... and a Dodge too! Why not get a GM or a Ford truck... hummm anybody know anything about the big dodge, i read that they can only tow up to 19500 so thats why im worried, i think our big trailer is over 19500.
  17. "I put my pants on one leg at a time, except once my pants are on, I make gold records" http://www.youtube.com/w/VH1-Behind-the-Mu...d%20the%20music
  18. nice to see SNL still cranking out some things that are funny. I always love when Horatio Sands does skits cause he always seems to crack himself up... his aaron nevel impression is so funny. Anybody know where I can find the clip of when Donald Trump is doing the fried chicken comercial? I love that one but havent been able to find it.
  19. Justin Bimmer


    Well, I have quite a bit that I wear. I have CK Obsession, Aramis, Polo Black, and Curve by Liz Claiborne.
  20. what about when people say "and what not" as a filler in their dialouge.... I want to do an interview one day on TV where I just say "you know, you know!" haha!
  21. I saw a Detomasso yesterday never heard of that before... thought it was a lamborghini at first.
  22. Where I live, Crystal Pepsi became a citrus style drink like Squirt after the clear cola thing bombed. What about Tab? All I know about that drink is when Marty McFly orders it in the 50s on Back to the Future the guy in the coffee shop goes "you haven't even ordered anything yet" I want McDonalds to bring back the McDLT.... that was so cool how the cool stayed cool and the hot stayed hot.... mmmmm
  23. Link to Yahoo Sports NASCAR Story I guess GM and Ford don't have workers or support the US economy. Plus.... people that pull up to NASCAR races in toyotas with stickers for favorite drivers on them are insane hyprocrites!
  24. I would say yes around here.... typical lunch and dinner crowd... competes with Baja Fresh and Rubios.... if they had drive thrus they might be more popular with soccer moms. The stores in my area have been around for almost 10 years so I would say they have staying power.
  25. In California...... (I had to put this caviate in there cause we are totally different then everywhere else) They are very popular with the under 25 crowd (Colleges and High Schools) They offer free drinks to people with student IDs. I used to love and go in there when I needed something fast but was tired of the same old burger and fries.
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