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Justin Bimmer

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Everything posted by Justin Bimmer

  1. Flash memory is also more expensive than a Hard Disk and the nano uses flash and the video uses a hard disk.
  2. Thats all I want.... it says don't mess with me boy!
  3. Alright I'm only listing this cause it has happened to me before. But vehicle vandalism on a new car on the lot is a deal breaker. Loose parts inside the interior is a deal braker. Not being able to understand how something works in the car in 10 min or less is a deal breaker Ex: I = drive.
  4. Nice to see you choose the 357! An interesting side note to your glock jamming.... When I was in LA had a great conversation with a couple of LAPD bomb squad guys and one of them was real old school and still carried a 38 revolver, with speed loaders. I Asked him why he didnt carry and auto and he said cause he had a glock jam on him in a gunfight and that the revolver was reliable and he didnt need the extra few bullets with it. LOL.
  5. This reminds me of a story in Lee Iacocca's biography of when he worked for Ford. Henry Ford II would basically ONLY eat hamburgers. They had an executive lunchroom where he would get most of his food from... but when they went out to eat, he would order the same thing regardless of the type of restaurant or how nice it was. Ford would always complain that nobody made a burger like his chef in the lunchroom so Iacocca asked the chef why his burgers were so great. The chef's reply was that Mr. Ford only got the best, so it was ground filet burgers for him only in the lunchroom.
  6. how about a lil ghost riding whip too to top it off
  7. cant go wrong with a 357 it certainly has the look of power and a good punch to it to defend
  8. Cadillac Seville from 1992 to 1997 had transverse mounted rear leafs like the corvette.
  9. i would argue that the former chairman of CBS would make that four in the past few days.
  10. All I can think of is the current issue of MT where they start off the SIlverado preview with "First the Bad News" so biased!
  11. We had a 1990 G20 Starcraft conversion van that I saw one time at a hotel in Fresno.... It was THE VAN!!! Kinda weird..... we had family buy my mom's 38 plymouth and they just recently sold it.....
  12. this guy is racking up the posts already! I have been here for a year and just got over the 300 mark!!!
  13. American car companies need to be DIFFERENT from japan et all...... They TRIED to be like the japanese and got their ass whipped. Make something different and appealing and you have a competetor. I don't want a car with a washing machine dial on it to select the cycle and start.
  14. I'm liking the Brent Hatley songs on Bubba the Love Sponge on Sirius
  15. That road in Russia could sure use a few new jeep wrangler unlimiteds
  16. we cant even integrate puerto rico into the united states and i would say that their poverty and other problems are pretty similar to mexicos.... it would be a total NIGHTMARE having to deal with all the crap that is going on in mexico
  17. congrats dude! hope you are getting over your sickness as well. Some woman on FOX news called massachuessest taxachuessess today (spelling is all messed up i know)
  18. saw an acadia driving thru michigan last night... sweet
  19. amazing how far cadillac has come with interior in 15 years.... the inside of that car is so 80s lol
  20. Saw a superduty in full camo driving around in burbank Saw a superduty in weird vinal camo aroudn the ford proving grounds off of I40 in AZ Saw about 10 GMC and Chevrolet HDs with no camo on I 44 south just north of joplin MO today
  21. We actually had somebody from Audi come over to us and was jealous of the people that we had at the Jeep exhibit. I can say with confidence that we inneraced with at least 1,000 people both saturday and sunday.
  22. lets chat about the LAIAS!!!
  23. Its a maybach concept. It looked kinda rough compared to the production vehicle that it was sitting next too. What a LONG hoood.
  24. On the Postscript.... Linclon's car are SO UGLY!!!!! They look like electric razors and the instrments are total parts bin from 1970-1986 depending on the model. Ford has the regular shaving razor front and linclon is the electric razor. I was asleep at the wheel in the towncar lol.
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