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Justin Bimmer

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Everything posted by Justin Bimmer

  1. That's what I thought that was...something funny about the steering wheel buttons, though. The wheel on the CUE mock up is not the wheel that they currently use in the SRX. I'm guessing it is the future Cadillac wheel.
  2. That is a mock-up using the SRX interior.
  3. Will the inline 4 Duramax make it? Will they put that in the fullsize trucks too?
  4. One thing I remember about the Vortec engines is that the injectors like to get clogged and then the truck runs like $h!.
  5. 21 speeds like my bike would be cool..have 7 slots for the shifter, with a paddle shift to go up to 8-14 range and up to 15-21 range and down again...
  6. 7 speeds is no big deal. Try 18 speeds.
  7. notgoingtohappen.com. I hate being realistic, though a Monte Carlo or Chevelle revival would be great, I just don't see this happening... This. With a added dash of thank Lutz that the Camaro even came back.
  8. Motor
  9. Donate it to a charity that takes cars. They will have somebody tow it for free, somebody will fix it up and sell it and when they do, he will get a receipt for the amount the car sold for.
  10. I agree. The C class is a good looking car, no shame in using a winning example as a guide.
  11. Couple things from these photos: 1. That black thing on the front is hiding something, don't expect the actual car to look like that. 2. I won't be surprised if the back end has some padding added in certain places to disguise the taillight and trunk sculpting. 3. Looks well proportioned. 4. Could be testing a "V" type model by the looks of the exhaust size.
  12. Is it just me or were the MPG numbers the same and generally similar power output for the two engines? I see no benefit of one engine over the other.
  13. I think the ATS will have looks and features with a good value. These things will bring people into the dealership to at least try the car. The Cimmarron had nothing. Nobody went to a Cadillac dealer to see one of those other than to point and laugh at it.
  14. One thing about this car which I am looking forward to seeing is the American factor. This American factor will be novelty enough to get people to test drive it and see if it really can compete. I bet they will make sales because of it too.
  15. Sounds like a fun weekend. Paso Robles is on my 'to-visit' list for when I'm in CA, there is a winery there with my name that I want to visit (I've had a few of their wines). There is a Justin vineyard that is there (which happens to be my first name). The reason why we went to edna valley AVA is because we hadn't been there before and it is a lot like Napa used to be before it became world famous.
  16. Had a fun weekend. Spent Saturday in Morro Bay, CA and went to a wedding that night in Pismo Beach, CA. Sunday we packed the Cadillac up and drove out to the Edna Valley AVA and got some wine tasting in. We stayed in Pismo Beach on Sunday night and I bought some Polo shirts at the Ralph Lauren outlet store and a very nice Coach wallet at the Coach outlet. Monday on the way back to Fresno we stopped in Paso Robles and tasted some beer at the Firestone/Walker brewery and made one final stop at Tobin James winery before driving back to Fresno. A whole lot of spitting going on, but everything tasted really good for the most part.
  17. I am in the middle of reading his new book and it should be a must read for anybody who likes GM. It is a great insiders perspective on how screwed up GM was and in some parts still is.
  18. I want that Eldorado so bad.
  19. They appear the same other than for the polish. If the bolt pattern is the same you should be good.
  20. Obviously that GMC is the most ballin truck on the earth, but what about for the more common folk?
  21. So White Diamond "edition" Silverado???? Not a bad tide over until the new trucks come out.
  22. Fresno CA - Aftershocks, not real strong, no hurricanes unless they are in a glass and you drink it, a very rare thunderstorm or tornado, flooding naw dog we have a freeway that can take floodwater, drought - it can happen here it is california, snowfall - what?. Heat- some dry 100+ days in the summer but not bad. But we are pretty smoggy.
  23. A commenter on Autoblog had this to say about the Toyota pace car:
  24. you suck fap
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