Besides what I'm about to talk about and the Cuban Missile Crisis, I don't admire JFK for much.
He was a big part in changing the world. At a time the U.S. was faced with a large menace who threatened its national security and hurt its morale, he made the announcement and got the ball rolling to put the U.S. and its allies back on top. What I'm referring to is Sputnik and the subsequent moon landing-response by the U.S. By putting our heads together we came away, and on top, with many things. It's about time something like this happens again, this time in the energy sector.
We're dealing with a large menace(s) (oil, Islamic terrorists) who threaten our national security, hurt our morale and damage our environment. If Bush came out tomorrow and said, "In 10 years, the United States will be virtually reliant-free on oil." he could set our country on a track to become innovative, technologically advanced and great once again.
Some of the tools we already have. For example, many states will reimburse or pay for the majority (about 75%) of the cost of installing solar panels on your house. That way you save on electricity, help the environment and don't support the terrorist-supporting regimes in the Middle East (if you have oil heat).
Other tools we need to invent, experiment with and refine, such as a new power source for automobiles and airplanes. The solution(s) needs to be mass produced, accessible and acceptable to the public.
Sure it will cost a lot and take time, but in the end we'll be much better off. It will eventually come down to this so why push back the inevitable? If we can put someone on the moon we can find another way to power our world.