The liberalism of American culture. It started in the 60's and keeps on going.
Liberalism is all about bringing about change and being progressive, trying new things, accepting everyone and all opinions (except ones that differ from the liberal mindset), how there can be no wrong, etc.
I'm 18 and there are things that I did 10 years ago (watch TGIF on ABC with my family, for example) that no one does today. Hell, TGIF isn't even popular (is it still on?). In that short amount of time things change and, IMO, for the worst. Nowdays it's family who molds your character. It's what your parents have instilled in you (if they even pay attention to you). Mainstream society used to keep things in check but not anymore. It's shutup by the fringes.
Up until high school, I never came home to an empty house. My mom worked around me and my sister. My family always eats dinner together. Without a doubt I'll carry some of those things with me and do them with my kids. Up until high school I rarely new people who were living in a single-parent home. That's all changed now.
Sex, drugs and alcoholism are rampant (and I mean rampant) in the 13-18 year old range. You could possibly go even younger than that. Who do I blame for that? Parents. They have control over their kids, they decide whether their 14-year old daughter can dress up like a skank or their 17-year old son can go to some party with no adult supervision, drink and then get in a car. Society looks down upon it but really what can it do? It's criticized as "racist" or "sexist" or "facist" when it speaks out against the unmoral things that happen.
The #1 thing that people said when asked why they voted for who they did during the 2004 election was "morality." Now that's been debated and you'll probably debate it on the thread but I think that proves what I'm trying to say. Mainstream America does not agree with abortion, gay marriage, lowering the drinking age, legalizing drugs, leanient sentences against criminals, etc. Various polls have shown the majority of Americans want conservative judges appointed to the two vacancies on the Supreme Court. Why? Take a look at the few assinine rulings made in the past few months and you'll see.
My two cents. Let the harrassment begin.
Edit: spelling.