I'm not feelin' these as much others are. I can see the idea they were trying to get at but the execution is bad. The ads look like incomplete pieces that were released too early.The desert wasteland scenery is pretty desolate and doesn't evoke the sense of luxury. Doing this in a city, on a bridge or even changing the scenery for each car switch would've been better.
The evolution of the cars could've also been a lot more smooth and impressive. Others have mentioned the Chevy Silverado's transforming intro on it's website and I believe Caddy should've gone that route. The transforming would've provided a much smoother transition between each car and would also be amusing to watch. It also wouldn't look so cheap and choppy. Come on it's Cadillac you don't want your ads looking like they were made by freshman college kids. I also couldn't find any reason between the different camera angles chosen. Why is the camera going all over the place in this thing?
There's no real message in the ads except showing off years of historic Caddy cars. There's nothing to take away from the spot after you've watched it. You just think "Oh, Cadillac." It doesn't say luxury, or performance or anything, just tells you that Cadillac has been around since 1902. Yay.
Could've done better guys, the "Heart", and "Crest" spots were much more aligned with what Cadillac wants its image to be imo.