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Everything posted by 91z4me

  1. That is why I am replying and answering any and all questions within this thread. There are HUGE amounts of dis-information about Chiropractic. Some of which come from other healthcare providers and some of which is years and even decades old! The AMA and a lot of MDs do not know enough about Chiropractic and rely on stereotypes that are decades old. The only way to change the negative perceptions about Chiropractic is through education and that is why it is the duty of all Chiropractors, their staff, and the patients to educate others who are not informed or mis-informed about the truth of Chiropractic.
  2. Medicinal marijuana is also prescribed for Glaucoma treatment, though they use cannabis plants with much lower THC levels than for pain treatment.A little fact about THC, the active compound prouced by marijuana, it is fat soluable not water soluable. If it were water soluable like alcohol and other chemicals which are excreted out of the body within days. THC gets stored in the fat or lipid cells of the body. Meaning that the effects can reappear months, weeks, or years even decades later.
  3. Yeah I mean the 360 is so far behind the Wii or PS3 right now it is like they will never catch up.
  4. Yes, for sure. HSVs will have larger engines, larger wheels, and unique front and rear facias, as well as special interior trims. All previous HSVs have had these it only makes sense to continue the process.
  5. The popping sound is H2 gas that is coming out of solution in the synovial fluid in the discs or joints. It means nothing. if the bones move then the job is done. It is completely painless. Another misconception. Chiropractic is safer than an aspirin. Take a look at malpractice insurance rates if you want a direct comparison. Chiropractors have some of the lowest rates of any health care professional. My former employer paid less than $1000 a year. Most MDs pay in excess of $40K per year! A surgeon definately tops $80K per year and may be more. A huge reason that it is so high is that DCs cannot and do not prescribe prescription drugs. They account for a huge liability if improperly prescribed.As for strokes after an adjustment. There have been some studies which do show possible higher risks for strokes after a C1-C2 adjustment but that depends on a number of factors, the highest factor is age and the second is the level of partial blood vessel blockage due to platelet clotting or chloresterol blockage. Either of which are huge indicating factors on their own. Typically older persons, especially those who have either a history of high blood pressure, heart disease, or strokes are not adjusted in the upper cervical region as an extra precaution. There has been NO direct correlation between adjustments and strokes in any scientifically accurate study.
  6. I got a BIG idea but since my skillz aren't very high and I can't find a good base pic I am going to sit this one out. PM if you want to do the idea.
  7. [sally Fields]You like you REALLY, REALLY like me![/sally Fields]Wow I don't know what to say other than thanks to whomever voted for me I was really just illustrating an idea for someone else. But anyway. Maybe I will enter the next competition.
  8. Bob the worst thing you can do right now is to be in or near heat, especially moist heat. Your body is inflamed at the site of your problem, the reason that the MD gave you anti inflamatories is to reduce the inflamation at the site. The inflamation arizes from your body's natural defense mechanism to reduce injury. When we sprain a wrist or ankle we make a splint for the affected area and your body inflamates the area to make its own natural splint. The downside to that is the pain due to pressure on the nerve, based on your comments this is the best diagnosis I can give. The best course of action for yourself if you don't wish to go and see a chiropractor or osteopath, chiropractic's cousin, is to use ice for roughly 15 minutes on the lower part of your neck on the effected side. When I say to use ice I don't just mean put ice directly on the spot, you want to create a moisture rich buffer zone to increase the effectiveness of the cold. The easiest way to do this is to take a wash rag and wet it until it is quite wet and then wring it out. Put that on the place you are icing and put the ice on that, this helps to increase surface conact and make the heat absorption by the ice quicker. Ice is a natural, site specific anti inflamatory. Inflamation is due to increased bloodflow to the area causing an increase temperature at the site. Heat, through a whirlpool or heating pad, will only make the area more inflamed (think about it inflamation see the flam that means heat). After you apply the ice for 15 minutes take it off for around 30 minutes, or until the area returns to body temperature, if you leave it on to long your body will think it is freezing and increase bloodflow to the area and that will counteract what we are doing here. Also don't be lifting heavy things, greater than 10lbs, and don't do things that put your neck in a strained position, things like looking down to read or laying down with your head all cocked to one side (if you do lay down on your side your neck should be in the horizontal line with your spine or on your back your neck should roughly be even with your shoulders).Also IMO, and be it a baised one, go get checked out by a chiropractor. Prefferably one that is recommended by family or friends who have seen the DC, Docotr of Chiropractic BTW. If they check you out give you X-rays and then bring you back in to hear what they see going on and you don't want to get adjusted they aren't going to force you. Now be-forwarned that typically a person does not get adjusted on the first visit, this gives the DC time to read the X-ray films and compare them to the exam findings and determine what they are dealing with. Now about an adjustment. Here is the lowdown on those. The doctor will introduce motion to the site and phyiscally move the stuck joint. This does two things: 1 it re aligns the vertebra back to where it should be and 2 it puts motion into the disc, this is important because there is no transport system inside discs they are really like little sacs of jelly and moving them around moves the fluid inside them to get nutrients to different parts of the disc. I will be watching this thread most of the day to answer any further questions by anyone.
  9. Wow talk about spreading mis-information.I worked in a Chiropractic office for 2 years and am currently in Chiropractic school I know for a FACT that most chiroprators take X-rays prior to any treatment to rule out things such as advanced osteoperosis, congenital stenosis, congenital or aquired vertebral fusions, and spina bifidas. Basically the only time X-rays are not taken is if a person has had X-rays recently, either at an MD's office or another chiropractor's or if they currently are being actively treated at another chiropractor's office. In fact when a chiropractor looks at X-rays they look from a different prospective than an MD or hospital does. They look at how the bones 'stack up' and how they are shaped to see how they work as a group. MDs and hospitals on the other hand look for fractures and evidence of torn or damaged ligaments. Two totally different things. When you go see a MD or hospital here is their treatment options they have: 1. pain killers and anti inflamatories 2. surgery 3. physical therapy. Trust me all 3 have their place and time when they should be used but think of it this way if something is broken do you go to someone who is a general mechanic or a specialist? Chiropractors major course of study is the spine and associated nerves. In fact when he is 'pushing' on your back he is feeling or palpating the locations of your spine and 'seeing' how it responds to the induced motion he or she is creating. Also they will feel for things like swollen muscle fibers which are conducive to inflamation and swelling around a nerve which can cause pain, the feel for the location of the spinal processes, and they feel to see how the spine responds to induced motion. Basically if you have a joint that isn't functioning right and you try to induce motion into it then it will resist. This resistance is not just a symptom it is the cause. A properly functioning joint will have some range of motion be it the SI joint or a disc in between two vertebrae. If the motion is not there and there is more stress on one point of the vertebra it will build up a negative charge at that stress point. The body does this to encourage the production of new bone. The calcium in your body, which carries a positive charge, will begin to collect on that stress point and start to produce new bone. The new bone will stabilize the joint, but reduce motion further. This laying down of new bone begins the process known as osteo arthritis. During which the body loses motion in joints and becomes stiffer as a whole. Also when a nerve is impacted there are literally hundreds of symptoms that could result from: pain at the spot, to radiating pain, to pain that is felt at the fingertips or toes, to numbness, fatigue, a pins and needles feeling, burning feeling, soreness and tightness...Literally thousands of symptoms. Also chiropractors perform orthopedic tests to rule out disc problems such as herniations and disc protrusions. If one is detected the DC can send the patient for an MRI or CT. Also they can request many other procedures that people typically associate with MDs only, Mylograms, NCV tests. To say that a chiropractor is just a one time thing is also a false statement. If you get sudden pain that comes from just lifting something, and it isn't a pulled muscle then you will likely need to come fairly often to get your body back into shape, both figuratively and factually speaking. Once your spine is back where it needs to be you need to keep it there. I am amazed at how many people I saw and spoke to that said things like "The doctor fixed me a few years ago and then I stopped coming and it crept back up on me." Well it isn't like the pain hunted them down at a new address. It is the same problem that gradually re-appeared because they didn't maintain their body. A great analogy that fits C&G like a glove is car maintaininance: the average person will spend roughly $1000-2000 a year to maintain their car, through oil changes and tire alignments and other little things. But when they think about spending the same amount on your body, something you only have 1 of and something you physically feel when something goes wrong they can't justify it. It just doesn't make sense to me. If you take care of your spine like you do your teeth, check ups every 3-6 months, it can last you forever with little to no problems. But if you don't problems can arise much worse than a cavity. scharmer05, I didn't mean to go off on you but I cannot let mis information be spread about chiropractic. I just can't. I am not only doing this for my future but the future of my profession, a healing profession, and all future chiropractic patients. If you guys want to seriously take care of your body you need to see a chiropractor and at the VERY least get checked out. I don't like to see people in pain and believe me I have seen people in pain. The reason I am going into this field is not to see people in pain it is to see the smile that comes on a person's face when they can walk out of my office feeling better, because it was ME that helped them. I will be following this thread and will happily inform/debate anyone who wishes on this subject in an informed and thoughtful manner. There will be no anger or malice to anyone reguardless of what they post.
  10. If the BRX is still on its SAAB cousing the 9-4x will be right beside it.
  11. HSVs have not been shown yet.
  12. True but I was responding to this And the success of the Xbox and 360 prove both wrong. And since the same team is doing the launch we can expect the same results. But remember that there ARE some people who will buy a Zune specfically because it CAN link to their Xbox360 and because they enjoy the product.
  13. Until I hear confirmation from one of the insiders, or the official word Thursday, I am going to stay sceptical. But if it is true
  14. Yeah that Xbox didn't really catch on at all, oh yeah why did they even bother to come out with the 360 I mean they are only selling them as fast as they can make the? Crazy Mircosoft .
  15. Doing well but the 500 and Fusion aren't matching the former Taurus' volume.Freestyle I think is being canned. Edge I really like, but then again I like the styling on the Mazda CX7 better. The MKX is the Edge rebadge right? If I have to as that, as an auto enthusiest and a domestic one at that, it shows how great a job Lincoln is at marketing it. I think they don't know what they want to do and are in a holding pattern and they don't seem to have a direct plan to bring themselves back to profitability quickly. Hell YES!
  16. Ahem, lets get a few things straight. I sell Ipods and MP3 players at my part time job. I am in the trenches I see trends as they happen. I also know the majority of people that buy an Ipod come in saying "I want an Ipod." Those people are a lot like Toyota loyal, they heard good things and want one. This situation is also VERY similar to Sony and the Play Station systems. They thought they had the market cornered, good product and good marketing. BUT Microsoft came in and bring out the X-box that is almost spec to spec to PS2 BUT had one feature the PS2 didn't, the hard drive. And look at what happened: Despite PS's vastly superior selection of games Xbox carved out a niche for itself and has moved a LOT of units. Enter next gen: Xbox 360 comes out before PS3 and at a lower price point and guess what it lines up almost spec for spec (minus BluRay which won't matter to the end user). BUT it has things that the PS3 doesn't: Xbox Live and a great marketing machine. Given that along with the fact that its easier to develop games for than PS3 and they are carving out a much bigger piece of the pie. Guess who is in charge of develoing the Zune brand, and it will include multiple models, and heading up the project: the same guy who brought out the Xbox and Xbox 360. Guess who is literally throwing money at the project: MS. PS we don't really know how easy to use the Zune will be but there is a pic of it. Also it will have wifi capability, Bluetooth headphones are rumored, upgradable with flash memory and will be able to connect to the Xbox 360, in addition to having a larger screen AND costing roughly the same as a video Ipod. MS is building a strong brand here and they are also recruiting accessory companies to develop an accessory set that is roughly as large or larger than Ipod. Don't understimate MS, if there is a market they want in then they will get in.
  17. Original Equipment Manufacturer, basically GM or Ford or Toyota... I am right there with you. If they would just figure out that really attractive stand out product with top in class quality is the key.
  18. Pic from Autodeadline.com My opinion is that GM needs to be more universal instead of Ipod specific. If the Microsoft Zune takes off then they are just sitting dead in the water.
  19. But they are moving in the right direction. Remember evok's law #1 of car sales product is the key. They are getting there. I think the NG Malibu will be GMs first step into having a competitive car that CAN compete directly with the Camry and Accord. Seriously I know the Malibu isn't going to steal a huge percentage of Camry sales. It will NOT happen, but if it steals a few and keeps its Chevy loyal as well as picking some of say Ford's old Taurus customers and a few from the Chrysler LH cars...then it has a chance. To say it is going to be #1 is rediculous the only way Camry isn't going to eb #1 in the forseeable future is if Toyota has like a full core mental meltdown and changed the name or did something equally as stupid. That being said the Malibu could move up quite a bit in the sales rankings.PS-I have noticed a change in your attitude toward GM, more pessimistic, any particular reason for that? If you feel like sharing it with us I think it would deserve its own thread.
  20. Anything other than Mustang or fullsize trucks, that is all they seem to care about.BTW I think Jag if sold will go to Hyundai. We know they are prepping to launch V8 RWD luxury cars in the US. They already make and sell them overseas. To adapt these cars with Jaguar styling wouldn't be that hard and the brand could likely be brought back to profitability rather quickly.
  21. Actually I didn't comment on consumer perseption about Malibu at all. I wrote of the actual quality which has been good on Malibu and has been rated very well, #1 in initial quality I believe for the past 4 years, in JD Powers. Take that with Toyota's problems on the Avalon with the 6 speed auto which halted production of both the Avalon and Camry for at least a week. Lets not get into the realls because both sides, domestic and import, are pretty bad about this.Your right MY opinion of Toyota won't sway public perception BUT persistant recalls of new model launches tend to catch the media's attention and that does impact customer perception. Continued recalls and media attention is not something that any manufacturer wants, especially one growing at Toyotas rate. As growth slows perception of Toyta will drop as well, a leaps and bound pace cannot be sustained forever (see Starbucks for an example). As for Toyota outselling Ford for July, this and last year. How did they fare the rest of the year? If you win 1 out of 12 do you consider that a winning formula? Where do the market share percents lie? Toyota will have what 14% this year Ford has 18.3% based on this articlethis article. So it seems like Ford still has a little lead on Toyota, out of respect for you I will not continue on a slippery slope of satire that I would if it was someone else.
  22. A model which will capture nearly the same sales as the models it replaces. Even if the next Malibu doesn't pull a single CamCord buyer if it pulls all the current Malibu and Impala buyers then it will be a HUGE hit. 150k/yr approx for current Malibu and 250K/yr for current Impala. 400K per year is a big number for a single model. If the next Malibu can pull that off then it will be a serious challenger for the Camry and Accord.Now given that the midsize Chevy sedans quality has only improved in the last few years whereas Toyotas has fallen signifigantly with the new Avalaon and 6 speed Camry's and the fact that Toyota just hasn't produced a hugely accepted beautiful design in their history and I can see a well styled high quality quantum leaping forward Malibu pulling quite a few buyers. But only time will tell.
  23. The head and tail lights are the only mysteries. We know the basic interior and powertrain info. From what I have read this car WILL be a hit.
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