Brandon Lutz
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Everything posted by Brandon Lutz
The S-Series blazers with the 2 door option continued all the way up until the end of the S-Series production. The boxy style of Blazer ended with the 93 model and with the introduction of the Second Gen.
I feel the same way. Why should my tax dollars go to pay for someone elses healthcare? We are already taxed to death, so this would increase the burden on us. Plus I dont want federally funded healthcare. It would go down the crapper in a hurry, as the government would start diverting funds here and there, and the system would ultimately be shortchanged. Less socialism is what we need in this country. Not more of it, the government already interferes too much in our day to day activities.
I like Jewel, Heather Nova, Michelle Branch, and the Wreckers. Really not ashamed of it, however most of my friends wouldnt listen to any of it. Course, mos to of my friend believe Metallica is the only band that exists so, I dont take much from their music assessments lol.
Ahh, that would be why I was unable to watch it lately lol.
The ALMS is the best road racing series here in the states IMHO. They put on an awesome show. It's too bad Speed never carries the races at a decent time, nor advertises when they will be on.
My biggest problem with printers isnt them jamming, but having output ques just stop magically every day. It gets real old going into Horizon and resetting a print session because one of my users jobs just dies in transit. AS-400 Stable my ass. Nothing but a P.O.S. It was cool in 85 but I-Series has no right to exist in todays world. Give me a proper server farm and printer pool setup on our back end processing side and I wouldnt have these problems.
I saw a yellow Goat today while going to a job errand. Beautiful car IMHO despite what others said. The design appeals to me.
When I was younger, my older sister tried to run away, well she hid in her friends attic all day to protest my mother punishing her all the time lol. Anyways, after this, one of my mothers nutball friends suggested that we go to counseling. Now mind you, I had nothing to do with any of this. All I know was that I was at school that day when she "Went Missing" and a week later my mother, my sister, and I were all in a counseling office. My often repeated question was: "How come I'm here? Because basically my days as a youth were happy ones and I was never compelled to run away or get into any kind of trouble. Yet somehow, some way, even though we were there because of my sister, the counseler decided to focus on me. To this day I have no idea why, other than he was a crackpot P.O.S. who got his jollies off on picking on young kids. Instead of working on the issue of why my sister was acting the way she was, he turned all his focus on me. Convinced my mother I was a bad child because I didnt answer his questions with the answers he wanted to hear. Before I knew it, my mother had given my sister all kind of privledges on the good "Doctor's" request and dumped all of her chores and now punishments on me. I had my allowance taken away, was forced to do all the chores Robin had to do along with my own, and basically I went from a happy kid who enjoyed life to a kid who struggled to convince his mother that this guy was a fraud and I was being focused on for no good reason other than he got a kick out of repercussions that were brought down upon me when I spoke out. To this very day I can see "Frank" smiling that little $h! eating grin when would go into the counseling office, knowing full well that he was making my life a living hell. It took me 2 years to convince my mother that there was nothing wrong with me and the person who was supposed to be counseled was Robin. She was the one that ran away, the one always in trouble, failing classes, getting suspended and etc. I was the one who studied hard and earned my keep. The best day however was when I finally had enough in a counsel session, I got up and let my voice be heard. All of my protests that had fell on deaf ears for so long were heard in a pretty loud voice. It was soon after when we were pulled out of counseling. About 6 months after it was all over with, Frank lost his license. Seems I was not the only child from a family that he chose to attack in this manner. So all in all, I depise counseling unless its over a real imporant issue such as actual abuse, severe depression, or something else of a nature that just cannot be solved with common sense. However, because of my experience, I have a distrust now of all counselors because of this. When people play with the mind, and use that skill to abuse others, they should be taken out back behind the whoodshed and given a proper butt whoopin. My opinion on counseling is much like 68's, its mostly bull$h!. After the Frank incident, mother still had the notion to drag me and Robin to another one. This guy was also ineffective. More concerned about scheduling several visits to make a ton of cash to only say the same thing each visit. So with 2 different counselors, I got two very different expriences. However both had the same end results: Waste of money, time, and total lack of anything constructive came out of the experiences. However, thats just my experiences, take it with a grain of salt.
Chevelle Stationwagon for the win!!! At least thats what I would look for
Name: Brandon J Lutz RWD driver?: Damn right Ride: 2003 Chevrolet S-10 Xtreme 5 spd with the V6 Project RWD car: 68 Camaro currently in storage Past vehicles: 91 S-10 5 spd, 76 F-150 Ranger with the 351 Cleveland.
As long as career politicians keep getting into political office.. The answer is a big, nasty, fat NO. It wont matter if its a Republican, Democrat, GWB, Al Gore, etc etc, as long as the stereotypical politician keeps breathing and living NOTHING will get done. Or at least nothing major, bits and pieces maybe to appease the base but nothing more.
I was thinking something similar, just couldnt figure out how to put in words like that. Wasn't a fan of Kirk when he came in and not a fan of his now.
I like Goodyear and BFGoodrich both brands have been good to me.
Z/28 for me. I want handling along with power
Road ATV's on public roads. However the roads are gravel around here, and basically its against state law as these are technically "public roads" but out here in the country no one cares and the Sherriff waves at you when you go by. Just as long as you keep your pace reasonable and dont act the fool you are going to be ok. Um Skipped school once years ago, 10th grade I think. Managed to get a 6 pack of Natural light then 3 large pizza's as me, my friends Seth and L.T. had ourselves a party. Then we got busted lol. Speeding when I was younger, however most of it was like only 5 to 6 over the limit. Course who doesnt do that? Racing down the "Bunkie Shortcut" an old, abandonded road in the middle of nowhere. Also jumping the "bump" near the end of the shortcut. If you hit it at 75mph you would ramp off of it and fly thru the air, about 3 feet off the ground. Jump the rail road tracks near my house on my Big Red 250 Fishing on my own property without a license. Course Im not going to spend big bucks on a license when I only fish every blue moon. Thats just wasting money. Plus its on my property in the middle of no where. LDWF can kiss my country arse.
I concur. After test driving a Colorado and getting back into my S-10, I decided to stay in my 03 S-10. Lack of torque, a worse interior IMHO than my S-10 kept me from buying a Colorado or Canyon. I'll take a ZR2 S-10 or ZR5 Crew Cab S-10 any day over the Colorado offerings. I also would choose a 4x4 2 door S-10 Blazer over the TB.
Because about 30 years ago, the government decided that Americans desired to pay less for food. And as the majority of Americans want to pay the least amount as possible for anything regardless of consequences we have subsidized farming in some areas. The price on the market for produce and other food from farming has not increased or gone up significantly in the last 30 years to offset the rising costs in farming. The same combine that cost only 50k ten years ago now costs 210K. The same type tractor that was 45k is now near 150K. Same goes for plows, planters, cultivators, etc. Fuel has gone up, checmicals are going up. The entire cost for everything has gone up. Because of this, subsidation has stayed put. But as long as we only want to pay such and such for a loaf of bread or a dozen eggs, or for 3 lbs of corn, subsidation will go away. I grew up on a farm, and I'm proud to say that my father has never applied for a check nor received a subsidy check. Many of the farmers here are the same way. However none of them are rich, and many are closing up shop to take jobs elsewhere because of mounting debts and increasing costs in farming. It's a dying business. The majority of farming across the nation is like this. I read the industry papers my father and grandfather get all the time, and farmers across the nation are going broke and closing up shop. The farmers in this country who get "Rich" off of their subsidy checks are dirty. Because if they would actually use the checks for what the government intended it for, they would be successfull, but hardly rich. There is one farmer in my area that does miss-use his check that he applied for and got, but he is shunned by everyone else. Its also no surprise that he is also trying to get into local politics lol. If it wasnt for my fathers small trucking fleet of 6 trucks and his dozer work he does on the side, he would've folded up loooong ago. This is basically why I never went into Farming. Sad that I ended a family tradition, but like to sleep at night, and not have to wonder if tomorrow if I will be presented with thousands of dollars of debt. There are biodiesel plants and ethanol plants now being built here in Louisiana. Many farmers are pushing for more to be built because it gives them an potential increased income and a way to end subsidation. Alternative fuels based off of crops is promising as helping cut prices. Will we ever be able to go 100 percent biofuel in this country? Of course not. Its not possible. There are to many variables and too many greedy politicians and corporations to enable this. However we can make a significant dent in our reliance off of imported oil. At least get us completely away from anything OPEC related. Of course we could also shove the enviromentalists to the side and finally tap our own oil reserves like we should've long ago. However, I have a feeling as soon as alternate energy really gets some steam and moving along in this country, rather it be bio fuels or hydrogen, or a magical chemical, all the magical regulations and stupid appeasements will be swept aside so big oil can drill in Anwar, the Keys, and off the coast of Cali so we are "less dependent on imported oil"
Being No. 1 no longer a top priority for GM
Brandon Lutz replied to andy82471's topic in General Motors
I think he is spot on with his assessment. #1 goal of a company being profitable should be the goal. Without profit, there is no room to grow, design, engineer, and produce new products. -
Make a station wagon version too, ala Magnum style. I always thought Chevelle Wagons looked cool
Somone shoot the exterior designers of this vehicle. I am utterly disappointed with this design and was hoping for much more for the silverado. At least tack on the Tahoe front end to add some respectable looks. Thumbs down from this bowtie enthusiast.
Very well worded. This is why I could never have a job like he does. I wear my emotions on my sleeve and I would've used a sharper tongue with my comments on the article lol.
I'm the exact opposite on the hand brake for an emergency brakes. I like my e brake on the floor and out of sight. I think hand brakes look nasty and tacky. Just my .02 cents
You're getting rid of the 68?
I dunno, that would make me feel pretty good
If you mix Dex Cool with the green stuff it will sludge up. Also, if excess air somehow gets into the cooling system, carrying with it dirt particles, this will also cause the Dexcool to sludge up. The best thing to do with a Dex Cool vehicle if you want to keep the Dex Cool in it clean is to keep a quart of Dex Cool mix in the overflow jug, and make sure the coolant level is always a the proper level. Never add just plain water to bring the level back up. Always pour in a 50/50 mixture. That is what my buddy Shane reccomends, and my 03 S-10 doesnt have any Dex Cool issues. I also flush my radiator ever 50 to 75k per his reccomendation.