Some people look for the dumbest things to gripe about. OnStar is GM's baby. Finding another way to make use of it is hardly GM being on the cheap. It's just getting more out of an already useful option. Years ago, I didn't understand OnStar, but since then I've seen the merits of it and it's really good in a variety of ways.
I agree, Nav screens look good and are popular...and GM should offer them (and does). I don't have Nav right now, but the reason I will have it for my wife's upcoming Enclave is more about it looking good rather than me "needing" an electronic mapsco.
The 1987 Buick Riviera I bought new had a similar size touch screen that controled everything in the car from the radio, a/c, trip computer, etc... It looked really good, much like the Nav screens of today. For me, that screen was more "useful" than a Navigation system is (and it didn't cost 2k).
There's no arguement that the price is HIGH....but the people that are moaning and groaning about GM being cheap because of this are the same peckerwoods that jab at GM every chance they the 100,000 mile warranty not covering enough stuff....forget the fact that it's 3 times better than it're just not satisfied. Yeah, that's reasonable....