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Everything posted by cletus8269

  1. check out what was at super chevy at Atlanta Dragway this past June. Not only is it a Z28, not only is it my favorite color for the 69 model year, its also a 2 owner original cross ram 302. the guy that owned it was kind enough to answer questions and go into detail about the motor. its all numbers matching, however there is a tremec 5 speed in the car at the moment with the factory muncie 4sp at home wrapped up tight. the motor was pulled and rebuilt, bore .30 over and the off-road Z28 cam installed. its now pushing 430hp out of that mighty mouse. the guy said its a driver too and it screams right on up to 140 in no time flat. said he puts between 500 and 1000 miles anually on it.
  2. Since both foreign and US cars are eligible, it has political support from the south, where foreign carmakers are based, and from the rustbelt, where US car manufacturing is based. um.... wouldnt "the north" have sufficed?
  3. The Obama administration’s oversubscribed “cash for clunkers” scheme looks likely to founder in the Senate this week as bipartisan opposition mounted on Monday to the $2bn extension passed last week in the House of Representatives. Republican senators described the scheme, in which car users can take up to $4,500 (€3,170, £2,710) in government vouchers to trade in their vehicles for more fuel efficient ones, as a “boondoggle” – or a waste of time and money – and all but threatened to filibuster the planned extension. This would almost certainly kill prospects of renewing the scheme before the Senate returns from recess in September. Republicans also pointed out that the administration had originally estimated the first $1bn in funding would last until November. Instead it is expected to run out in the next few days. “When the administration comes bearing estimates, it’s not a bad idea to look for a second opinion,” said Mitch McConnell, the Senate minority leader. “All the more so if they say they’re in a hurry.” Prospects for overcoming a Republican filibuster were also dealt a blow on Monday with objections from a number of leading Democrats. Dianne Feinstein, the senator from California, and Chuck Schumer, the New York senator, both want to raise the fuel efficiency standards of the subsidised vehicles, 250,000 of which have now been funded. Meanwhile, Jeff Bingaman, the senator from New Mexico, objected to the diversion of funds from the $6bn allocated to the Department of Energy under the $787bn stimulus programme in February. It is unclear whether the administration could find other sources of cash to extend “cash for clunkers”, or whether it could move ahead without congressional approval. Hopes for an extension were complicated by the limited time available before the Senate goes into recess at the end of the week. It is also set to vote on Sonia Sotomayor, Barack Obama’s nominee for the Supreme Court, on Tuesday or Wednesday. And Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader, who faces re-election next year, plans a vote on a tourism promotion bill for his home state of Nevada this week. Furthermore, if the $2bn extension did pass this week but contained even the slightest alteration to the House bill, the two versions would have to be reconciled and the lower chamber is already in summer recess. “My guess is that this is highly unlikely to move forward before the end of the week,” said a spokesman for a senior Democratic senator. However, most analysts believe the scheme’s longer-term prospects look much brighter even if it is forced into mothballs for a few weeks. Since both foreign and US cars are eligible, it has political support from the south, where foreign carmakers are based, and from the rustbelt, where US car manufacturing is based. In addition, it is evidently popular with the voters. “Most politicians wouldn’t want to stand between a speeding car and free cash,” says Kevin Book, an energy analyst in Washington. “For politicians it is ideal: an industrial policy with quick payout to the voters.” Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2009 http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/bede213a-8065-11...144feabdc0.html
  4. the last page is the meat of the article, yet reading some of the comments at the end you see how people still dont get the diabolical truth of sleeping with the big box companies... Walmart pays $11/hour plus benefits to full-time workers which seems very reasonable for the work. Plus they can save familes up to $2500 per year. We are in a global economy now and it isn't going away. Walmart seems like a great safety net to me. They keep families near the poverty line from going hungry while keeping their workers from falling below it. Not to mention the money it saves other consumers and raises for local governments. safety net? yeah... sure... I agree with the China trade thing. We shop at Cosco and is it any better. You can't buy a TV or cell phone that isn't made in China. I don't know the answer, but if we keep this up, we will all be out of a job. call zenith im sure they'll relate and tell you all about it. This article is interesting but I am not sure how factual it is. I am not sure if it is supposed to be a news article or an editorial. My own thoughts as I read through the piece is as follows. Wal-marts come and go - GM used to be THE dominant automaker in the world and now lives on government handouts and remember Kmart, etc, etc. As for low paying jobs, if you ever worked in retail you know they don't pay well any place. We travel a lot and if we are in an area that does not have a Walmart and we don't know the area, it is tough to find even the basics and requires a lot of gas just to gather up stuff you need. I am not a big fan of Walmart but boy, is it convenient. This country's economy was built on competitive commerce and industry and we will surely die by over-restrictive trade and business policies. this person has it figured out but they didnt draw it together to discover the answer.. Wal-Mart has taken the low end of retailing and revolutionized it. They are competitive in a global context. Jobs move overseas because the US is not competitive. Instead of whining about Wal-Mart, we need to study how they have become so competitive and follow their example. If we continue thinking that we do not need to compete with the rest of the world, there will be no jobs left in the US. And protectionism will not save us. We will just get further behind the rest of the world. uh... nevermind. Americans are unaware of the funneling of "Big Box" operations. A community that depends on small business people have a decided advantage in financial stability because up to 70% of the dollars spent with local businesses tend to funnel back into the community and expand at up to 400% by supporting other local businesses. Payrolls, local interdependence and expansion numbers, while individually small, add up to a collective prosperity with wider diversity and odds of sustained long-term growth. The eggs are NOT all in one basket. With large concentrated collectors of wealth (Big Box Nationals), the opposite effects are demonstrated. The payrolls remain essentially the same or even less community wide, but the redispersion of the aforementioned 70% literally disappears from the community's coffers. The reality is that the community not only becomes more impoverished because of the destruction of diversity, but their money is funneled OUT and LEAVES TOWN forever! A second, more insidious factor enters into a community selling its soul to the devil. The community's character and identity also leaves. It becomes identified with two or three major players who then become the controlling id of the towns. Any uniqueness that a community may have had is destroyed and lost. Not a few towns have experienced the loss of one of these giants, Because of shifting demographics, sinking economies or the loss of other driving financial factors, when the going gets tough, the Big Boxes leave town. That, perhaps, is the saddest of all. Whole towns are left with nothing. The aura of despair and loss is palpable. Who comes to the rescue when rescue is even possible? You guessed it, the small businessman. A large part of growing American weakness is due to the continual "bleeding" of the nation's local communities by the Big Box National money funnels. Towns, do yourselves a favor. Take slower, more measured and sustainable growth (or loss) and keep the devil at bay. Not only will your community be better off in the long run but so will your nation best post about it. whats your take?
  5. Each supercenter -- the only big box Wal-Mart builds these days -- means, on average, 300 retail jobs with a strong company. "It's the No. 1 reason" towns cite for approving construction of a Wal-Mart, said Al Norman, a critic who's been talking about Wal-Mart across the country for 17 years. "They tell me, 'Yeah, we have to bend zoning laws. Yeah, it's going to make neighbors unhappy. But it's creating jobs.' " And in the beginning, jobs do come, at least at ground zero. Immediately, there are the 50 to 100 construction jobs, which last maybe a year. Then there are the 300 new retail positions at Wal-Mart. There may well be hiring at businesses nearby that offer things Wal-Mart does not -- places like restaurants, gas stations, auto dealers and building-supply stores. read on after the jump here
  6. na, that isnt a misconception... cause if it werent for our greatest generation they'd be buying stuff with deutsche marks right now.(euros doesnt sound as cool cause they already do that) no offense pcs, historically im just sayin.
  7. the javelins were touched on earlier in the thread but here is a write up that HMM did on them http://www.hemmings.com/mus/stories/2007/1...n_feature7.html also how about an Oldsmobile patrol car? http://www.hemmings.com/mus/stories/2008/1...n_feature8.html and lastly, has anyone ever seen the long arm of the law in a stude lark? http://www.hemmings.com/mus/stories/2008/0...n_feature8.html i happen to think our state patrol has one of the nicest paint schemes there was almost a deal with BMW here in SC to get 3ers for patrol cars but plans fell through.
  8. they do. my grandparents went to ohio to amish country every year returning 28-32 mpg in their 97 bonne sse
  9. dumb and apparently suicidal, if this hits the 5.0 boards they'll hunt that person down
  10. i keep up with the collings foundations schedule a lot. they dropped by the big ole town of anderson about 4 yrs ago i guess. been waiting for a return ever since. we have had the snowbirds here back to back 2 years (more hopefully) running. the Collings foundation has been on the west coast a while, but it looks as though they are heading towards your way in august. http://www.collingsfoundation.org/cf_schedule-wof.htm
  11. freakin awesome show. they had the PB-Y Cats on there too as well as the F-104.
  12. this one to be exact! sorry i deleted that first post cause i wasnt happy with that crappy rear view.
  13. saturday on the way to work i saw a jeep.
  14. you know, as i sit here watching this cheesy mo-fo chuckling with his yard sale special microphone, what look to be knock off ray bans, his nappy comb-over hair style failing epically to cover the growing patch of bare scalp, with his yellowed looking teeth, i have to wonder. did his mother hug him enough as a child? did whilst casually riding down the sidewalk back in 1964 in his stroller mom and dad hand in hand, a beastly snarling 425 buick or GS shamelessly and threateningly catch first second and third gears at the intersection they were near. maybe in college someone in a nasty foreboding GN punked him out in a stoplight drag, causing his then fiance to leave him for said buick driver... who knows what grudge this confused man has, but one thing is sure, the buyers of his cars wont have to worry about crushing their hondas... they will rust away on their own, or in the case of the latest news i heard, kill their owners in the event of an accident by hurling metal shards though the occupants inside. nope, you cant get that in your fathers' buick, or even the ones that arent your fathers buick.
  15. the previous year he also bought corvette #003 for 1 million. they convinced him at the auction to bid 1,000,000 for it like he did for the 53. he was already the top bidder at $900,000 but he agreed. he actually paid $105,000 for the car, the rest was charity. he got to follow the car from start to finish at bowling green too. i hate the orange myself. my colorado is sunburst orange. seeing a truck like it at night and then in the day sold it for me. its great, except every single orange GM sells is different. touch up paint is an ordeal to come by because it may say sunburst orange metallic, but it will be the orange for the cobalt, or the hhr, or the vette, or avalanche. then they throw out inferno orange metallic and it becomes a $250 extra cost option which that shade ruins it really. more red than the orange.
  16. in the olds section to recall what 88 cutlasses look like i found these gems. some have ended others are still up. 66 toronado 71 olds vista cruiser 70 olds 98 4dr 71 cutlass sedan 72 vista cruiser my fav 73 h/o cutlass a local car intriguing enough to almost investigate. 73 olds toronado 3900 BIN 74 toronado air restraint system? 75 cutlass 1984 olds 442 1984 old 88 hearse 75 olds 88 drop top 76 olds CS man that is sharp sharp 78 cutlass original owner 77 442 modded 77 442 looks mean... just shouldnt be green by far the best 77 442 out of the bunch. dig that waterfall 78 olds toronado brouhagm immaculate 76 cutlass another super fine 84 442 that seller has some other hot stuff too. there may be double posts, i was in the middle of the post and it was time to leave work so bear with me
  17. normally im with you on less red tape and bs 68 but on this occasion as a healthcare professional i just get so sick and fed up with it because 90% they are the ones coming into the ER. just yesterday i had to xray a guy that installs the guardrails for SCDOT. he had his hazzard bar on the roof going and was easing down the road, a guy came around the curve and was going to pass him, the road worker started moving into the median where the truck was heading into and he saw him so he jerked back over into the lane and the guy did the same. blammo. and see the human cops around here are apathetic to it anyway, state will waste no time in getting your attention about it but the same intersection i was discussing earlier has a right turn only lane but it stays 4 lanes across the intersection. guy goes right across the intersection BESIDE the county mounty and he doesnt do a thing. meantime i have to slow up in order for dingleberry to merge, thus slowing up the people behind me. if people want to drive stupid, fine let them, at a cost. if driving records were involved id sing a different tune.
  18. i wish we had em around here. people run redlights in anderson like they are a second yellow light. jackholes... just wednesday night i was in the turning lane waiting for the light to change and this hoochie and her friend come zooming up to the intersection doing around 50... in a 35 they were a solid 25yrds away from the light when it turned yellow. we have 3 second delays on our intersections to allow most traffic to clear before the other side scrambles into the intersection. this is why i feel so many people run them here, cause they know they have 3 more secs in most cases to get through. anyway the light has turned green for me so that means she had all the time in the world to stop but she didnt... so i wasnt either. stomped it out into the intersection then hit the brakes missing her driver's door by just feet. she had the biggest OS face i have seen in a while. i could have been a jackass myself and gave her a 360 tour of the intersection but having just replaced the front bumper i declined to be so hospitable.
  19. there are actually 4 cars, the 3 other are hidden behind the caddy due to the shot angle. there is an s10 blazer on the other side of the car line. cant remember the other 2. will drive by and verify those on the way to work.
  20. the guy saying F that chevy at the end of the movie... its funny, musta learned that from his mamma cause she kept sayin that all night last night
  21. here at the KIA dealership.
  22. actually... no i didnt. on light of new information (from mr blu and the friendly sidebar there) i retract my previous statement, eh
  23. And thanks to a new federal 'Cash for Clunker' law, the 26-year-old from East Brunswick, New Jersey will soon be dumping the V-8 gas hog for a brand new Toyota Prius. That means switching up from trips of about 14 miles to the gallon to about 50 mpg. "I'm trading in power for practicality," says Ritter. i'm already questioning his manhood, but i'll be in good company, so will all the girls he knows and doesnt hehehe
  24. have no fear gentlemen, i bring thee great tidings of joy http://www.cheersandgears.com/index.php?sh...mp;#entry524787
  25. hmm lets see how'd that work out the last time they had those people pair up with another company...
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